I have a pretty successfully built (for level 15 :P ) DK Sword'n'Board tank going, but now that I have weapon swap available, I have a pretty (possibly) stupid question.
Defensive Posture...if I have that slotted on my 2nd weapon set's ability bar load-out, will the 5% "slotted" bonuses apply to my primary weapon set's blocking ability? I've wondered about the "slotted" types. It would completely make sense that it would stay in effect, as it is slotted, and that would make these abilities more appealing as far as choices go if you could have a "buff bar" and a "combat bar." I already know that any ability with a duration that you activate persists through swaps, so does a slotted ability in one bar just count as being globally slotted? Thanks for the time you took to read this, and I appreciate any insight and help on this!