gariondavey wrote: »dark conversion to pop the undaunted set
Infiltrator triggers off any magica spells, so basically from everything on front bar.
Yeah, it's vicious death. That's why memes
Same shell and other set would make it even stronger, but not as explosive, haha.
Trick in this build is going 0 sustain, not even mundus, but still faring good because dark deal and heavys. So ye, it allows to stack spell damage up high for procs and delayed damage skills, which combos nicely with heavy attacks.
I agree with @gariondavey on this, in that unweaver would probably be better. With infiltrator you are missing out on over 200 effective spell damage from it (2*1096 max mag, 10.5 max mag = 1 effective spell damage), and a decent amount of crit chance. Also with unweaver on body, you are free to use any gold VD you may have from MYM or something.Infiltrator triggers off any magica spells, so basically from everything on front bar.
@M0R_Gaming my experience is fights last longer than 10s in heavy attack, pretty much every time. There is no stamina spammable that wouldn't feel like a waste of time (maybe Bone Shield but even that is worse than matriarch heal) and bar space, you can't rely on Dark Deal because it's interruptible. Set that procs from magica is much more reliable.
Besides, 2k stam isn't bad investment either. You dark deal a lot between fights, high stam keeps you alive in case you need to break and roll.