Ultimates in general fail to fire when the server acts up, happens in Cyro all the time too.
No, this is not it. It's a bug with dk gap closers. The debuff for gap closers is applied in the starting platform and is not removed when you drop from the platform. It's gotten to the point where I have to check leap every bg after I drop from the platform to see if it's working. If it's not working, the range on the skill won't be in the tool tip. It's extremely frustrating and it happens a lot. Like half the time. It's an actual, verifiable, bug that Zos is burying their head in the sand over.
There is a generall issue with gaplclosers on DK that includes gapclosers from weapon skill lines (stampede or crit charge, one handed skill line, etc..)...
This issue is well known for years and have never been solved...
I have tested it severall (houndreds) times and did not find any relevant explanation. Many people tought it was CP issue (no it is not), then DK passives (no it is not) and many other reasons that have been proven to be wrong...
It is random and you have to live with that...
For example I run two type of pvp build on my magDK character, one is using gapclosers and leap ulti and the second is not... When "IT" happens I just switch build (gear and skills) with one button using addon and continue to play. This partialy solved the issue for me
Ya was Not working last night. Nothing more anoying [snip] than goin in for that critical life saving leap and nothing happens. Any other classes have the same problem with there ultimate?
Any eta on a fix or is it gonna be like Ic and never be fixed.
It's better to take in a different ultimate than Leap till they fix the gap closer bug. What's happening is the range of the gap closer is magically set to 0 meters making it impossible to cast. I personally replace it with Dawnbreaker or Meteor with DB being the same cost and Meteor being a good combo when paired with Fossilize.