Bis BSW staff trait - magdk

Can anyone give some insight, currently have it sharpened
  • Rhaegar75
    I'm using Charged....overkill?

    I'm considering Nirn
  • Syiccal
    When you say overkill, are you using all spell dmg glyphs?
    How much resource does charged offer?
  • Vevvev
    Charged got mega buffed:

    "Charged: Increased the potency of this trait to 480%, up from 220%, to ensure it is more competitive with other traits in terms of effectiveness."

    With the available status effect chances:

    Weapon enchants 20%
    Single Target Direct Damage 10%
    Area of Effect Direct Damage 5%
    Single Target Damage over Time 3%
    Area of Effect Damage over Time 1%
    Light and Heavy Attacks 0%

    And with the buff to Combustion:

    Increased the resources granted from this passive to 500/1000 Stamina or Magicka, up from 250/500.
    Added a cooldown of 500ms to each effect (which are separately tracked from one another) to make up for the above increase and the massive buff the Charged trait is getting.

    You are in essence looking at a LOT of resources for your magDK by running charged. It's even higher in CP environments while running Flawless Ritual with it's 60% increased chance of procing a magical status effect.

    Edit: Forgot to include destruction staves boosting the flame status effect chances by another 100%.
    Edited by Vevvev on November 30, 2021 8:38PM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Vevvev
    I personally use an infused flame glyph inferno staff. Probably not best in slot but I do enjoy the extra damage. Sharpened is great with cutting through a target's resistances and some aim for about 10-20k penetration.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Syiccal
    I'm just thinking I should change to charged and then can drop the reduced cost glyph and replace with spell damage. Is this a good idea?
  • Vevvev
    Syiccal wrote: »
    I'm just thinking I should change to charged and then can drop the reduced cost glyph and replace with spell damage. Is this a good idea?

    Reduced cost glyph is good for builds using abilities like Eruption, Mistform, and other similar very cheap abilities. It doesn't scale well for the expensive abilities DK has which is why the Magicka regeneration glyphs end up better.

    I personally run all three infused spell damage glyphs, but I cheese my sustain with vampire's Blood for Blood ability. When i'm not using vampire I run Flame Lash and try to set people off balance and immobilized for the half cost Power Lash strikes. Great way to get some healing and high damage off for cheap. It really depends on the rest of your build and how you tackle the issue with sustain. If you're going Molten Whip and tons of high cost flame abilities charged would be a good idea.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Syiccal
    Blood for blood..any good never used it
  • Vevvev
    Syiccal wrote: »
    Blood for blood..any good never used it

    Hits as hard as Whip without the reworked DK passive that boosts flame damage, costs health to cast, deals magic damage which can proc the magic status effects that comes with minor magickasteal, boosted by 2 meters in the hands of a DK to 7 meters, and scales up to 75% bonus damage based on how injured you are.

    Great when combined with the stage 3 vampire passive to make getting hurt boost both damage and durability. DK's block passive also means you can against an enemy lacking effective burst be able to block cast BfB while around 50% HP to deal some evil damage and not die. It's risky though as the ability cuts off outside healing for 3 seconds after casting it. Used to be 5 but then for some reason it got reduced to 3 without making the patch notes anywhere I could see.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
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