Camera Spinning and Constant Crashes

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I just came back to ESO after a long break and have unfortunately found it unplayable. I can get into the game and even load my character, but about a third of the time I end up with the insane camera spins when it finally loads and I have to restart. On the times when it loads properly I only have a limited amount of time before it crashes to the desktop.

Crashes occur when:
- Daedric anchors - as soon as the main baddie is about to drop it crashes, every time (have tried about a dozen times)
- Travel - I am currently trapped in Gryphon Garret because every time I try to travel it crashes
- Often crashes when just fighting a couple enemies

I've been able to play for longer than a few minutes as long as I am doing things such as rearranging furniture in a house, crafting, and using the crown store, but that's about it.

I have deleted all add-ons, completely redownloaded/re-installed the game, paid to upgrade to Blackwood in case that was a bug (didn't work, but now I have a new chapter I can't play, grump). I have gone into System preferences -> accessibility and not only checked and unchecked the ESO/ Zenimax boxes, but actually deleted and re-added them because even their checkboxes had frozen. I've also made sure that I am playing in full window mode. My computer meets system requirements (2017 MacBook Pro, latest Big Sur OS). I have tried to the use the Game Consultant wizard, but it also freezes every time (though it doesn't crash - just the spinning wheel of doom).

Any advice would be welcome! I am pulling my hair out over here. Thanks in advance!
  • JanTanhide
    It's an old bug that comes and goes. I use to have the solution memorized but not any more.

    Look here:

    Also, if that doesn't work there are literally dozens of threads about this. Try to find the most recent and see what their fix was.

    Good luck!
  • murgandy
    Thanks so much for your response!

    The fix you linked is the one I clumsily referred to in my initial post, and it definitely reduced the rate of the spinning (huzzah!). Otherwise I've been trawling these threads for a few days trying all the tips and tricks posted to no avail, and given the age of some of them I thought it was worth checking if there were any new ideas.

    Anyway, thanks again! Will keep trying.
  • ZOS_Bill

    You can get additional help by contacting customer support with a ticket for further help troubleshooting these crashes.
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