This is something I first noticed with Veteran Maelstrom.
I first tried VMA with a Magicka Templar, thinking the health sustain (from Spear) would make this much easier.
I manged to finish the arena a few times this way however, I found the final boss extremely difficult each time. The rest of the arena wasn't too much of a problem.
For the recent event, I decided to give it another go, this time on my Magicka Sorc.
It was like I was playing on a completely different difficulty. The final boss went down very quickly and over several runs, I had very few deaths on the final boss (some runs I had none).
After that, I thought I'd give Veteran Vateshran a go. I first tried this with my Stamina Sorc. With Bloodthirst (dual wield), Pale Order and Crit Surge, I had a massive amount of passive healing.
Again, nothing in this arena gave me much trouble until I got to the final boss. Even with all of the passive healing, I couldn't heal through the stupid amount of AOE present in the final phase of the final boss.
I could of course move out of the AOE but this meant I could not damage the boss (using melee). I found the AOE was too large to kite around it and damage the boss at the same time.
So, I turned to the Magicka Sorc. On the Magicka Sorc, it's a completely different experience. You can straight up ignore mechanics in the earlier phases of the final boss. When the big guys come for you, just walk away from them as you blast the boss with ranged attacks. The same on the last phase, just keep moving so you don't have AOE stacked underneath you and keep blasting the boss as you do this.
It really feels like melee is an inferior playstyle to ranged.