I haven’t seen any bots (that I noticed) since beta of this game. Idk I have a hard enough time worrying about myself let alone the comings and going’s of others. But hey, that’s just me I guess.
VarenDarkHeart wrote: »I'm fairly sure the bots may have moved primarily to xbox and ps. Just guessing, but the some update ago feels super different farming nodes, going from node to node. coming back after a 2 year break, it's weird, it's like there is a buffer of some kind. Foil hat it seems, but my wife noticed it too once I mentioned it. Definitely weird that this change is so recent on pc. Maybe expect it to follow on console, maybe not. I do know after coming back after a 2 year break, It certainly hasn't gotten much better, and prices for items on PC (can't speak for console) prices for items on PC have pretty much doubled since 2 years ago, full stop across the board. I had the old data. Tempers - doubled, materials - doubled, weeds - doubled, some cases tripled.
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Trying to enjoy it... but can't because everytime I go somewhere to do something - it's plagued by bots. Which not only are taking the nodes/farm resources I'm after, but also causing the game to lag and crash since there are literally thousands of them on each server...
But hey... you go complain about the lag in another thread... without the foggiest clue that part of the reason are these bots...
Yet another handful of bots in Bleakrock that have been around for a week.... without any action taken by ZoS....
The one near the wayshrine hasn't been offline since the patch release... you can't tell me that's a human... human's tend to need something called "sleep". I know it's been on non-stop (even when I'm sleeping) because I shift sleep with my wife, and she's been checking on it.