Race change option?

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Im not the only one that might have made a misstake when creating my character when i was new to the game...
Reroll will be a pain when reached 50 and above..
Will there be a option soon in the store to pay to change name and race etc etc?
I know many ppl that would like that option and that will gladly pay for a service like that, so please concider that option in your shop...

Kind regards Mathias
  • nerevarine1138
    I, for one, hope they aren't considering it.

    Your choices matter, and if you get to VR1 with a character before realizing it was a "mistake," I think you're probably doing just fine.
  • sir_vasb16_ESO
    I, for one, hope they aren't considering it.

    Your choices matter, and if you get to VR1 with a character before realizing it was a "mistake," I think you're probably doing just fine.

    Doing fine and not beeing happy is two complete different things... Not beeing happy but come too far to reroll might just trurn out quiting since its a nightmare starting over...

    If its a paid service then it wont matter.. Then those that really made a bad choise can alter thier charcter to satisfaction.. and it wont have a impact on the game...
  • Lazarus_Long
    I hope they don't do it as well. Not as punishment or anything bad. Just because the pay stores are almost always turned into pay-to-win down the road. The fewer items they sell the longer I will subscribe to the game.
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    Remember to let research play its part
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  • NombreDeLaBeast
    The only reason that I would want one is when I started my character I did not have the imperial upgrade yet (due to verification issues and all that mess) so I started another character. I like him but wish he was an imperial. I could start all over but I am VR 3, have my professions up to 30+ (except for enchanting), and so much stuff collected (but that stuff could be shared with my new guy I guess...)

    It is not a big deal...but one can wish.
  • sir_vasb16_ESO
    The only reason that I would want one is when I started my character I did not have the imperial upgrade yet (due to verification issues and all that mess) so I started another character. I like him but wish he was an imperial. I could start all over but I am VR 3, have my professions up to 30+ (except for enchanting), and so much stuff collected (but that stuff could be shared with my new guy I guess...)

    It is not a big deal...but one can wish.

    Thats my point... It would make alot of ppl happy with a customization option.. If its ok to change name then why not Race? Race has no impact on the game.. Class and faction i can understand but race is just "The feel good option when u playing" to fully submerge into the game...
  • nerevarine1138

    Thats my point... It would make alot of ppl happy with a customization option.. If its ok to change name then why not Race? Race has no impact on the game.. Class and faction i can understand but race is just "The feel good option when u playing" to fully submerge into the game...

    Again, barring the situation that you quoted (which won't be occurring very much anymore), how on earth could it take you 50 levels to realize how unhappy you are?
  • k9mouse
    Well, one does have 8 char slots per-server and race is important. Changing race in mid river just makes the race less important.

    I hope ZOS never not let any one change race once one made a char. OP should done your home work before making the char.

    Next time, one will be more careful about the race because race means something, because one can NOT change it mid river.

    Good luck rolling a new char!

    //Side note: One knows when one plays an Argonian too much when one use the term "mid river" in a forum post -- lol
  • sir_vasb16_ESO
    k9mouse wrote: »
    Well, one does have 8 char slots per-server and race is important. Changing race in mid river just makes the race less important.

    I hope ZOS never not let any one change race once one made a char. OP should done your home work before making the char.

    Next time, one will be more careful about the race because race means something, because one can NOT change it mid river.

    Good luck rolling a new char!

    //Side note: One knows when one plays an Argonian too much when one use the term "mid river" in a forum post -- lol

    Plz stop RPing on the forum..

    and no there wont be a reroll... so we will see what happens then i guess..
    Edited by sir_vasb16_ESO on April 28, 2014 8:59AM
  • sir_vasb16_ESO

    Again, barring the situation that you quoted (which won't be occurring very much anymore), how on earth could it take you 50 levels to realize how unhappy you are?

    Well took a few lvls up to mid 20 and then a few more.. then came too far but beeing unhappy then went really far beeing unhappy.. and now this post :)

  • Creepsley
    race, sex, and appearance im all for, cant see a single down side for this, Appearance is confirmed to come at a later date though, but hoping for race and sex too. being content and happy are 2 diffferent things, im content with my dark elf sorc, but as a lvl 50 i just kinda regret being my favorite race Khajit, dont care if they dont fits Khajits ftw hehe. but i made it to be a vamp so i chose a dark lef cause of the fire resist, and with most research at max now it will suck to reroll or even just having it as a crafter alt.

    only thing im against is Class change ofc. want a new class start over.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yeap i support this OP and i would go even further , they should allow class changes , even if agree i to avoid faction changes and this mostly only because of PvP.

    The simple reality is , it takes too damm long to get a char to vet 10 , and then you decide you wanted to play something else , you would need to lvl that, which is absurd right now.

    In the long run , this will actually help the game , atleast i think it will , when you get bored of playing whatever you are playing later on , im guessing many will quit instead of starting it all over again , since it takes hundreds of hours to get there.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • gunsofdeschain
    I agree. I absolutely loathe my wood elf at the moment. A class change would be fantastic, as I am quite tired of having to use magica for class abilities and stamina for my weapon as a nightblade, making stam/magicka management a chore.

    But, even if they did not allow a class change, I'd certainly like to have a race change and visual re-customization option, so my archer doesn't have to continue being so short, he barely can look into Lyris Titanborn's navel.
  • Anzaman
    +1 for race/appearance/sex change.
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • Chelo
    If people are against anything that makes an MMO, an MMO. This game is going F2P in 6 months...

    Auction House unite we stand!!!
  • Natjur
    Re-changing your looks (appearance) I am fine with but swapping race.....
  • jircris11
    i would not like a race change but perhaps a remodel change..let you remake your appearance.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • cubansyrusb16_ESO
    I don't want to see a race change option at all ... i would not be against a class change though.
  • nerevarine1138
    Yeap i support this OP and i would go even further , they should allow class changes , even if agree i to avoid faction changes and this mostly only because of PvP.

    The simple reality is , it takes too damm long to get a char to vet 10 , and then you decide you wanted to play something else , you would need to lvl that, which is absurd right now.

    In the long run , this will actually help the game , atleast i think it will , when you get bored of playing whatever you are playing later on , im guessing many will quit instead of starting it all over again , since it takes hundreds of hours to get there.

    Why not just let every class have access to every ability at all times? 100+ buttons on the screen at all times, and we all press the same buttons in the same order over and over again.
  • Mortelus
    I would agree to a hair changes, beard colour etc... but not race changes.

    Names is fine as a buy thing, every MMO has that option.

    But no please, no race changing.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Milktray
    Why not just let everyone start at 50 VR10, every single skill in the game maxed & ready to morph to your choice, top weapons & armour, unlimited race, gender & appearance changes.

    Oh and no box price, no sub ..
    ZoS please understand everyone thinks and pronounces things differently, so please add to your 'rules' that things get removed if the Mod doesn't actually quite understand phrasing
  • Delte
    I hope they don't. You want to change the race because you made a mistake?

    Not our fault or the developers fault, make a new character and be more careful next time.
  • Cabot
    Racial passives are the one thing that pops into my head as to why this won't happen.

    The OP was talking about people who have reached level 50 and above, so are we looking at a partial, (If not full) respec. to go along with the Racial change?
  • Sarenia
    I understand the desire to change race/class.

    I don't agree that it fits in this game. Just my opinion.
  • PF1901

    Plz stop RPing on the forum..
    *Rolls eyes* Only if you say "please".
    If it takes you 50 levels to realize you chose the wrong race all I can say is go roll another one. You have 7 slots left. Hard to believe people are asking for each and every BS option possible these days. But yes, here we are.
    No to race / sex / class change!
    Edited by PF1901 on April 29, 2014 8:27AM
  • AreoHotah
    Changing looks yes pls. but not race...
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.

  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    I just gotta say...to all the people who are saying "I can't reroll because I invested way too much into the character to get him to vet rank yadda yadda..." You got your character to 50 in a month. I mean I'm just saying, get over yourself lol. I remember playing EverQuest in 1999 when sometimes it'd take you that long to hit 10 levels. They aren't going to do Race/Class changes and if they did I'd quit. Appearance changes I totally get, go to an in-city "Stylist" pay some gold for new hair and facial stuff, etc. But Race and Class? Cmon mates, don't be silly.
  • Mortuum
    OP you either grinded your lvls and didnt noticed there is something you dislike about your race, or i really dont know. Can imagine lvl10 saying that, but 50 or VR? It is not , as you noticed, 1 day thing to get there...

    If they go with race/class changes, very soon we will see LOTRO style ''buy max character skip all content'' in store. Not this crap, please.

    Cosmetic/name changes, yes please, anytime, cash store or in game, or both. Class/race changes no. Those choices are important, and if you cant read/roll lvl1 to see passives before creating your main...Sorry.
  • Milktray
    I have restarted more times than i care to count, race/gender/class/faction

    I could do what some seem to have done and just keep going and then annoy for options to change everything but 'I' made the choices so i'm the one at fault and by level 4 you should know you've got it wrong.

    If not you didn't put much thought into it, seem's more like 'Randomize' & Enter.

    Every mmo i've played, if i wanted something changed I made a new character, the argument it takes time doesn't really work since you chose to play an mmo .. compared to when it was basically UO/Meridian59 then the grinding etc you know now is minimal.
    ZoS please understand everyone thinks and pronounces things differently, so please add to your 'rules' that things get removed if the Mod doesn't actually quite understand phrasing
  • Gix
    The questions you have to ask yourself are:
    - Do I want to change race for the look?
    - Do I want to change race for the racial passives?

    If your answer is the former, how could you have not figured this out on character creation? If it's the latter, deal with it.

    The whole mentality that "getting to max level is a chore" baffles me to no end. It doesn't matter which game you're playing, if you're not enjoying the process, maybe you should play something else. Because "getting there faster" ruins it for the rest of us.
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