Unusually high ping on PC EU server

Soul Shriven
Hey there!

So I just read there's going to be a European PC/Mac Megaserver maintenance due to a hardware issue. Hopefully my issue might be resolved post maintenance, but if not just wanted to add a post (sorry for the delay, had to get my forum account created).

I play from India on PC EU servers. My ping is high, but i know it hovers somewhere between 210-240ms (like 99% of the time this is the range). Over the past week or so, this has jumped up by 100ms to about ~310-330ms. Also the FPS has dropped a lot; it rarely if ever goes above 100.

I tried playing on NA servers to see if my ping over there was like 400+ or something, but surprisingly enough, my ping on NA is at about the same level, but usually very slightly lower (310-315ms) than what I'm averaging on EU at the moment. In terms of FPS, NA is way above (usually 200+ although my monitor isn't really equipped to put out that many frames and i don't really notice that much difference between performance in terms of FPS for NA v EU so it's not as much of an issue as the ping is)

Of course there's no real reason why my ping to EU would be higher than my ping to NA, (distance to EU is little under 1/2 (~6.5-7k km) the distance to NA servers (~13-13.5k km)), plus historically the ping has been way lower.

I was hoping someone could look into this; is this happening from certain regions? Hopefully with the maintenance this might get fixed which would be awesome. If not, I'll post an update reply if that helps.

  • Surindael
    Soul Shriven
    Just logged in - ping is stil 330-340 on PC EU
  • ZOS_Bill

    How is your ping faring today?

    If your latency is still high, there are some steps below which may help out.

    Latency / Lag - Technical Support - The Elder Scrolls Online
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Surindael
    Soul Shriven
    Hey thanks for responding.
    Basically i connected through a vpn using Germany as the location and that pretty much dropped my ping back down to 240, which was weird. Without a VPN my ping is still at 340ms levels. I suspect this could be an ISP issue from my end, but please let me know if you've seen anything like this happen before and if there's any particular setting that I may need to change. Thanks!
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