The new proc sets destroy completly the gameplay.
Dark convenance make the game unplayable... Dmg is stupid the CC is stupid the desync is stupid... the ressources u need to get out of this is stupid.
U need a new team that watch over pvp, the current one have no idea what is going on and make mistake after mistake...
there are so many issues since months or even years that dont get repaired.
- dk leap dont work in IC, breath dont hit enemies in front of u
- psjik ulti make u invisible after it ends
- overload often dont work
- nightblade can stun u 2 times in row
and and and.
Without proc sets the game was 100better ! becouse u make braindead sets instead of balancing sets, so poeople can find their own unique plaaystyle .
we want skillplay based game. Yous should start to respect both communitys not only the pve one..
Pls make a nonProc kampagne with CP !
Sets stronger than players.... Nice meta!