Easy Peasy is an end-game raiding guild that was founded on 1st of July 2017. Our core raid days are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, from 9 to 11PM CET. We focus on one trial and work hard on it until we achieve the best possible score, as with every trial until we rock the leaderboard! A Discord account is necessary.
You can apply to Easy Peasy by checking the website at
https://easypeasyeu.shivtr.com/. All applications have to go through the website, ingame applications will be immediately rejected.
We are
not a PVP raid guild or a social guild for beginner PvE content. If you don't mention your endgame PvE experience we will reject your application instantly.
We are looking for players highly experienced in hardcore raiding, all roles are welcome.
If interested, you can either apply to the website with the link above, or reach any of our officers for further information.
Our current priority is to recruit 3 magicka DDs, but tanks and healers can still apply of course
@Asmaei (aka Kitty!)
@Alestes832 (aka Qupella Baba)
@yasingml (aka da Turkish guy)
Alestes#1051 Asmael#9325 yas#1006
PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka
"Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
@AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a
meow today.