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Sorcerer 50 wants to get serious about soloing World bosses/Dungeons maybe Veteran even and Arenas

Hello everyone, Please read all before you reply.

I m not a total newbie, but I am far from anything you will see on your typical basis of blazing through dungeons like a cake I never soloed any Veteran dungeon or VT HM and I have not even done Vateshran Hollows Arena last boss, however nobody should be underestimated , people can improve its all matter of how much you really wish you invest , gear is important of course and how the system works, tactics, etc, I did solo some of the Normal older dungeons and dozen world bosses but nothing DLC related.

Since I am type of player that puts heavy focus on story ,lore exploration and have to prioritize things, I wonder what kind of Legendary weapon or armour set would be recommended and what crafting profession or glyphs, build or amount of CP is needed to start of with Veteran soloing?

What I usually used is double pet and shield/self heal with a lot of kitting and Tri crown restoration potions, I have a glass canon build with 64 Magicka invested and 374 CP at the moment.

Since I am not familair with end game crafting nor really crafting in general or how to generate a lot of gold and where to get Legendary weapons. I have 40,000 gold right now I cannot even afford to buy one.

Where should I start' off? What is acceptable minimum to start Veteran stuff? 720+?

It is bit overwhelming still. I do have around 500 Hours so far and some experience ,but I need to know which direction to take it now. Where to put focus and time. I obviously want to get a Better weapon and increase my spell damage.

I am asking a veteran and experienced player to give me route and course go now, I cannot do anything extreme, but little by little.

I m not a stranger to difficult stuff or soloing things. I have been playing Dark souls series for years so I am used for long, difficult fights or when there is a lot of pressure involved-

I will give you my build .gear, and details presented below.

I am open to any sort of advice, Feel free to assist and what shall I change?

What is the general okay spell damage ,critical, Magicka and HP pool for your Veteran Sorcerer.

If you have any videos or images or certain items i could obtain by myself that would be most welcome.

This is serious thread if you want to come here to mock me about my setup and how I play, please you are not welcome then. We were all newbies at some point and we all have to start from somewhere.

When I was soloing some of the Normal non DLC dungeons I usually had heal pet and 1 pet active with ¸harness magicka or other Shield and Pulsar /Crushing shock, fragments were core also Lighting form as well.

I have maxed Destruction staff and other core abilities. I have some basic knowledge and rotation but nowhere near to take upon DLC stuff so far and some of them overwhelm me plus the mechanics and just sheer amount of adds. I need to able to survive for long and slay them fast obviously will require different build, more damage and speed.

This is my build, any help ,tips and what to change and proceed. I do not know Alchemy ? Can I make my own Legendary staff? Is current build and all enough to attempt some DLC solo dungeon at least?

MY GOAL FOR NOW IS TO SOLO FIRST DLC DUNGEON! and increase spell damage and other stats, I want to get Legendary armour as well, but can that be possible solo? Or you need to join Veteran trials or dungeons or Arenas, a lot of questions here.

No need to respond so fast.

Thanks in advance.

P.S should I get rid of Vampire Stage 1?

Edited by Vanya on August 12, 2021 8:18AM
  • Smoky
    I am in a similar place and totally agree with you, everyone starts off as beginner and has to work up so hopefully one the more experienced players can help you out, might help me too.

    Great thread I hope it becomes a good knowledge list for players like you and I. What platform and region do you play @Vanya? I'm PS4 EU.
  • Ippokrates
    Well, I have played both types of sorc only for fun but I have done a lot of dungeons solo, including veteran & hardmode with my stamplar.

    So maybe some of the rules would be helpful.

    One, you should go for Veteran content as soon as you can because you will start PUGS (and that is important to learn ropes before you go solo) with easy stuff like Funghal Grotto or Darkshade Caverns. If you wait to above 300 CP you would have chance to get toughest DLC dungs on your face. And that could hurt ^^

    Second, the most crucial thing in soloing is to master your sustain to be able to take prolonged fight and react to anything what happen, including break free, roll dodge or burst heal. Food is fundament, If you could manage your HP, try running with ghastly eyebowl or lava soup (depending on main resource). Sorc have some nice passives to sustain, but if you still have troubles, do not hesitate to switch jewelry from dmg to recovery. Also, try to go for infused jewelry, because that is the most flexible option. And if you do not intend to use vampire passives of skills (for extra dmg on lvl2 or running on 4lvl) get rid of it, cause it will give you a lot of problems with sustain.
    Edited by Ippokrates on August 12, 2021 9:12AM
  • Ippokrates
    Sorry, had to do second comment because kid make me post comment before i finished it ^^

    Third thing, remember that learning to play ESO is a process, because there is no equipment that would replace a necessity to learn how to react to the situation with interrupt, roll, cutting los, etc. So be ready to take steps, instead of single jump and do not think too much about equipment. Once you master mechanics you could take down World Boss with completely mess equipment without any set bonuses (i did it many times on new server ^^)

    I can give you my example. When i started playing ESO i made a lot of alts, trying to find what fit me the most. The first one was Templar. But I quit it after some time, because I was struggling even with overland content (yeah, imagine that ^^).

    I switch to NB, and suddenly overland content was far easier but I had stucked on Vateshran Hallows Lava Queen (normal -_-) and couldn't pass that, so I have decided to switch class once again.

    And I made Hybrid Dunmer Necro dedicated to soloing. It was running mainly in heavy armour (5+1+1), lightning stuff on front bar and S&B on back (Aetherial Ascencion, NMA, RotPO & Balorgh head) and I was gradually take more and more challenging content, including soloing World Bosses (especially DLC), Dungeons N&V and Arenas. The max resistance and extra hp + shields (including Psijic Order) were giving me a space to make mistakes, and because fights were taking quite long I was also mastering sustain - crucial thing if your two sets were giving you penalties to that -_-).

    But once I learn how to keep sustain, react and avoid dmg, i returned to stamplar and... i am maining it now, achieving more than ever before including hardmodes soloing and this cursed Veteran Vateshran Hallows ^^

    So my advice is - start with a little tankier build, because that would give you space to learn and gradually switch to more DD options.

    You do not need to go for Heavy Armour but I would consider switching to Stamsorc, because Two Handed tree with Brawler is really great (although you can stick to Streak instead of Stampede & Barter + Surge instead of Rally - they are great option that I do not have as a Stamplar). Also, good stamina is extremely helpful in rolling and running plus medium armour will give you few percent of mitigation extra.

    Also, remember that except brawler it would be good to keep efficient selfhealing. I already mentioned RotPO. Because as a Stamsorc you will lack of reasonable ST spammable, you could try to go for Bloodthirst in DW. With MA 1handers this skills is really great, and because of surge you can benefit from Crits with even more healing, and if you combine this setting with set like Briarheart, you will have much easier times in handling bosses.

    But of course, ultimately you can go for magicka and sorc is really good with that. Pets will distract some of the enemies and their dmg, bound armour will provide you nice mitigation and with MG crit source will increase your magicka pool.

    So summarizing, remember that in ESO your skills are much more important than equipment, so try to take a deep breathe and slowly train, gradually increasing lvl of challenge.
    Edited by Ippokrates on August 12, 2021 10:40AM
  • Vanya
    Smoky wrote: »
    I am in a similar place and totally agree with you, everyone starts off as beginner and has to work up so hopefully one the more experienced players can help you out, might help me too.

    Great thread I hope it becomes a good knowledge list for players like you and I. What platform and region do you play @Vanya? I'm PS4 EU.

    Indeed, Well put in! Thank you ,let us how many replies there will be ,Sadly I am on PC/EU I would have played with you otherwise.
  • oterWitz
    Here are some tips, as there are a lot of questions there and info about your build to talk about (a good thing)!

    Legendary refers to weapons and armor that have been improved to the highest level (gold-tier). I could gold-out a level 1 sword that I got in the tutorial and have it be "legendary". What you're probably asking about are a few sets that mag users typically choose from: False God's Devotion (drops from Sunspire Trial), Bahsei's Mania (Rockgrove Trial), Medusa (Arx Corinium dungeon, can be solo farmed), Mother's Sorrow (drops in Deshaan zone, can be purchased from guild traders), Necropotence (Rivenspire zone, was specifically a set for pet sorcs but less so now), Law of Julianos (craftable, requires 6 traits and the Orsinium DLC or access through a guild hall, can also be bought from another player who makes it for you). If you want, look up each and see what sounds good for you to try and acquire. I personally would recommend you purchase another set, Crafty Alfiq in non-meta (ie not Divines, Well-Fitted, Sturdy or Impen) from a guild store as it is very cheap right now after the Elsweyr event. Then try to find Mother's Sorrow from a guild trader as well or acquire it yourself from bosses, delves, the public dungeon, and chests in Deshaan. As you get a better handle on your build you can look into the other sets, but those two are a solid start and Mother's Sorrow is one of the top meta sets right now.

    Also about crafting, I highly recommend that you learn about the crafting professions in game. If you haven't already, get certified by Millenith and Danel Telleno in the alliance beginner zone cities or the chapter cities, as well as Felarian in Alinor if you own Summerset. Getting each of the crafts to 50 allows you to unlock passives so that it costs fewer materials to upgrade your gear to legendary. Also, getting alchemy to 50 allows you to unlock the Medicinal Use passive, which makes the lingering effects from potions last longer. It's all very useful stuff and the daily crafting writs are an excellent source of easy money.

    Some notes on solo play. Survival is most important, so it is a bit of a different game than playing as a dps in group content. Mag sorc is known as one of, if not the easiest class to play solo because of the pets (I think mag is easier than stam, but it's a matter of opinion and I don't have a magsorc, but other mag classes and a stamsorc--in short, play what feels best to you). To help with survival on my mag builds, I use Bewitched Sugar Skulls as my food, because this gives more health and health recovery as well as some magicka and stamina. I also tend to run Harness Magicka and at least one heal ability, which Crit Surge and the Twilight do for you very well. On top of these I run the Ring of the Pale Order now, which is insanely strong for solo survival. Before that I used to use the Iceheart Monster set (keep an eye out for the mask at the Golden Vendor, it's a good set to pick up and that dungeon isn't solo friendly).

    Sustain is also very important for solo play, and there are a number of things you can do to not run out of magicka AND stamina (which is needed for block and dodge roll). This is where Sugar Skulls or another tri-stat food helps and why many people run False God's Devotion. You could consider running a heavy attack build on your sorc to make sustain a non-issue, though I'm less familiar with how that plays on a mag sorc, and it requires a few specific gear sets to truly shine. I tend to use the Soul Magic skill/morph Consuming Trap, which gives all three resources when the target (even a weak add) dies while affected.

    The final key part for solo play is damage, and at a glance the skills you mentioned looked fine. I'll leave it to a more experience mag sorc to discuss those. I do notice your CP allocation is different than most builds I have seen. The slotted stars Fighting Finesse and Master-at-Arms tend to be a mainstay of most builds. Then for sorc I would probably slot Thaumaturge and Biting Aura and use a lightning staff for a dot and aoe heavy build, I could be wrong though (also, lightning staves are very solid/preferred in solo content because it's easier to channel heavy attacks with them). For the passive stars, invest toward the staving death tree to help with survival, as well as Eldritch Insight and Precision. After unlocking the lowest tier of each star, start investing more in the ones that seem most lacking in your build (like needing a bit more survival versus a bit more magicka or a bit more damage from one of the slottables).

    Final thoughts. Being a vampire isn't really helping you, but if you want to stay one it's only a very minor handicap and you might not notice a difference one way or the other. To start out for solo play and your build, I'd highly recommend running through Maelstrom Arena if you haven't already. The Maelstrom Inferno Staff is the most important thing a magicka user will run with, so beginning to farm for it as you get used to your build and more challenging solo play is a great idea. The normal version of the arena is not too bad, especially if you can solo some dungeons and world bosses already. Soloing DLC dungeons is one of the hardest challenges for a solo player, and many can't be completed due to solo unfriendly mechanics. I've only cleared one so far (Castle Thorn) and found it to be about on par with vet Vateshran Hollows, with one of the bosses slightly more difficult because I was learning mechanics as I went. When you do get there, I recommend looking up solo clear videos on youtube for the dungeon you are interested in, or dropping in twitch streams of people who are soloing dlc dungeons and asking questions, as guides written for four players tend to be of minimal use for solo play in my experience.

    Sorry for the very, very long response. I meant that as quick tips but ended up adding a lot of detail for clarity, oops.
    Edits for minor stuff I didn't catch in proof reading.
    Edited by oterWitz on August 12, 2021 11:07AM
    PC NA
  • Smoky
    Vanya wrote: »
    Indeed, Well put in! Thank you ,let us how many replies there will be ,Sadly I am on PC/EU I would have played with you otherwise.[/quote]

    Ah that is a shame but good luck and thanks to the two who have already posted some great tips and advice.
  • Jackey
    I'm no expert on soloing, but I just want to highlight Ring of the Pale Order
    In case it was missed in a wall of text here. :)
    PS | EU
  • Ragnaroek93
    Use Ring of the pale order (strongest item for solo pve in the entire game by far tbh) and like two damage sets, doesn't really matter which ones (for example Julianos, Twice Born Star, New Moon etc are all pretty good and easy to get because it's craftable). Use Wall of Elements on your backbar with an infused staff with a glyph which increases your weapon damage (or bow/dual wield with volley/bladecloak for stamina builds). Also adjust your CP, your goal should be to get enough to max out 4 slotable stars in each tree (use the ones which increase your dmg by % instead of the spell dmg stuff).

    "Legendary" gear means the quality of it. Your main weapon should be yellow (increases dmg by quite a lot) and you can leave everything else purple for now. Doing vet stuff depends on which vet content you mean. Probably as soon as you are able to max out and slot 4 slottable cp stars. Divines is usually the best PvE trait but you might consider training for now for faster xp gain.

    Not sure how to farm gold these days tbh. Selling the most recent outfit pages, doing crafting dailies on all chars with maxed out professions or turning alliance points into spellpower pots and selling them is usually good money. Or sell crowns if you don't need them by yourself.

    Progression wise you should farm xp and level alts. Do the daily random dungeon (on normal difficulty) on your main and your alts for transmute crystals and for xp and deconstruct the loot at crafting stations to level up your professions (you can recraft it later on anyways so no need to keep it). You will also level up your alts pretty fast by doing this (can slot a taunt or heal and queue as tank/healer to get faster queue times) and it's literally free.
    Get two damage sets (either farm the mats and let someone craft damage sets, farm them from normal dungeons/overland or buy them) and upgrade them to purple quality and make your weapon gold once you can afford it. If you're really low on money you can keep the jewelry on blue quality and use purple enchants for your gear.
    Do the pledge dungeons from the base game on vet every day (dlc dungeons on vet are too hard yet) to level undaunted skill line and to get keys for 2p sets.
    Level that skill line from the Skyrim expansion to get mythic items and farm pale order ring. Then farm maelstrom arena for arena weapons (destro staff and bow are really good). You can probably even clear the veteran version at this point but if it's too difficult farm the normal version. Your builds should then look like: One damage set overall, one damage set on frontbar, Pale Order ring, arena weapon backbar and 1 monster piece. For example on a build that should look like: New moon staff frontbar with 3 New moon pieces on your body, Mothers Sorrow on 3 armor pieces + ring and neck, maelstrom staff backbar, Pale Order ring and one piece of Swarm Mother. Example for stamina would be Briar Heart frontbar, Tzogvin on 2x jewelry and 3x body, maelstrom bow backbar, Pale Order and 1x Bloodspawn.

    Once you get this you can probably just steamroll through the game and solo all content which is soloable. If you want to solo 4 man content you should try to farm normal blackrose prison which is the best xp farm in the game if done in a duo group or solo with a companion.

    Vamp is pretty good, go in stage 3 if you can handle the sustain handicap because the extra mitigation you get in stage 3 is broken.

    I don't really play sorc so I don't know how the class is but it's one of the harder classes imo. Stamina with a two hand weapon frontbar is probably easier because brawler is extremely strong and stam is in general a bit easier (only have to manage your main ressource instead of having to manage both ressources). On magicka the easy classes are Nb/Templar (both have passive healing for dealing damage) and Necro (best sustain and ultra tanky). However all classes are kinda good.

    Final tips: You need more sustain than you do in group PvE (can go for the sustain mundus stone for example), you need to keep your defense up and you need to avoid oneshot mechanics. As long as you do that you can beat most stuff, you don't need to be min maxed for that. Can upload a video later on when I come home where I solo a vet dlc dungeon in hardmode with only crafted gear and one 2p set.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • jaws343
    Ring of the Pale Order is amazing for solo play.

    For Sorc, I find that having a shield on both bars is sometimes the difference between life and death. I slot the sorc shield front bar and the light armor shield back bar in the same location, so that whatever bar I am on I can press the same button and get a shield.
  • Gundug
    I didn’t read through all the responses, but in answer to your concern about getting enough tempers to upgrade your gear to gold, I recommend doing daily crafting writs. There is a chance to get gold tempers in the turn in rewards, and crafting surveys are an excellent source of raw materials that can be refined with a chance for tempers as a bonus.

    If you have multiple characters, and the time to do so, do the writs with as many of them as you can for more chances to receive surveys. Even level 1 crafting is sufficient for this. Also, if you have multiple characters with sufficient crafting skill for the passives to receive the daily material emails, gold tempers rarely drop there as well.

    These methods are a good way of generating income and tempers simultaneously.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Where to start...

    First thing I will say, is that if you want to increase you ability to effectively handle combat in ESO, the best place to start is the Maelstrom Arena. I think it is a far better training ground than Vateshran or soloing content that is designed for 4 players. Make sure you learn the basics of Block, Roll Dodge, and Break Free (VMA will teach you that quite well).

    I wont turn this into a VMA guide, but start on normal, google some Arena builds for a mag sorc, and jump in. Once you can cruise through normal, switch it to vet, and slowly progress through it. It will take time, and that is okay. You will be an infinitely better player on the other side of the process.

    I also STRONGLY encourage you to spend some time on a target dummy. I am not saying you need to hit 100K or GTFO. But practicing on a dummy will objectively show you were you are at, and it is very easy to see how changes to your rotation affect your damage output. There is no secret that the easiest way to simplify difficult content is good DPS. The best defense is a good offense. Watching a video or two on weaving and animation canceling wouldn't be a bad idea either. A basic light attack weave adds a significant amount of damage. It will take practice. The best way to commit a damage rotation to muscle memory is on a dummy. Anybody who says differently almost certainly has terrible DPS.

    Your CP is perfectly fine for vet content, VMA, whatever. You might get some looks in a vet group finder, and I might suggest avoiding Vet Trial HMs for a bit, but don't let your lack of CP be a crutch or hold you back. Since CP was rebalanced, CP is way more front loaded in terms of the power it gives you.

    In terms of gear, first, get you crafting leveled. Decon everything you find for the most part so you get all your craft lines to 50. Second, start crafting research if you haven't already. There are two reasons for this. One is to of course make the gear you need. The other, and frankly more common reason, is to be able to trait change gear you acquire in the world to fit your build. A magic sorc should start with light armor, jewelry and destruction staffs. Focus on obvious traits first. For Armor, Divines, Infused, Impen, (maybe some well fitted), for staffs, Precise, Sharpened, infused, for jewelry, Arcane and bloodthirsty. Research takes time. Start the process as soon as possible. If on PC/NA, shoot me a message and I will send you some research items. Spend the skill points to reduce research times and to be able to do multiple items at once. You should have 3 items for each craft researching at all time until you are 9 traits across the board.

    When it comes to specific gear, first thing I will tell a solo player to farm is the Ring of the Pale order. It gives heals as you DPS, pretty straight forward. Can be a bit of a grind for a few of the fragments. This also requires antiquates to be leveled, so start that if you haven't. Critical Surge (sorc class skill) effectively does the same thing, so you can get by without the ring if you want. The second specific piece of gear is a Maelstrom Fire (or lightning) Staff. You will get that by completing MA mentioned above, so dont worry about getting it right away.

    DONT FOCUS ON YOUR STATS. I can pull 100k DPS on multiple toons, and honestly have no clue what my spell damage is. It doesnt matter. Focus on results and combining known sets. People smarter than either of us have done the math. No reason to reinvent the wheel. There are a ton of gear options and the difference between the best and like the third or forth best, just aint all that much. Julianos, Mothers Sorrow, Medusa I think are the first easy 3 to go after. Julianos is Crafted, MS can be bought, Medusa can be farmed. Pick two and put together a build. Certainly there are more options. Everyone focuses on gear, but rotation is what gives you damage (hence the dummy recommendation). Again, if on PC/Na, I would love to help with any crafted gear. I got gold and mats coming out of my you know what. If you are interested in actually getting better, seems you are, I would love to help. My house is also a target dummy paradise.

    A few other obvious things for build.
    -Quality- Aim for gold weapons and purple armor/jewelry
    -Enchants- Magic on body (maybe one health if needed), Spell damage (maybe one magic regen) on Jewelry, Fire damage on front bar, Weapon/spell damage on back bar.
    -Traits-All divines on the body if possible in PVE. Arcane or Bloodthirsty on Jewelry, Precise or Sharp on front bar, infused on back bar weapon.
    -Food - Hard to beat Sugar Skulls for solo play. It is extremely stat dense. You should also probably carry a max Health+Max magic food, something like witchmothers which is health+Magic+magic regen, and a parse food for pacticing Magic+magic regen.
    -Potions - At a minimum, you should be running cheap magic potions, that give major intellect (30% magic recovery). Practice keeping them up in combat 100%. Best in slot for most PVE content are spell power pots, Major Intellect, Major Sorcery (spell damage boost), Major Prophecy (spell crit boost). These are the three most important buffs for PVE. Fortunately, as a mag sorc, you can get Major Sorcery from Crit Surge and Major prophecy by slotting Inner light on your front bar.
    -Mundas - Thief is almost always your best option. Slot it and forget it.

    In terms of skills, play to a sorcs strengths. In no particular order:

    Use your Pets: Volatile Familiar for good AOE damage, Twlight tormentor for good single target damage (dont even need to cast this one), Twlight matriarch if you need a burst heal. You shouldnt for the most part, if you have Ring of Pale order and use shields and surge.

    Shield: Hardened ward is an amazing skill. Cast any time you see your health bar move more than about a third. Your passive heals over time (HOTs) will top you off.

    Critical Surge: Perhaps the most valuable skill in your arsenal for solo play. This skill should ALWAYS be ticking in solo play. It give both Major Sorcery (an important damage buff), and it gives a passive HOT. The HOT is conditional as you need to do damage, but that shouldnt be an issue. This skill is why people say sorcs are best for solo arenas.

    Boundless Storm: Nice long duration skill, gives armor buff, speed and some AOE damage. If this and crit surge are both up, you are pretty much always getting a heal.

    Daedric Prey: This is the center piece of a damage rotation if running pets. Every 6th skill you cast should be daedric prey, with only a handful of exceptions. When learning, treat your rotation as a 6 count, daedric prey is ALWAYS on the one. Just dont recast early or the bomb wont go off. Try to put it on the highest threat target, as your pets will go where you cast it.

    Unstable Wall: Probably the second most important skill. This is used by all mag DPS. Practice casting this on cooldown. Can also be used as an AOE spammable. The wall explodes when you recast, so not the end of the world to recast early.

    Crystal Frags: Master this skill. It can be used both as a spammable or a proc based skill. When it procs for an instant cast, it should almost always be your next cast. Also practice weaving the hard cast version. It's a little clunky, but it can very easily replace a traditional spam skill like force pulse or elemental weapon.

    Thats about all I got to get started. Certainly happy to help with any specific questions. Best online guides for beginners are probably Alcast, and best guides for pushing DPS and more advanced rotations are on Liko's youtube page. A google search will find both. is also an amazing youtube search engine for all eso PVE content.

    Oh, and drop Vamp. Its not doing you any favors at the moment.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on August 12, 2021 5:39PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Rather than edit my massive wall of text, I want to discuss one other thing. Clearly you are broke, and that's okay. :D I make 40k in about 30 minutes, while watching netflix. I also have thousands of gold mats for upgrading gear, and literally hundreds of thousands of of other crafting mats. My craft bag is worth close to 9 figures. I am not saying this to brag, simply to explain how to do it and how to do it with relative ease.

    Two Words: Crafting Writs

    Writs give you EVERYTHING you need to play this game. If your goal is to spend a little bit of time each day to build wealth, there is no more efficient endeavor than crafting writs. They give gold, gold mats, surveys for raw materials, items for research or to decon for extra crafting XP, soul gems, repair kits, and writ vouchers (another form of currency). If you do writs on a few characters a day, you will have gold armor and more gold than you know what to do with in a few months. In under an hour, I can do writs on 18 toons, generate close to 100k in straight gold just by turning in the quests, get around 30 gold mats, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

    They are not a get rich quick solution, you wont feel it over night, but the income really adds up. I could play this game for another 5 years, never earn another gold coin, and probably outfit the entire Pact twice over with my craft bag. It is ALL from writs (and while you are at it, hirelings). I have effectively retired from doing writs because I just dont need any more gold or mats.

    Start with your main. Go to the mages guild and fighters guild (and the jewelry crafter in summerset) and unlock the ability to do basic writs. Very short little quests. Then every day, start doing them. Try to level your crafting lines as quick as you can. The higher the level, the better rewards. Once you get one character leveled, make another. The more characters you have doing writs, the more items you get to decon, the faster you level the next character.

    If someone deleted my account today, the first thing I do is power level one (or two) of each class, and start doing writs on all my characters once per day. You dont need to be at max level to do writs, so nothing stops you from making a handful of additional characters and starting ASAP.

    Dolgubons Lazy Writ crafter is an addon that completely automates the process. You grab the quests, go to each crafting station, visit the bank where you can stockpile the necessary potions/food for alchemy and provision writs, and turn them all in. The addon auto crafts and auto withdraws from your bank. It takes me less than a minute (not counting login time) to do all 7 crafting writs on one character. They can only be done once per character per day, but nothing stops you from doing them on 18 characters if you want to. With login screens, I can do 18 in under an hours.

    In fact, if you power level a character to 50, you can simply park them in town close to a writ board. You will enough skill points to handle all the crafting pts needed to do writs at max level. You can power level a character to 50 in an evening.

    Certainly, you dont need to start there, but why not make a few. Its the easiest money in ESO. So easy in fact, they should probably nerf the crap out of it, but its been this way for years.
  • buttaface
    For the upcoming patch, make sure to have the following skills unlocked and leveled, they are game-changing and are/will be dumbing down the solo PvE game in a good way IMO. Few are talking about this, but it's a very drastic change for ESO PvE:

    1. Inner Beast Morph of Inner Fire from Undaunted. Permanent 10% extra damage to whatever you are fighting other than players as long as you keep it up.
    2. Destructive Clench Morph from Destro Staves used on an Ice staff. Permanent Major and Minor Maim (minor from frost blockade or unstable wall) -15% damage done to you by whatever you are fighting as long as you keep it up.
    3. Either Flare morph of Alliance War Support skill line. Permanent Major Protection -10% damage to you just from slotting the skill on your main combat bar, you don't even cast it. You will need to do a bit of PvP to get Support level 7 for this, but it's not a huge amount of PvP.

    These skills will take a chunk of bar space, but are all worth it for solo players in light of the massive benefits. Soloing higher content has never been easier in ESO. IMO Templars and Wardens have the loosest bars to fit them into workable builds, all classes can make workable builds though. If it fits your lore, MagTemplar is easiest most forgiving to start learning soloing.
  • Shantu
    You're likely to get a wall of recommendations from many different perspectives. I''ll try to be brief and simply state what has worked for me:

    1. Get as many characters as you can to max crafter. Do daily writs on all, master writs on one, mat surveys, and deconstruct everything you don't need. Over time this will generate all the mats you'll ever need. It will also create many sources of gold.
    2. Use sites like Alcast to provide a reference on where you start with gear. He has recommendations for beginner through veteran players. I rarely followed his builds exactly, but found him to be a great resource of knowledge.
    3. Learn Maelstrom Arena. First on normal and progressing to vet. This will, by it's very nature, make you a better player.
    4. Learn to light attack weave until it becomes something you don't even think about. Experiment with and practice rotations on the target dummy as much as you can.
    5. Just run as much content as you can, starting with normal dungeons/trials and eventually progressing to vet.
    6. Don't be in a hurry. Experience, knowledge, and skill will come with time. Putting undue pressure on yourself will bleed the fun out of it. Just keep at it. If you truly want to improve, you will.

    That's my nickel tour. Good luck!! :)
  • Vanya
    Some incredible, well thought, comprehensive , detailed and long replies above me! Extremely useful with a lot of insight and priceless tips, advices ,etc etc. Excellent. I did not expected players will be of such an assistance! I will reply more when I can. I just wanted to hop in and Thank all who supported the thread and shared their knowledge with us!
  • thorwyn
    I agree with Oreyn. If you want to improve your solo game, try to beat vMA. It is a long process and can be frustrating at times, but the result is worth it. People say, vMA makes you a better player and that is definitely not an exaggeration.

    As for the choice of equipment: be careful what you wear. Yes, Bahsei's Mania is a damn good set, probably BiS, but it is not a set you can just equip and watch your DPS go through the roof. This set adds another layer of resource management to take care of and you don't want that for the time being. Avoid sets that come with a condition. Diamond's victory would be another example. A very strong set but you need to keep an eye on the uptimes, which can be tough and might lead to situtions, where the set fails you when you actually need it the most, when things get critical and hectic.

    Instead, go for useful sets that come without a trigger or condition. Vanilla Mother's Sorrow and Medusa is a pretty decent combination for a sorc, especially if you are using critical surge. False God, BSW, basically any combination of these sets should put you in a good position.

    Edited by thorwyn on August 13, 2021 8:56AM
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • Smoky
    I second @Vanya post above, thank you to all those who have contributed, its good to know there is a friendly player base even amongst the experienced players. Hope you all have a great day :)
  • danno8
    I would recommend visiting Alcast website (alcasthq is the site name). He has very good info there for beginners including beginner, intermediate and advanced gear for soloing builds as well as skill load outs, Cp distribution for different CP amounts and such.

    Some things I would change up but overall his builds are very solid.
  • katorga
    Playing a sorc since release. Most things will be soloable with no huge struggle, provided there are no mechanics that make it impossible.

    Matriarch/Crit Surge will cover healing requirements. Pale Order or Gaze of Sithis is nice too if you have access.

    Maelstrom Lightning staff if you have it, back bar.

    Iceheart + Mother's Sorrow + necropotence (starter), or really any damage set.

    Boundless storm, Unstable Wall of Elements (aoe and your spammable, it explodes when recast), Lightning Flood, scamp AOE. Lightning Heavy attacks. I use Harden Ward to keep the pets shielded.

    The important part is to know when to block and roll dodge. Those, not your damage shield, are the key to surviving.

  • Ippokrates
    danno8 wrote: »
    I would recommend visiting Alcast website (alcasthq is the site name). He has very good info there for beginners including beginner, intermediate and advanced gear for soloing builds as well as skill load outs, Cp distribution for different CP amounts and such.

    Some things I would change up but overall his builds are very solid.

    I would recommend Xynode, because he is always very carefully explaining why this equipment or skill should be used - this is something Alcast is lacking, because his website is done mainly for metachasers.

    Also, last thing that come to my mind during last few solo runs - be flexible, react to the situation and do not stick to much to your skills or set. Always have developed and active usefull skills, even if you are not using them in everyday run. For example, when I was running Spiderclutch I on vet (i know, sounds easy but devil is in the detail) i stucked on the final boss because of the mechanics. The boss itself is not especially hard, but because it is spamming unavoidable CC, your char spending most of the combat stunned. And because most of the healing comes from Pale Order Ring, my stamplar was going down very quickly. Fortunately I had some HOT skills so after small actualisation of the bar, i was able to pass through this boss relatively easy.

    And most bosses would required from you some changes. Like in Cauldron, you will need to go for blocking, because rolling at some point wouldn't be possible. Or both City of Ash would require from you some mobility increase to chase or escape from the lass boss, which usually is not advisable, but in this case is a must.

    Also, if you can, use companion. In some cases, like Dragonstar Arena, you can make thing much easier and faster by sticking companion to this cursed Dark Mage in both fights ^^
    Edited by Ippokrates on August 14, 2021 12:06AM
  • Narvuntien
    I am a Mag, pet, sorc and I agree with the False Gods'/ Mothers Sorrow build. The healing from Crit Surge is very important.

    I, unfortunately, was not able to do Vet Maelstrom until I got Ring of the Pale Order antiquity.
  • ArcaneScientius
    Hi. Good and detailed advice so far, especially Oreyn with excellent detail and pushing you to level crafting.

    (I am going to merrily use everyone's advice for my own game. I have only soloed base game normal dungeons, so my advice is maybe a bit basic.)

    Three things I found I need for soloing: AoE, execute and shield. (and good spammable, but that is likely unneeded advice.)

    I do not mention healing, because you should have good self-healing from crit surge, with the bonus of major sorcery for 33s.

    You can also get good health by hitting an enemy with a dark magic ability like crystal shards or shattering prison, but daedric tomb especially is good for this.

    I personally prefer treasure hunter's set from Volenfell to Mother's sorrow, because it gives more crit in the form of major prophecy.
    I don't think sorcs have a built-in source of major prophecy like magdens, magplars. (although you do get minor prophecy for 20s from dark magic passive).

    If you get major prophecy from pots or another source like inner light, mother's sorrow will be better and stack with it.

    Maybe restoration staff backbar, to get extra resource from heavy attacks in between dark conversion casts, and you can put all your buffs apart from bound aegis on this bar.

    With AoE, execute, crit, enough penetration from light armour, and maybe destru staff debuff, resource management awareness, etc., you now only need a last set for spell damage and magicka, which the guys above covered.

    You can go pets, or just straight AoE damage and both will work well.
    With crit surge heal and shields to ward damage, you should have enough healing to not need pet healing until veteran versions.
    Edited by ArcaneScientius on August 14, 2021 2:18PM
    Nothing leads to more death than the need for certainty. - Xukas
    In balance with this life, this death - W.B. Yeats
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