Upgrading to Blackwood Collection CE

Soul Shriven
I am looking to get the Blackwood Collection CE edition versus just the Blackwood upgrade as I have missed a few expansions. Is getting the full Blackwood Collection CE going to work on an existing account?
Edited by ZOS_Bill on January 6, 2022 11:55PM
  • Blinx
    don't get the Blackwood CE Upgrade if you want the previous chapters(Greymoor, Els, Summerset), you need to get the one that says "The Elder Scrolls Collection: Blackwood CE $26.39

    Yes, it will work with existing account
    Edited by Blinx on December 31, 2021 8:40AM
  • Chips_Ahoy
    I suggest you ask support before doing that, because unless something has changed, when I bought my copy of Blackwood CE I could not activate it in my main account.

    I ended up with two accounts.
  • belial5221_ESO
    If you buy full Blackwood,or Blackwood CE with previous chapters they will work,but you gotta buy it on the account you want to upgrade.It's how I did it it,and worked fine.Just do not buy it with diff email,or you stuck with a 2nd account.
  • sdunn-gamesb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Since my game is through the ESO store, I just bought it on the website, and it worked without issues. Thanks!
  • ZOS_Bill
    We appreciate that you've updated the thread to let us know you upgraded to the Blackwood Collectors Edition. Since the OP has resolved their issue, this thread will now be closed.
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