The weapon swap delay needs to be addressed quick. It feels unpredictable and laggy (sometimes you end up swapping twice since it is slow and unresponsive) Same with the clunky combat and ability lag.
This weapon swap delay and clunky combat lag is a problem that affects EVERYTHING we do in the game! It truly hurts the gameplay experience, and it is FRUSTRATING to play the game in this state. Frustrating to play something we are supposed to pay every month for...
Many reviewers from large sites have also stated how this is truly bad, and everyone I know from guilds, IRL etc thinks it hurts the game a lot. Remember, this is a core mechanic that isn't working at the moment.
This is a video i found on youtube that shows just one part of the weapon swap issues: He is pressing weapon swap button continuesly, but it is very random and unpredictable still.
Edited by monkeymystic on April 28, 2014 12:53AM