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Sorcerer without pets? Why?

I want to get away from my pets. They suck, but they occupy 2 slots that if I put anything else there it would be at best a variation on one of the other 3 slots, or a heavy attack. Don't need another direct damage. No more armor buffs would have an impact, crowd control is limited to use against rather common enemies.

So what use of all 5 skills without pets makes for a sorc as good as one with 2 pets actively adding synchronous damage during your battles?
  • matt29070
    For AOE, crit surge, Lightning Form, Impulse, with magelight + 1 more skill (entropy or mist form for me)= 1k+ dps for aoe trash pulls and plenty of healing from surge. (my crit is 36%)

    For single target magelight, crystal shards, bolt escape, dark exchange + some other utility, damage spell, or healing spell. In this setup i run a resto staff, rapid regen is my choice. If the mob is especially hard hitting and immune to cc, i'll swap out dark exchange for bound armor. Daedric mines is also pretty awesome.
    Edited by matt29070 on April 28, 2014 1:56PM
  • ZomZom
    I'm at level 48.

    Bar 1: Crystal Blast, Velocious Curse, Destructive Clench, Bound Armour, Inner Light

    Bar 2: Critical Surge, Boundless Storm, Pulsar, Bound Armour, Inner Light

    Bar 1 is single-target and Bar 2 is AoE. Destructive Clench is great for getting that second mob off of you. I always use a fire staff for the knockback.
  • NukaCola
    I don't think pets suck at all. They add so much survivability. They do very decent dmg too with empowered ward on. They hold up very nicely against the early bosses at VR1 at least. They scale with your stats too so when you gear up they get better. So in theory they should be good all the way trough the solo content.
  • Eris
    I like the pets too, especially when in solo combat with 3 opponents. The other thing they are good for is fighting off things that spawn on top of me when I'm looking at the map or the journal. :)

    Still, I do think that I might be more functional with 2 more usable powers. The summoned creatures taking up slots is really annoying.

    I notice people use magelight, is that mostly for PVP or does it do something I didn't notice because it seems to be mostly about finding stealth creatures, and I've not really seen to many of those in my travels.
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  • NukaCola
    I use Crystal fragments-empowered ward-Innerfire (Magelight morph)-Volatile Familiar and Twilight Matriarch. Magelight morphed into Innerlight gives you +20% spell crits. Its affects pets too.
  • disexistencenub19_ESO
    I use magelight instead of a pet as my passive as well, because the spell crit it gives is rather significant.
  • Sylveria_Relden
    I'm going to be keeping an eye on this subject. I've often wondered the same- not because I dislike pet classes, but I'd like the option of playing a caster-based class without relying on a pet. Bound Armor is really good for taking a few hits- but I've often found you have to kite in combination (which as a caster you should be used to anyhow) in order to mitigate damage. I'll have to try the Magelight thing for crit, though. I suppose if you build as a glass cannon, you won't need to worry about pet OT for you.
    TL;DR - If you got this far without reading the entire post you're either too lazy or suck at reading comprehension and probably don't belong in a public forum anyway. Just move along, you wouldn't understand.
  • ZoM_Head
    Dark Magic + Storm Calling + Destruction Staff for first skill bar = lots and lots of fun. Focusing heavily into Storm Calling and some Dark Magic for support, its lots of fun.

    Second bar i went for the restoration staff. tool 3 slots for healing, one storm calling (lightning form) and one dark magic (Eclips for CC) = Very nice DPS and CC in one moment, when the healer goes down or when the healer is just not focusing or doing his freaking job, switch the load out and go support.
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
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