Sorcerer's pets needs to be updated\changed

I think most ppl will agree with me that sorcerer's pets got some problems:

1) Winged Twilight. It's annoying because of it's large wings and long tail, always blocking the view.
2) Outdated models, low res textures, indistinguishable, looks like a mess.
3) Horrendous purple tint, too shiny

As for Winged Twilight...I see a simple solution - replace Winged Twilight with Fire\Coldharbour Atronach. I think it's not the worst solution because:
1) Atronachs design is much more impressive, especially Coldharbour
2) Atronachs model will not be able to annoy us by blocking our view
3) Diversity
4) Atronachs model don't need updates, less work for ZOS
Edited by Vindold on January 9, 2022 10:58PM

Sorcerer's pets needs to be updated\changed 76 votes

Agreed, pets should be updated
SolarikenDeathStalkerStxmareikeb16_ESOshannarab16_ESOXelyumGylzynNacarioolsborgMcHinaCKometXuhoraredspecter23SironayThorvargSleep724BeardimusJusey1SeraphayelChilly-McFreeze 52 votes
Agreed, Winged Twilight should be replaced with Atronach and other pet models should be updated
RaddlemanNumber7AglorinaVindoldkatorganot_without_coffeesharpshooter2342washbernArticDLuke_FlameswordelvigyLithiumFearSpiritKittenAureliaDevonax 14 votes
phaneub17_ESOadriant1978The_SaintNightlordArcon2825WildRaptorXStyxiusthe1andonlyskwexAmotticaPa3DoP 10 votes
  • SkaraMinoc
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    PvP healing with Twilight Matriarch is not a pleasant experience.
    • Line of sight breaks cause Twilight Matriarch heal to miss. This means tiny poles, corners, etc. will make your teammates not get healed. The worst part is the LUA API does not support line of sight so there's no way to know.
    • Twilight Matriarch dies way too fast in PvP. 2-3 global cooldowns from 1 player and your pet is dead. Interrupt the Matriarch summon and you have no heals for 4 seconds. Dead pet = dead team
    • No "Always Follow" command. When you resto heavy attack, the Twilight Matriarch runs off and attacks your target. In any given battleground, I'll use Pet Follow 20-30 times or more. It's bad.
    • No "Stay Here" command. Unable to tell pet to stand still to avoid getting killed by enemy groups.
    • Huge flapping wings make the Twilight Matriarch pet an easy target.
    I've played 500+ Deathmatch battlegrounds in the past 12 months so I have some authority on how bad it gets.
    PC NA
  • olsborg
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    I would absolutely love it if they redid/revamped much of the summoning skill line. It quite sucks that the only "good" class heal requires 2 slots and an active summon, I said good in " because its only good if its active. It dies way too easy in pvp.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • belial5221_ESO
    I think they should only allow one pet out at a time,maybe add some to other classes that have none.Some classes have zero pets(DK,templar,nb),necro has temp one,and warden only has one.
  • Stx
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    They need to update a lot of things.

    1) Sorcerer pets
    2) Warden Bear
    3) Werewolf form

    They should also add more summons to the game from traditional ES games. Flame atro, frost atro, hunger, golden saint, ogrim. There are tons of options.
  • Kwoung
    Well, the only update I would care about, is they all become smaller, much much smaller... and less flappy, as that gives me an instant headache... which happens at wayshrines, crafting tables, banks, etc... all the time.
  • EF321
    I think they should only allow one pet out at a time,maybe add some to other classes that have none.Some classes have zero pets(DK,templar,nb),necro has temp one,and warden only has one.

    For info, NB has a pet (shade) and warden's netch is a pet too. They have pet marker and count as pets for all pet bonus set purposes.
    Edited by EF321 on January 11, 2022 8:00AM
  • Vindold
    Agreed, Winged Twilight should be replaced with Atronach and other pet models should be updated
    Stx wrote: »
    They need to update a lot of things.
    They should also add more summons to the game from traditional ES games. Flame atro, frost atro, hunger, golden saint, ogrim. There are tons of options.

    Sadly, it won't happen...the only possible option is to replace our existing pet with some other pet. Though I prefer to have many summoning options like in TES games or pet skins but something telling me that they will cost a fortune.

  • adriant1978
    Nothing wrong with the current pets, so they shouldn't be removed, but more choice of pets would be great to have.
  • katorga
    Agreed, Winged Twilight should be replaced with Atronach and other pet models should be updated
    At minimum the matriarch needs to be reduced in size to something about the size of a flying non-combat pet.

  • BXR_Lonestar
    I don't think there is anything wrong with the current pets, other than I think they need to go back to scaling pet max damage based on max magika again. They changed damage scaling to be based more on a hybrid of stats now and since then, my pet sorc has not felt nearly as strong. He still melts things right now due to the current build, but its just not the same.
  • not_without_coffee
    Agreed, Winged Twilight should be replaced with Atronach and other pet models should be updated
    Please make them smaller and less flappy. I get motion sick from this. So I started avoiding social hubs ingame.
  • Lugaldu
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    I would like to see the sorcerer´s pets in their natural colors.

  • Madarc
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    When I tank in a random group and encounter 2x Matriarch, often combined with the Daedroth Mosterset, I meanwhile leave such groups without comment. Because I don't want any more discussions or explanations why such combinations make a successful tanking or group success unnecessarily difficult.
    Ein Beispiel für Menschlichkeit im Alltag ist der Appell “Sei ein Mensch” von Marcel Reif, einem Holocaust-Überlebenden. Er erinnert uns daran, dass wir unsere Bedürfnisse und Wünsche anderen respektieren und uns für andere einsetzen sollten.
  • Thorvarg
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    Since at least 5 years i beg ZENIMAX to do something, opened at least 10 Threads (most in the German Forum) and founded the 2nd N.O.M.A.A.M. Organisation (National Organisation of Members against annoying Matriarchs).
    Nothing happened, except that the threads were closed by forum moderators. :/
  • SpiritKitten
    Agreed, Winged Twilight should be replaced with Atronach and other pet models should be updated
    Thorvarg wrote: »
    Since at least 5 years i beg ZENIMAX to do something, opened at least 10 Threads (most in the German Forum) and founded the 2nd N.O.M.A.A.M. Organisation (National Organisation of Members against annoying Matriarchs).
    Nothing happened, except that the threads were closed by forum moderators. :/

    I have logged out because of sick of matriarchs, so I feel you.
  • Nightlord
    I wouldn't mind a change in Twilight morphs, like say....Twilight Tormentor was a Grievous Twilight. It can still fight ranged, but be on the ground.

    What I'd really like is for Storm Atronach to be something different. I mean, we got a Twilight, and Clanfear or Scamp, the Storm Atronach to me doesn't really fit the group. Give me a Daedric Spider or a Harvester, but keep the ability the same, just give me some different model choices. Like that warden bear skin.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Sorc pets should be invisible in cities and all classes need visual options for their pets.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Lugaldu wrote: »
    I would like to see the sorcerer´s pets in their natural colors.


    I would like to at least see the Deadlands skin be available for Clannfear. If they want to go crazy there’s a lot of overlap with the Verminous Fabricant too, and different Scamp variations exist in-game.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
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  • Jusey1
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    Stx wrote: »
    They should also add more summons to the game from traditional ES games.

    Dremora Lords man. Some of my favorite dialogue in Oblivion and Skyrim has been from my summoned Dremora Lords... Those guys are just so bloodthirsty and nasty, I love it. Honestly, the Dremora Lord should be a companion...
  • Gylzyn
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    I would like more choices for sorcerer pets. I would like the size of the Winged Twilight reduced. A skin to change the appearance would be nice -a reward from something?
  • Vindold
    Agreed, Winged Twilight should be replaced with Atronach and other pet models should be updated
    Gylzyn wrote: »
    I would like more choices for sorcerer pets. I would like the size of the Winged Twilight reduced. A skin to change the appearance would be nice -a reward from something?

    Would be great to have it as a reward ofc, but I doubt that such feature will be free + if we want different type of creatures as skins, then skin should change their spells as well which could be a problem.
  • Larcomar
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    Not sure I go with atronach, but that's just me. Others might like. Can't off the top of my head say what Id pick given a choice tho.

    The general point is a good one though. Even back in everquest I got a choice of four pets as a mage; they weren't mega different but they did diff things, looked a bit different. In wow, I got to tame my own pet as a hunter and - if Im remembering correctly - could pick whatever I wanted. It was like a little mini game and a pretty good one.

    Which leads me to a wider observation. Pets in ESO feel like a bit of an afterthought. It's not just cosmetic. In other games, controlling your pet was a big part of playing a pet class. In ESO it's just a... dot that follows me around. Sometimes it despawns randomly and it takes me a while to notice. They're just.... not very interesting.

    That's though maybe asking for more than is reasonable; and ofc not what the OP was asking. So yeah, + on at least more cosmetic options.

  • ellmarie
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    I agree with the wings and would like to see textures updated. I just wish I could turn them off easier than removing it from my skill bar, when I'm in cities doing my writs or scrying.
    Xbox X- NA
  • Mesite
    Agreed, pets should be updated
    Maybe some new types of summoned pets would make a difference. Maybe different sorcerers could summon race specific pets. Argonians could summon reptiles, khajiits could summon furry animals and bosmers could summon big stripey badgers or something.
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