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Illustrious healing vs healing springs?

Can someone explain the pros and cons for these two grand healing morphs? Does everyone in the aoe circle get healed the full amount even if they run out of the circle before the three second timer is up (or four in case of illustrious healing)? Exactly how much mana do you get back per player effected in healing springs, is it based on simply number of players effected or based on number of clicks/seconds for each player? In which cases is illustrious healing favored over healing springs and vice-versa? Thanks in advance anyone who can help explain this.
  • Nukeyak
    Over 100 views and not one comment? I still remain pretty much clueless on these two morphs. Don't even know if healing springs works for everyone in a raid ,or just a small group, or even non-group members. Any insights whatsoever on either illustrious healing or healing springs? Thanks!
  • Tiitus
    ive found the mana return from healing springs worthless so i went with illustrious for the extra healing.. after testing even when i moved out of the circle i still got the 5 ticks of health regen..
  • Ralathar44
    I prefer blessing of protection (combat healing morph) to the Grand Healing and it's morphs.

    In mobile combat an area heal that ticks multiple times is unreliable and Blessing of Protections does a moderate healing burst, increases their defenses, and it does this all at once with a single button press.

    No people rolling out of it, no need to try and carefully aim it, no missed ticks, all instant heal.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
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