Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Give us Ranked And Unranked Battlegrounds

I am so tired of premade groups in Battlegrounds. I just want to have fun with normal PvPers who do not have super sets. I think the best way to do this is to disable proc sets in the unranked version of Battlegrounds and allow proc sets in a ranked version of Battlegrounds; this way players can have the option to queue in for ranked and unranked. This is my only solution to stop the toxicity. People who like to use their super sets in an advantage can do that against super set geared opponents. Let them kill each other if they can. It is no fun beating up on casual pvpers who are not trying to be OP and just like to PvP occasionally; they matter also. What honor is it in killing someone who can not hurt you or defend themselves? As of now BG is not balanced. Premade builds are dominating the games. I hope we can see a change. This way everyone can have fun and not just an elite group of players.

Another issue is these elite players do not like to play the objective. They just want to DM (Deathmatch). We should be able to choose which games we want to play like the original Battlegrounds system. Why remove that option? Why force us to deathmatch. Then if we get flag games DM people come in with no respect to the game or objective and they abuse you in whisper or rage quit if you want to play the objective. This also needs to stop. Ranked PvP should always be deathmatch so they can have something to do and not bother those who like the flag games.

Edited by ServerusEcru on August 23, 2021 9:52PM
"Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
  • Jameson18
    I'd play no proc bg for sure.

    Would give me more content for my upcoming no proc designated toons. Its even already no-cp. Would be nice.

    However; The BG population might be too low to handle multiple queues again. I think that has something to do with their lack of response to the outcry for a Deathmatch queue. Even a solo one.

    I'm not sure, personally, that I would trade better matches for longer queues, with how long the queues would potentially be. If that makes sense? If it were going to add another 5 minutes or so, I'd be 100% all for it as I do typically prefer quality over quantity. However, predictively guessing, on Xbox NA, I'd assume it will take my 1-11 minute queue after during my play time to something akin to 15-30 minutes. Which will ultimately lead me to not bothering anymore.
  • moo_2021
    Would two ranks be enough?

    There are players not wearing heavy armor and got 2-3 times damage from me, and probably also some not using damage potion or proper food.

    Even if proc sets are disabled, what would stop elite players from putting up their best golden sets farmed from dlc dungeons or vet arena to beat others easily? You can make it fair for you but it's never going to be fair to everyone.
    Ranked PvP should always be deathmatch so they can have something to do and not bother those who like the flag games.

    I like objectives even though I don't know to do them. It's always better when you need to kill specific guys than everyone. It also keeps the team together and facilitate cooperation.
  • ServerusEcru
    moo_2021 wrote: »

    Even if proc sets are disabled, what would stop elite players from putting up their best golden sets farmed from dlc dungeons or vet arena to beat others easily? You can make it fair for you but it's never going to be fair to

    I mean golden farmed sets are okay and easy for anyone to get. Most of them don’t proc and those that do the idea is for them to be disabled. So they will have to wear standard golden armor in unranked. It is just the proc sets and master weapons that is hurting Battlgrounds and making it way too competitive for people who don’t have those super sets and items. There should be a ranked option for them. As for the population it is currently low because of the bullies in these super sets. No one wants to be constantly destroyed. And old school players like their golden sets. From my experiences with SWTOR and years of warzones; 2 queue options worked well. The OP people play ranked and the casuals play unranked. There is actually more unranked players than ranked and the queue wait is no longer than a minute. I believe adding ranked and unranked will increase the population and more people will PvP for fun if they know they have an actual chance.


    "Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
    NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
  • TimeDazzler
    Ranked should just be the solo queue deathmatch we have been asking for over a year now. Unranked is all the modes randomized. Also add voice comms to BGs.
    PC NA
    Aldmeri Dominion Champion - Stamina Warden - AD
    Tımë Ðâzzłër - Magicka Nightblade - AD
    Ðazzler - Stamina Arcanist - AD
    Sugar Deady - Magicka Necromancer - AD
    Sprint v X - Stamina Sorcerer - EP
    Tımë Ðâzzlër Ðk - Stamina Dragonknight - EP
    Tımë Ðâzzłêr - Stamina Templar - DC
    Time Dazzler - Magicka Warden - DC
  • ServerusEcru
    Ranked should just be the solo queue deathmatch we have been asking for over a year now. Unranked is all the modes randomized. Also add voice comms to BGs.

    If you don’t want to take out the proc sets in ranked BG then they should make ranked CP only as well; this will help balance it and give people a chance to defend themselves. It’s the only solution to stop the super set domination. In Cyrodill I don’t have a problem killing OP set players because I have more sustainability with CP.


    Edited by ServerusEcru on August 24, 2021 2:51AM
    "Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
    NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
  • divnyi
    Jameson18 wrote: »
    I'd play no proc bg for sure.

    Would give me more content for my upcoming no proc designated toons. Its even already no-cp. Would be nice.

    No need for this "half of the sets are not working" *** in BGs please. And it's not even that proc sets are broken atm.
  • xylena_lazarow
    Jameson18 wrote: »
    However; The BG population might be too low to handle multiple queues again. I think that has something to do with their lack of response to the outcry for a Deathmatch queue.
    We should keep demanding a better BG queue system. More people would play BGs if they could actually get the game mode they like and be on a more even playing field. Throwing solos and premades into the same matches breeds toxicity, as does throwing objective players and deathmatchers into a game mode that half of them refuse to engage with.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • divnyi
    Jameson18 wrote: »
    However; The BG population might be too low to handle multiple queues again. I think that has something to do with their lack of response to the outcry for a Deathmatch queue.
    We should keep demanding a better BG queue system. More people would play BGs if they could actually get the game mode they like and be on a more even playing field. Throwing solos and premades into the same matches breeds toxicity, as does throwing objective players and deathmatchers into a game mode that half of them refuse to engage with.

    IKR, it's not like it is impossible to make a queue system where you checkmark what you want to run and what not. They do this for custom dungeons, why it is such an impossible task for BGs?
  • NordSwordnBoard

    It doesn't matter if you're an objective-minded team player or a lone wolf, you will receive rewards and recognition based on how you want to play.

    Return to Choice for BGs!
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • moo_2021
    I mean golden farmed sets are okay and easy for anyone to get. Most of them don’t proc and those that do the idea is for them to be disabled. So they will have to wear standard golden armor in unranked. It is just the proc sets and master weapons that is hurting Battlgrounds and making it way too competitive for people who don’t have those super sets and items.

    golden sets cost a lot of gold and I still can't afford golden stuff, but got load of proc sets already from dungeon runs.

    For a non-ranked queue, why not disable the 5th or final bonus for all sets? That'd give new players considerable advantage.
  • Fhritz
    Yes! Bring ranking and also custom bg match! I want to see a real competitive scene for ESO!
    I'm a single character man.
    Stamblade. Khajiit. Mostly pvp.
    And...that's it.
  • Magio_
    divnyi wrote: »
    IKR, it's not like it is impossible to make a queue system where you checkmark what you want to run and what not. They do this for custom dungeons, why it is such an impossible task for BGs?

    Not hard since we already had this in the past. ZOS catered to solo 1vX queuers complaining about groups in a Group v Group v Group Arena. First ZOS took the ability to queue as a group because of all the Premade QQ in the forum by these people. Then, when they brought back group queueing, they took the ability to choose your game mode just to be able to keep the Solo Queue. Both of these changes catered to the wrong people.

    People accusing solos/duos of premading through hate tells happens all the time, even now when these people have a solo queue. Why are they in the group queue if they mald about groups?

    Truth is, the Solo Queue has longer queue times and also dies way earlier than Group Queue because a lot of people queue solo into the Group Queue anyway, myself included. Sacrificing choice for the Solo Queue was a mistake.
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