Hello! I am currently a vr3 healer who doesnt have any friends playing (my guild with 60members started here but all quit because they hate the game) this game.
So I am forced to use the group finder tool for me to do dungeons, so far i am having a blast healing through each dungeons until I reached veteran dungeons.
It is insanely hard my party and I keeps on dying. We tried fungal grotto and spindleclutch we keep on wiping. My group are as follows
Vr1 nb, vr2 templar tank, vr1 sorc, vr3 healer sorc
Anyways we killed the first boss and ive observed that it drops vr5 items, so i was wondering do we have to be vr5 to make the dungeon doable with mediocre public grouping?
Please refrain from posting nonsense like my "learn to play noob my group finished it faster than you do and we are just vr1" or the likes.
Like ive said i have mediocre group because im only doing dungeon group finder and doesnt have a pre made group