High Vampiric Headdress & Thrafey Debutante Circlet Corrections!

Hello! I
Edited by TheBalance on February 27, 2022 3:10PM
  • TheBalance
    Hello! I am making this thread hoping someone from the ESO team will see my requests to fix these two crowns/circlets/ headdresses. The Thrafey Debutante Circlet I was really excited to get this month because I saw it datamined months ago and I have the Thrafey Debutante Gown and thought it would match perfectly! My characters skin typically dictates that hew jewelry and whatever crown she wears is silver and I did that intentionally to fit her aesthetic. I was very disappointed to see that the Thrafey Debutante Circlet remains that pale gold no matter what skin tone and you can't dye it so it doesn't match her dress now. I'm hoping this can be changed in the future as it was a big bummer. Whether it be altered for the metal to change via skintone or be able to dye it, either way is fine with me. If this can't be done I did look into other headdresses and found the High Vampiric Headdress to be very pretty AND it changed to silver as most other headdresses due to her skin tone. However it oddly hovers off her face? Which makes using various hairstyles difficult because it clips into them.


    I know its not up there on the list of important things to fix in ESO right now but I'd appreciate if one of my solutions came to fruition. I did pay for an appearance token to try to see if extending her forehead or any of the other settings might alleviate the floating issue.

  • TheBalance
    Oh I forgot to add that if there is any way to possibly make it so we can dye all of our crowns/circlets in the future that would be optimal. There are so many I want to use but don't like the color of the metal or the jewels. Considering we can dye some hats I don't see why a crown can't maybe take the place of the hat in the dyeing station?
  • TheBalance
    TheBalance wrote: »
    Oh I forgot to add that if there is any way to possibly make it so we can dye all of our crowns/circlets in the future that would be optimal. There are so many I want to use but don't like the color of the metal or the jewels. Considering we can dye some hats I don't see why a crown can't maybe take the place of the hat in the dyeing station?

    Ah I see you can wear hats with crowns too. Never really tried before so there goes my suggestion of replacement! But maybe added so you can dye the crown too? =)
  • ashadris
    Yes we should be able to dye circlets, crowns and all the headdresses really. Hope this request finds its way to ZOS!
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