Mod to not have menu emotes?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Hey there! I am an RPer, and sometimes I want to check something while I RP, like the guild roster or map for some reason while I RP. And yet, when I stand still and check, they get the menu-emotes! It is kind of annoying and was wondering if anyone designed an emote to not break current emotes (Reading a book? Crossing arms? Akimbo?) for these menu-emotes.
  • Grayphilosophy
    bumping cause I'd love to know too
  • Wykkyd
    Addons can't change 3D model animations.
  • Quinz128ub17_ESO
    I was hoping it would be able to keep it neutral or remove them. I mean, it's kind of annoying when you're talking with someone, want to check a friend's list or notifications and have the emote go off, in replacement of what you were doing...
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Ignoring the fact that it cant be done, you are a roleplayer and complain when your character does an appropriate emote (ie bring up a map when you're looking at the map)?


    Last time I checked in the real world, if you are for example dancing and feel the need to read a map, you dont keep dancing while trying to read a map at the same time. That would look rather silly.
  • Quinz128ub17_ESO
    It's a disconnect from IC and OOC actions. If I wanted to check my friend's list, I don't think my character would have a handy piece of paper to look if someone phased into existence when they already should have.

    If I was ICly looking at a map? Sure, emote works. But looking at a guild roster? Friend's list? My character stats? No, sorry that doesn't affect my character, nor should it.
    Edited by Quinz128ub17_ESO on April 29, 2014 6:40AM
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