Can someone help me have more dps?

I'm using a stam sorcerer cp 1000 ,my abilities and order are current alcast build ones.

I need the dps mostly for dungeons... I just hate not being able to kill the minotaur boss from falkreath hold sooner... I really need it for the no death run :(
But i accept trial advice too.

I'm running relequeen + vma bow + briarheart + stormfist.

Should i get kilt ? maybe use vma two handed maul i got? what's a better set than briarheart?

please help, sorry if i'm bothering

I own all expansions
DLC owned - imperial city , thieves guild , horns of the reach
Edited by francesinhalover on December 7, 2021 12:19AM
I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • thorwyn
    Kilt, proper gear, , Mundus, buf food, correct skill choices and CP are one part of the puzzle. However the biggest part is practicing your rotation. A lack of DPS is usually a sign that you are either hitting your rotation too quickly, thereby missing LAs and/or skills, or that you are overcasting a lot (refreshing timed abilities before they ran out). So my best advice would be:

    1. Check out some videos on StamSorc builds. Alcast is a decent starting point, but you might want to have some extra explanation on why certain skills are being used over other ones and what that implies. Even if the videos are a little outdated, it doesn't really matter, you want the general idea. For example Skinny Cheeks guide is 1 year old, but I guess most of it is still valid (except for the set choices I guess, which are certainly outdated by now, but probably still playable outside trial groups).

    2. If you are on PC, get Combat Metronome, Light Attacke Helper and Combat Metrics and start practicing your rotation. Start with sequences of 20 LA/spammables and make sure you are not missing any LA or skill AND you do not drop below 0,85 LA/s. Finding the right rhythm is the key.
    Edited by thorwyn on December 7, 2021 4:32AM
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • Narvuntien
    It's the light attack weaving that will increase your dps the most.

    Ability, light attack, ability, obviously this helps with Relequin as well it sort of trains you a bit to do that.
  • fizl101
    How are you at keeping up the full 10 stacks on relequens? I'm not the best at it especially if I have to move in a fight (alright against sunspire dragons, not so good against zmaja). I only wear it in relatively static fights.

    I'm not an uber rotation person, but can hit a smidge under 85k wearing aegis caller, advancing yokeda and stormfist. Briarheart is good for situations where you need a bit of self preservation (I wear it in VMA). I avoid kinras for the same reason as relequens. There may be better sets for a stamsorc (I stamplar main). Maybe look at Tzogvins or Leviathan see if they would work out for you
    Soupy twist
  • ke.sardenb14_ESO
    Without knowing how well you are weaving or how high your DPS is specifically, I'd recommend you first look at what your penetration is values are, and try to get them around 5-8k without major or minor breech factored in. That will passively boost your damage a fair amount, if you are at pen cap(18k) with breech being considered. That is when I may consider your gear.
    I would changing briarheart if you feel like you don't need the extra heal to something like pillar of nirn, kinras, or berserking warrior. But not every group has a real healer, and if you feel need it I'd keep, although you could probably get away with a stronger frontbar if you switch your spammable to blood thirst, or drop the backbar bound armaments for vigor.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    SO it sounds like you have some decent gear for DPS, so getting more DPS is going to be more of a L2P issue.

    First off, generally, a DPS character cannot be competitive at a high level with a low crit chance and low crit damage multiplier. While they've done some things to cap the overall strength of crit builds, they're still the way to go, so you want to aim for over 50% crit chance (and somewhere between 50-60% crit chance represents the "sweet spot" for most builds).

    Secondly, assuming you meet the above parameters (high crit chance + crit multiplier), then doing good DPS is really more a matter of maintaining good up times on your Damage over Time/AoE damage over time abilities while weaving light attacks, and when all of them are up, hitting a spammable between each light attack before resetting your DoTs/AoE's. If you do this decently well, you should be able to hit around 50k DPS with no issues. With practice, you'll be able to hit in the 70k' range with the exact same gear.

    Adding kilt would help on a dummy, but tbh, kilt is really not good for solo players and is only really good in encounters where the tank can hold boss agro and prevent the DPS from even getting hit. It has its uses, but its niche, and your just going to have to have some experience using it before you get a feel for which encounters you can maintain good uptime on its bonuses.

    Lastly, sustain is also a good part of doing good DPS. If your constantly running out of resources and you are doing heavy attacks often to get your resources back, your losing DPS. But to maximize DPS, you also need to maximize your damage stat (theres no longer weapon/spell damage anymore). This will erode your sustain, so not running out of resources is going to require you to be more efficient with the resources you do have - meaning you don't want to constantly cast abilities that aren't going to increase your damage - i.e., resetting your AoE/DoT's too early.

    I hope this general advice helps you improve, as it sounds like your in a place where you just need to refine your playstyle to get more out of your build.
  • francesinhalover
    Without knowing how well you are weaving or how high your DPS is specifically, I'd recommend you first look at what your penetration is values are, and try to get them around 5-8k without major or minor breech factored in. That will passively boost your damage a fair amount, if you are at pen cap(18k) with breech being considered. That is when I may consider your gear.
    I would changing briarheart if you feel like you don't need the extra heal to something like pillar of nirn, kinras, or berserking warrior. But not every group has a real healer, and if you feel need it I'd keep, although you could probably get away with a stronger frontbar if you switch your spammable to blood thirst, or drop the backbar bound armaments for vigor.

    remove bound armaments for vigor why?
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • Vevvev
    Without knowing how well you are weaving or how high your DPS is specifically, I'd recommend you first look at what your penetration is values are, and try to get them around 5-8k without major or minor breech factored in. That will passively boost your damage a fair amount, if you are at pen cap(18k) with breech being considered. That is when I may consider your gear.
    I would changing briarheart if you feel like you don't need the extra heal to something like pillar of nirn, kinras, or berserking warrior. But not every group has a real healer, and if you feel need it I'd keep, although you could probably get away with a stronger frontbar if you switch your spammable to blood thirst, or drop the backbar bound armaments for vigor.

    remove bound armaments for vigor why?

    Reading their post they recommended it under the assumption you don't get reliable healing from the healer. Either put a spammable that heals or vigor to help in that situation.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Very hard to advise with very little to go on. Your build and gear are fine. Could you probably do better than Briarheart, maybe by a few percent, but it is almost certainly not the issue. Kilt is also not going to be a massive difference for you. Sure, it is nice in trials, but you don't need the kilt to nuke 4 man content.

    Damage in this game comes down to rotation. I could hand you the best gear in the game, and it would barely move the needle on your damage, because your gear is just fine.

    Yes weaving is important to maximizing DPS, but even more important is good uptime on your skills. Copying a build is about 10% of the battle. As suggested, you need to understand how these skills work together, and how to best manage them to ensure high uptimes.

    There is no substitute for beating on a target dummy, and frankly, anyone who says different almost certainly has lousy DPS. I suggest watching some stam sorc parses, get a feel for the rotation, and spend some time working through the rotation yourself. See where you are in a week, and come back with some details. Much easier to help make adjustments.

    I also suggest getting a handle on the difference between single target, AOE, and burst rotations for your build. As important as they are to practice, Single Target Dummy Parses are just the tip of the iceberg. Get a feel for what skills are good for AOE and single target. What skills are upfront damage vs Damage over time. A single target spammable doesnt make sense with 20 mobs on the screen. A 14 second DOT is probably not worth the cast if the enemy is going to be dead in 4-5 seconds, etc.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on December 7, 2021 8:44PM
  • francesinhalover
    Very hard to advise with very little to go on. Your build and gear are fine. Could you probably do better than Briarheart, maybe by a few percent, but it is almost certainly not the issue. Kilt is also not going to be a massive difference for you. Sure, it is nice in trials, but you don't need the kilt to nuke 4 man content.

    Damage in this game comes down to rotation. I could hand you the best gear in the game, and it would barely move the needle on your damage, because your gear is just fine.

    Yes weaving is important to maximizing DPS, but even more important is good uptime on your skills. Copying a build is about 10% of the battle. As suggested, you need to understand how these skills work together, and how to best manage them to ensure high uptimes.

    There is no substitute for beating on a target dummy, and frankly, anyone who says different almost certainly has lousy DPS. I suggest watching some stam sorc parses, get a feel for the rotation, and spend some time working through the rotation yourself. See where you are in a week, and come back with some details. Much easier to help make adjustments.

    I also suggest getting a handle on the difference between single target, AOE, and burst rotations for your build. As important as they are to practice, Single Target Dummy Parses are just the tip of the iceberg. Get a feel for what skills are good for AOE and single target. What skills are upfront damage vs Damage over time. A single target spammable doesnt make sense with 20 mobs on the screen. A 14 second DOT is probably not worth the cast if the enemy is going to be dead in 4-5 seconds, etc.

    I usually do armaments prebuff and i forget a lot deadly cloak

    Barbed lw hurricans lw endless swap to cancel ani.
    Lw blade cloak lw crystal wep lw blade and swap bars when i see endless hail at 2secs.

    I usually do lw crystal x3 lw bound armaments proc , but i might fail under pressure and do crystal x4 than lw armaments

    My issue also is idk when to use heavy attacks i try to save them for the spammable part.

    I did a post asking about dw/dw i hope you get to see it and give some feedback :)

    Has for the rotation... Do i need to cancel skills with block?
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • Vevvev
    Has for the rotation... Do i need to cancel skills with block?

    That will only make the ability land sooner, not make the abilities be cast faster as they're limited to 1 second between each one due to the global cooldown. Weaving a light attack in-between (or before which is what I do) each ability cast is good practice in ESO. I know some people with stamina to spare will also bind bash to a key or a mouse button and do a light attack, bash, and ability all in 1 GCD.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • francesinhalover
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Has for the rotation... Do i need to cancel skills with block?

    That will only make the ability land sooner, not make the abilities be cast faster as they're limited to 1 second between each one due to the global cooldown. Weaving a light attack in-between (or before which is what I do) each ability cast is good practice in ESO. I know some people with stamina to spare will also bind bash to a key or a mouse button and do a light attack, bash, and ability all in 1 GCD.

    Bash to cancel la or do more dmg?
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • Vevvev
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Has for the rotation... Do i need to cancel skills with block?

    That will only make the ability land sooner, not make the abilities be cast faster as they're limited to 1 second between each one due to the global cooldown. Weaving a light attack in-between (or before which is what I do) each ability cast is good practice in ESO. I know some people with stamina to spare will also bind bash to a key or a mouse button and do a light attack, bash, and ability all in 1 GCD.

    Bash to cancel la or do more dmg?

    More damage. It does cancel animations but that's not the point of it as you're trying to cram more damage into a tighter spot. Bash attacks traditionally don't do a lot of damage outside dedicated builds, and learning to bash weave is a pain with not as much gain as light attack weaving. Also it costs resources, but I'm just highlighting that it's there.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Very hard to advise with very little to go on. Your build and gear are fine. Could you probably do better than Briarheart, maybe by a few percent, but it is almost certainly not the issue. Kilt is also not going to be a massive difference for you. Sure, it is nice in trials, but you don't need the kilt to nuke 4 man content.

    Damage in this game comes down to rotation. I could hand you the best gear in the game, and it would barely move the needle on your damage, because your gear is just fine.

    Yes weaving is important to maximizing DPS, but even more important is good uptime on your skills. Copying a build is about 10% of the battle. As suggested, you need to understand how these skills work together, and how to best manage them to ensure high uptimes.

    There is no substitute for beating on a target dummy, and frankly, anyone who says different almost certainly has lousy DPS. I suggest watching some stam sorc parses, get a feel for the rotation, and spend some time working through the rotation yourself. See where you are in a week, and come back with some details. Much easier to help make adjustments.

    I also suggest getting a handle on the difference between single target, AOE, and burst rotations for your build. As important as they are to practice, Single Target Dummy Parses are just the tip of the iceberg. Get a feel for what skills are good for AOE and single target. What skills are upfront damage vs Damage over time. A single target spammable doesnt make sense with 20 mobs on the screen. A 14 second DOT is probably not worth the cast if the enemy is going to be dead in 4-5 seconds, etc.

    I usually do armaments prebuff and i forget a lot deadly cloak

    Barbed lw hurricans lw endless swap to cancel ani.
    Lw blade cloak lw crystal wep lw blade and swap bars when i see endless hail at 2secs.

    I usually do lw crystal x3 lw bound armaments proc , but i might fail under pressure and do crystal x4 than lw armaments

    My issue also is idk when to use heavy attacks i try to save them for the spammable part.

    I did a post asking about dw/dw i hope you get to see it and give some feedback :)

    Has for the rotation... Do i need to cancel skills with block?

    I dont think there are any major holes in what I am seeing. Any time you do a fixed or static rotation like you are describing, you leave damage on the table. The best DPS manage their DOTs and Buffs dynamically, cast whatever is just off cooldown, and when there is nothing to cast, they use a spammable. What you often find is that 2-3 skills line up well, and some others maybe not so much.

    Block canceling doesn't improve DPS. People used to think it did, but it does not. Only reason to block is if you are about to take damage.

    In terms of heavy attacks when trying to maximize DPS, the best answer is never. The more practical answer is only when your stam is at or below the cost of break free. I do tend to heavy attack a bit sooner on stam than magic. Magic you can almost bleed to zero, but on a stamina toon, you really always want a break free or dodge roll in your back pocket. For pure DPS, HAs are used for sustain not damage. Since you are using a spammable, no reason to HA if you dont have to.

    Stam sorc and bound armaments' is a mini game very similar to Nightblade and relentless focus. You need to maximize the number of times you get the extra proc to go off based on your LA weave. It should basically be every 4th or 5th skill in your rotation. Technically it can be done every 4th if you weave the proc. That is not a night and day difference.

    I dont love Crystal Weapon as a spammable. Yes I think it is the most DPS on paper, but like elemental weapon from the psijic line, it requires a perfect weave to use. If you miss a weave, you basically waste a cast. If you struggle with that, you could be leaving damage on the table. I much prefer something like Hidden Blade or Rapid Strikes from the DW line, but that is preference.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Has for the rotation... Do i need to cancel skills with block?

    That will only make the ability land sooner, not make the abilities be cast faster as they're limited to 1 second between each one due to the global cooldown. Weaving a light attack in-between (or before which is what I do) each ability cast is good practice in ESO. I know some people with stamina to spare will also bind bash to a key or a mouse button and do a light attack, bash, and ability all in 1 GCD.

    Bash to cancel la or do more dmg?

    More damage. It does cancel animations but that's not the point of it as you're trying to cram more damage into a tighter spot. Bash attacks traditionally don't do a lot of damage outside dedicated builds, and learning to bash weave is a pain with not as much gain as light attack weaving. Also it costs resources, but I'm just highlighting that it's there.

    This^. Basically a skill cant be cast faster than 1 per second. But in that same window, you can technically cast a LA, a Skill, and a Bash, if you are on top of it. I strongly advise against Bash canceling unless you are at the bleeding edge of DPS. You dont need to Bash Cancel to break 100k on a dummy.

    Practically speaking, most people end up losing pace on their rotation when they try to bash cancel. Instead of LA>Skill every 1 second, they end up doing LA>Skill>Bash like every 1.2 seconds, as an example. They end up doing less DPS, because most of the damage is coming from the skill.

    The other issue is that your will drain your stamina faster. If bash canceling requires you to start HA more frequently, its almost certainly a damage loss. The best players that bash cancel, dont do it every skill, they do it when they have certain levels of stamina, and usually just on their spam skill. It's one more mini game to play. Only time I ever bash cancel is when I am dummy humping and trying to squeeze out another 1-2k to make it over a certain threshold, or I am in execute on a boss that aint moving and aint going to make me dodge roll or break free before it dies.

    TLDR: Bash Canceling is more trouble than its worth for 99.99% of players.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on December 8, 2021 11:04PM
  • ke.sardenb14_ESO
    Without knowing how well you are weaving or how high your DPS is specifically, I'd recommend you first look at what your penetration is values are, and try to get them around 5-8k without major or minor breech factored in. That will passively boost your damage a fair amount, if you are at pen cap(18k) with breech being considered. That is when I may consider your gear.
    I would changing briarheart if you feel like you don't need the extra heal to something like pillar of nirn, kinras, or berserking warrior. But not every group has a real healer, and if you feel need it I'd keep, although you could probably get away with a stronger frontbar if you switch your spammable to blood thirst, or drop the backbar bound armaments for vigor.

    remove bound armaments for vigor why?

    I recommend only having bound armaments on one bar, you can still build it up on the bar it is on, and the blades will not disappear on bar swap. This is to give the a strong heal, so that you can possibly step away from briarheart if you find you need healing because it will give you a stronger more reliable heal.
  • francesinhalover
    Without knowing how well you are weaving or how high your DPS is specifically, I'd recommend you first look at what your penetration is values are, and try to get them around 5-8k without major or minor breech factored in. That will passively boost your damage a fair amount, if you are at pen cap(18k) with breech being considered. That is when I may consider your gear.
    I would changing briarheart if you feel like you don't need the extra heal to something like pillar of nirn, kinras, or berserking warrior. But not every group has a real healer, and if you feel need it I'd keep, although you could probably get away with a stronger frontbar if you switch your spammable to blood thirst, or drop the backbar bound armaments for vigor.

    remove bound armaments for vigor why?

    I recommend only having bound armaments on one bar, you can still build it up on the bar it is on, and the blades will not disappear on bar swap. This is to give the a strong heal, so that you can possibly step away from briarheart if you find you need healing because it will give you a stronger more reliable heal.

    Hi , im using advancing yokeda now but have a hard time dealing with those 5 seconds
    What spammable should i use , is there a good substitute for bound arm on the backbar?
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
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