So what’s with ESO being on Stadia but not GeForce NOW?

This doesn’t seem to be thought through at all, ZOS. You do realise Stadia is available only in a few select regions worldwide, whereas GeForce NOW is also in regions where Stadia is not, and at this time supports over 1000 games.

I’m a very happy GFN gamer, especially now that I’m moving to Mac and will be able to continue to enjoy my select titles to the fullest thanks to NVIDIA’s service with minimal HW requirements.

I heard ESO was on GeForce NOW, but got pulled shortly after the Beta finished. I searched the internet but couldn’t find the reason why. Why can it be on Stadia, which is another cloud gaming platform from Google, but it can’t be on the world’s leading GFX manufacturer’s service? From what I learned, GFN doesn’t charge game publishers an extra fee even, but correct me if I’m wrong.

I’m hoping we could get a statement from ZOS on this, and if at any point in the very near future ESO would be made available via GeForce NOW again, as it was before, it would make me not stop playing it, and more people who can’t afford a top notch gaming PC could “rent” one via GFN.

It could enable you to focus on your Windows client and cut development costs for other platforms if you’d add it with add-ons back to GFN, and make it available on as many cloud gaming platforms as possible. I’m sure a solution to support add-ons in a cloud gaming service can be found.

Best Answer

  • Amottica
    Inoki wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Nvidia did change their policy as a result but it seems most of the companies that left still have a bad taste in their mouth as few have headed back.
    I’m hoping companies would change their mind and put their games back to the store. To be frank, neither one of the mentioned is a saint, and GFN was in Beta. I like to think that entails also brushing off business policies. You mentioned they’ve changed those, perhaps it’s time to renegotiate terms.

    Considering the length of time that has passed and that Zenimax placed ESO on a competing streaming service, it seems unlikely there will be a reverse of course.

    Also, when you do business partners wrong, especially when trying to start a new service, that can sink the ship for a long time. It is not like Nvidia is a novice.
    Answer ✓
  • Amottica
    This is rather old news.

    First, apparently, some publishers did not like how Geoforce doing business and pulled their titles. Activision and Bethesda both pulled their titles as well as some other companies. Nvidia did change their policy as a result but it seems most of the companies that left still have a bad taste in their mouth as few have headed back. I think some left even after the new policy when into effect. I doubt you will get any more of a statement than what you can find on the internet as this is ancient news and I doubt Zenimax will comment every time someone brings up the topic.

    I am quite certain Zenimax knows where Stadia is available. They likely have some meetings hashing out details before signing the agreement.

    Just finished searching to see if Bethesda (since this is a Bethesda issue) commented on their pulling all or most titled from that service and it appears they did not. This is not surprising as it is common to not talk bad about partners even when they are former partners. It is bad business.
    Edited by Amottica on August 17, 2021 6:16AM
  • Inoki
    Amottica wrote: »
    Nvidia did change their policy as a result but it seems most of the companies that left still have a bad taste in their mouth as few have headed back.
    I’m hoping companies would change their mind and put their games back to the store. To be frank, neither one of the mentioned is a saint, and GFN was in Beta. I like to think that entails also brushing off business policies. You mentioned they’ve changed those, perhaps it’s time to renegotiate terms.
  • GenjiraX
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.
  • Meiox
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.

    Problem is with xCloud you can only play your xbox-console account, where with stadia/GFN you can play your pc account.
  • GenjiraX
    Meiox wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.

    Problem is with xCloud you can only play your xbox-console account, where with stadia/GFN you can play your pc account.

    True but it would also make sense as a selling point for Xbox accounts and game pass. I’m sure Microsoft will want to leverage ZOS and Bethesda games to the maximum extent.

    There's also this:

    PC Games on xCloud

    Edited by GenjiraX on August 17, 2021 7:39AM
  • themaddaedra
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.

    ^ this. I believe it's the actual reason for Bethesda pulling back from GFN. They are a Microsoft company now, so they will sure stay with xCloud.

  • Inoki
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.

    ^ this. I believe it's the actual reason for Bethesda pulling back from GFN. They are a Microsoft company now, so they will sure stay with xCloud.
    Sure, but that doesn’t explain why they are on Stadia. If they can be there, they could be anywhere, potentially.

    People likely will not want to sub to multiple cloud gaming services when they could have everything with one reliable provider. Sure, these days you have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO and god knows what else, but that doesn’t mean that people will want to pay for a sub here, a sub there, then a sub in game(s)…

    GFN grew to supporting over 1k titles and are adding more constantly. They have a vast offering, and are life savers particularly for Mac players since Mac isn’t exactly a gamer’s platform but with GFN anything can be.

    Edited by Inoki on August 17, 2021 8:51AM
  • GenjiraX
    Inoki wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.

    ^ this. I believe it's the actual reason for Bethesda pulling back from GFN. They are a Microsoft company now, so they will sure stay with xCloud.
    Sure, but that doesn’t explain why they are on Stadia.
    I think Stadia access pre-dated the Microsoft agreement and the contract still needs to be fulfilled. Who's to say it will remain on Stadia indefinitely? Same with PlayStation. I read that ZOS was Microsoft's third biggest acquisition, behind LinkedIn and Skype. My personal opinion is that that kind of investment wouldn't've been made to benefit Sony, NVIDIA or Google.
    Inoki wrote: »
    Mac isn’t exactly a gamer’s platform but with GFN anything can be.
    Doesn't this apply equally to Stadia and xCloud? How would GFN be a better platform for cloud-gaming ESO players?
  • themaddaedra
    Inoki wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    ESO is available on Xbox cloud gaming and I suspect that is where it will stay. It makes sense as a selling point for Xbox cloud.

    ^ this. I believe it's the actual reason for Bethesda pulling back from GFN. They are a Microsoft company now, so they will sure stay with xCloud.
    Sure, but that doesn’t explain why they are on Stadia. If they can be there, they could be anywhere, potentially.

    Stadia is not an equivalent service to GFN or xCloud. Stadia requires you to buy the game on Stadia, while GFN launches your Epic or Steam account. Therefore i see Stadia as more of a console than a cloud service.

    Also, as someone else mentioned above, they prolly had agreements with Stadia before Microsoft bought Zenimax, while there were no agreements with GFN.
  • Inoki
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    Inoki wrote: »
    Mac isn’t exactly a gamer’s platform but with GFN anything can be.
    Doesn't this apply equally to Stadia and xCloud? How would GFN be a better platform for cloud-gaming ESO players?

    Via GFN you rent a “supercomputer”. You play your purchased PC games in the cloud with your Steam, Epic Games, GOG, or [other] game account. So the game you bought yourself on your PC and have played on low settings because your PC didn’t have the horse power to run it, NVIDIA’s powerful servers can. They have limitless potential pretty much, and are equipped with the best hardware that you can rent for an affordable price.

    It’s not console-type of gaming. From what I know, consoles aren’t as powerful as the computers you can rent via GFN.

    Running any platform, be it Mac or Windows (and hopefully Linux too), tablets or iPads or phones isn’t a problem. The same PC game you own runs on all of these.

    One of the biggest drawbacks with ESO is you cannot play with one account across platforms. You have to buy PC to play on PC, Xbox for Xbox. With GFN, you buy on PC, play on your phone (if it supports controllers), tablets, iPads, TV, anything pretty much.
    Edited by Inoki on August 17, 2021 11:09AM
  • VaranisArano
    We discussed this on the forums back when it happened in Feb-March 2020. You aren't the only one to feel that you want it, but there's been no sign that Zenimax or Bethesda are rejoining GeForce Now after a year and a half away. They didn't give a specific statement at the time either.
  • itscompton
    Inoki wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    Inoki wrote: »
    Mac isn’t exactly a gamer’s platform but with GFN anything can be.
    Doesn't this apply equally to Stadia and xCloud? How would GFN be a better platform for cloud-gaming ESO players?

    Via GFN you rent a “supercomputer”. You play your purchased PC games in the cloud with your Steam, Epic Games, GOG, or [other] game account. So the game you bought yourself on your PC and have played on low settings because your PC didn’t have the horse power to run it, NVIDIA’s powerful servers can. They have limitless potential pretty much, and are equipped with the best hardware that you can rent for an affordable price.

    It’s not console-type of gaming. From what I know, consoles aren’t as powerful as the computers you can rent via GFN.

    Running any platform, be it Mac or Windows (and hopefully Linux too), tablets or iPads or phones isn’t a problem. The same PC game you own runs on all of these.

    One of the biggest drawbacks with ESO is you cannot play with one account across platforms. You have to buy PC to play on PC, Xbox for Xbox. With GFN, you buy on PC, play on your phone (if it supports controllers), tablets, iPads, TV, anything pretty much.

    You do realize the highest resolution available for streaming on GFN is only 1080p? Sure you can use all the ultra settings+ray tracing but you can't even enjoy them at 1440, let alone full 4K. Kinda defeats the whole point.
    Besides it doesn't exactly take a "supercomputer" to run ESO. Before I got a 3080 to pair with my 3600x CPU I had it running on my 4gb RX 570 with everything maxed@1440p and still got nearly 60fps.
    Edited by itscompton on August 17, 2021 7:53PM
  • Inoki
    itscompton wrote: »
    Inoki wrote: »
    GenjiraX wrote: »
    Inoki wrote: »
    Mac isn’t exactly a gamer’s platform but with GFN anything can be.
    Doesn't this apply equally to Stadia and xCloud? How would GFN be a better platform for cloud-gaming ESO players?

    Via GFN you rent a “supercomputer”. You play your purchased PC games in the cloud with your Steam, Epic Games, GOG, or [other] game account. So the game you bought yourself on your PC and have played on low settings because your PC didn’t have the horse power to run it, NVIDIA’s powerful servers can. They have limitless potential pretty much, and are equipped with the best hardware that you can rent for an affordable price.

    It’s not console-type of gaming. From what I know, consoles aren’t as powerful as the computers you can rent via GFN.

    Running any platform, be it Mac or Windows (and hopefully Linux too), tablets or iPads or phones isn’t a problem. The same PC game you own runs on all of these.

    One of the biggest drawbacks with ESO is you cannot play with one account across platforms. You have to buy PC to play on PC, Xbox for Xbox. With GFN, you buy on PC, play on your phone (if it supports controllers), tablets, iPads, TV, anything pretty much.

    You do realize the highest resolution available for streaming on GFN is only 1080p? Sure you can use all the ultra settings+ray tracing but you can't even enjoy them at 1440, let alone full 4K. Kinda defeats the whole point.
    Besides it doesn't exactly take a "supercomputer" to run ESO. Before I got a 3080 to pair with my 3600x CPU I had it running on my 4gb RX 570 with everything maxed@1440p and still got nearly 60fps.
    It of course isn’t about that. You rent a powerful computer that can run anything, hence the term “supercomputer”. It saves you the worries for future titles and the questions people ask themselves like will they have enough RAM (?), a fast enough CPU (?), a good enough graphic card (?). There are no hassles with a service like this. I enjoy Assassin’s Creed and other cool titles always maxed and I don’t need to own a computer like that. That’s it for me. And I don’t mind it’s only capable of running 1920 x 1080 atm. In the future that too will change.

  • mandalamlan5359
    Soul Shriven
    you have to buy the game and everything again in case of stadia (unless they changed that recently, correct me if I am wrong here). In case of geforce now you can play the game you already own. No extra sales for them.
    I played ESO on geforce now when it was available (for a week or so). I got better ping when I connected to ESO server through geforcce now compared to playing eso natively on my pc.
  • Amottica
    you have to buy the game and everything again in case of stadia (unless they changed that recently, correct me if I am wrong here). In case of geforce now you can play the game you already own. No extra sales for them.
    I played ESO on geforce now when it was available (for a week or so). I got better ping when I connected to ESO server through geforcce now compared to playing eso natively on my pc.

    Considering cheap the game is today, even when not on sale, that is not a meaningful sum. 20 USD is not much revenue for Zenimax and it is currently on sale for 8 USD which is a fast-food chain meal these days. Sales of the DLCs and chapters are not generated since we still have access to our existing accounts iirc.

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