Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Health recovery

Why when I enter pvp my health recovery goes from 1200 to 277?

Best Answer

  • malistorr
    Yes everyone notices the bad recovery in Cyrodiil. Just keep in mind that it applies to everyone. My guess is that the powers that be just don't want too much passive healing (in the form of high health recovery) and want more skill to be involved for players to stay alive. So the focus is on using either damage mitigation and/or active healing abilities (usually on the back bar) to stay alive. Players who can bar swap quickly and actively weave healing into their rotations will beat the players who can't. I'm not that great at it since on the Xbox my bar swap button is the left-side D-pad and there aren't options to customize the controls. I just can't press that button quickly enough to stay alive long and it seems like half the time I press the left d-pad the bar doesn't swap anyway. I'm not sure if that's due to lag and server performance or some bugs in the game. There are just a few alternatives for keys and none of them place the bar-swap button in a convenient place. This is probably my least favorite thing about playing on Xbox vs. PC.
    Answer ✓
  • Jierdanit
    Why when I enter pvp my health recovery goes from 1200 to 277?

    Battle Spirit reduces HP regen by 50%, so that would reduce it to 600 already.
    The other ~300 could come from CP, if you joined the nonCP campaign or BGs.
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • Vevvev
    Battle Spirit + Vampire means you essentially don't have health recovery. At stage 3 in Cyrodiil you lose around 80% of your HP recovery for example.

    Reason for the recovery nerf was the high HP recovery tank meta a while back. It ignored Battle Spirit's healing reduction and thus ended up with the right CP and sets being incredibly OP. Was also around the time sets like Crimson Twilight were making a mess of things.
    Edited by Vevvev on January 4, 2022 5:34PM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Urzigurumash
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Battle Spirit + Vampire means you essentially don't have health recovery. At stage 3 in Cyrodiil you lose around 80% of your HP recovery for example.

    Reason for the recovery nerf was the high HP recovery tank meta a while back. It ignored Battle Spirit's healing reduction and thus ended up with the right CP and sets being incredibly OP. Was also around the time sets like Crimson Twilight were making a mess of things.

    Also the buff to Fortitude, and perhaps more importantly - Sugar Skulls, and to a lesser extent Takeaway Broth and Clockwork Citrus. When the only foods with Max Mag/Stam and HP Regen were Frosted Brains and Bergama Warning Fire nobody much cared about it - even though we could hit 12k HP Regen long before any of those 3 foods were introduced, a sum which was hardly ever exceeded even after the buff to Fortitude. But, prior to those foods and the buff to Fortitude, appreciable HP Regen was had only by devoting sets to it. To me this ability to achieve 2k or more HP Regen without any set devotion is what principally motivated the application of Battlespirit to HP Regen, despite how obnoxiously inviolable Alessian WWs were in the immediately preceding patches.

    Of course, as we all agree, it only makes sense that in order for HP Regen to be balanced against Healing in both PvE and PvP they must be subject to the same diminution.

    I think both Orgnum's and Troll King deserve some attention to restore their former glory in PvP, through whatever means. Their longtime rivals Pariah and Bloodspawn remain among meta sets in PvP.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Cleveland521
    I’m not a vampire, just a Breton tank. Massive health recovery in pve. 277 recovery in pvp running sugar skulls
  • BXR_Lonestar
    Health recovery used to NOT be impacted by battle spirit, but a few patches ago, battle spirit was changed to also apply to health recovery. It's a shame, because I had been running a no-proc build that I actually liked a lot that was giving me around 4k+ health recovery with a ton of resistances, and I really enjoyed that build, but it is no longer viable in Cyro.
  • malistorr
    Welcome to the wonderful world that is ESO PVP. Where every time you get a build you like that works well the rules of the game get changed so that you're forced to go farm for more mats and gear and change everything or become obsolete. I think I spend more time farming and harvesting than I do actually playing the game. It's really affecting the fun I can have playing this game.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    malistorr wrote: »
    Welcome to the wonderful world that is ESO PVP. Where every time you get a build you like that works well the rules of the game get changed so that you're forced to go farm for more mats and gear and change everything or become obsolete. I think I spend more time farming and harvesting than I do actually playing the game. It's really affecting the fun I can have playing this game.

    This is why I tend to not maintain ALL my characters with up-to-date builds. I have 11 characters, but I mainly focus on my endgame PVE characters, and maybe a couple of characters I use in PVP. It keeps it fresh to be able to say "okay, this one needs work, but I'm going to put it to the side for now and work on X character instead"
  • etchedpixels
    Health recovery used to NOT be impacted by battle spirit, but a few patches ago, battle spirit was changed to also apply to health recovery. It's a shame, because I had been running a no-proc build that I actually liked a lot that was giving me around 4k+ health recovery with a ton of resistances, and I really enjoyed that build, but it is no longer viable in Cyro.

    Those builds also made the game somewhat tedious. I used to run Cyrodiil quests on my PvE tank with stupid high resistances healing and damage shields. Now and then some annoying sorc would come and try to kill me, spend 5 minutes watching me outheal them and wander off. That's fun, and entertaining when they start messaging you but doesn't make for a good Cyrodiil experience when you have teams of 12 unkillable people in a big fight all slapping each other for zero damage.
    Edited by etchedpixels on January 7, 2022 2:35AM
    Too many toons not enough time
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