2022 Chapter's Villain ?

  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Maybe not 2022, but for some later chapter I can see Hircine as a theme (maybe not as a Villain). I mean Solstheim zone will probably be added eventually and with it most likely some kind of story revolving around Hircine and man-beasts.
  • Azurya
    my guess........... Solstheim
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    A terrible cosmic horror, we don't know how to deal with it, because we don't know what it wants; those who try to understand it, or even see its form are driven horribly insane. We can't reason with it. We can't stand against it. It is a terrible creeping, sentient (but alien) doom that will undo existence.
  • Lugaldu
    A terrible cosmic horror, we don't know how to deal with it, because we don't know what it wants; those who try to understand it, or even see its form are driven horribly insane. We can't reason with it. We can't stand against it. It is a terrible creeping, sentient (but alien) doom that will undo existence.

    A good starting point, it just shouldn't turn out in the end that the origin of the horror was again a Daedric prince (like Vermina).
  • Aztrias
    Even though I'm suffering from Daedra fatigue, I wouldn't mind a slightly horror themed DLC featuring Vearmina or Namira as the big bad, I think an isolated island like Solstheim could be a good place for such a setting.
    Welcome Moon-and-Star to this place where destiny is made

    Nerevar forget!
  • Xaramasa
    How far are we in the Second Era, cause I really think Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House reawakening sounds like a great end-game for ESO. Maybe like a massive trial where you have to help put down Ash Vampires with the help of the Tribunal's forces.

    Ur and his forces reawakened in 2E 882 and the Tribunal were able to put them down repeatedly until they eventually lost Keening and Sunder in the Third Era so trials being repeatable makes sense.
  • FlukeTU
    Xaramasa wrote: »
    How far are we in the Second Era, cause I really think Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House reawakening sounds like a great end-game for ESO. Maybe like a massive trial where you have to help put down Ash Vampires with the help of the Tribunal's forces.

    Ur and his forces reawakened in 2E 882 and the Tribunal were able to put them down repeatedly until they eventually lost Keening and Sunder in the Third Era so trials being repeatable makes sense.

    ESO story set in 2E 582 and I don't think they will do anything with Dagoth Ur because we already have Vvardenfell map.
  • Iccotak
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    Do think we are hammerfell bound and might be something to do with the undead. Ghosts and spirits. Just a hunch.

    How about something NEW for once. Sure I am all for Hammerfell but lets have a new threat with new enemy types and units for once yeah?

    As for Princes - so far Meridia and Peryite have both been getting major hints over the past couple of years

    To elaborate further: if you are going to bring back an old enemy - then do it in a new zone. Like Elsweyr, that was good. It was something familiar (Dragons) wrapped in something new (Elsweyr)

    If you are going to bring back an Old area then create a New enemy.

    2020 & 2021 both bring back old areas with old enemies

    We've seen Vampire Lords in Skyrim before (Dawnguard) - the villain of Greymoor, the Yokudan, was more suited to a Hammerfell/Vampire themed expansion - and I'm sure they could have added a Blackreach zone underneath Hammerfell

    Dark Heart of Skyrim should have had "Void Storms" and just been about Void monsters. The "Dark Heart" literally was not brought up until Markarth....

    While Blackwood is Cyrodil and Dagon...again. Luckily it blends in Black Marsh to freshen things up a little

    I am not saying to Never bring back the old stuff.
    What I am saying is that don't bring back an old area that is focused on the same enemy again.

    Example: when we go to the Shivering Isles - don't make the threat Jyggalag. We've seen it before so the threat should be different this time around,
    Edited by Iccotak on June 7, 2021 7:21PM
  • JD2013
    I have a feeling that next year's might be a political thing along the lines of Orsinium. That could be cool.
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

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    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    I need more Namira and Varmina stories. Honestly if we got an entire year of uncle sheo it would be nice too
  • ZigoSid
    Akaviri remnants in the eastern Morrowind peninsula, with annoying Telvanni Lords. Firewatch, Necrum and Telvanni Isles could be cool to see. The lil isle of Gorne too, with it's luxury and strange lifeforms.

    Or some Yokudan warlord/king, coming to Hamerfell to reclaim his "legacy/people" or something like that, thinking that he have some rights over them like if they are still fellow yokudans. Helped by some nostalgic traitors on the continent. Basically some kind of independance war like the ones we had in our own history.

    Edited by ZigoSid on June 17, 2021 10:32AM
  • zombniac
    King Orgnum and the Maormer!
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Western morrowind peninsula would be nice
    Maybe somekind of treath related to dwemer?
    Like someone finding a powerful dwemer relic and plan to use it for someting bad
    Maybe the numidium?
    Is there lore that indicate where it is in the 2nd era?
    As far as i know, the next time we hear about it is whe vivec give it to talos in about 300 years
    This could be how vivec got a hold on that powerfull relic?

    As of now the dwemer theme asn't been use in main story if im not mistaken
  • Túrin_Vidsmidr
    + the dark heart of skyrim awakens + Mehrunes Dagon invades + we'll get to the Adamantine Tower which is just the most important place in the whole Mundus + more coming next year.
    All of this happens within one year. So apparently our character is omnipresent and everybody else is active 24/7.
    Such an incredibly lazy, frugal trash writing. I'm surprised they didn't pull the usual Dragon Break yet.
    Edited by Túrin_Vidsmidr on July 6, 2021 10:33AM
    The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.
  • FlukeTU
    + the dark heart of skyrim awakens + Mehrunes Dagon invades + we'll get to the Adamantine Tower which is just the most important place in the whole Mundus + more coming next year.
    All of this happens within one year. So apparently our character is omnipresent and everybody else is active 24/7.
    Such an incredibly lazy, frugal trash writing. I'm surprised they didn't pull the usual Dragon Break yet.

    During 2020(or any year) there are many things happen in same year everywhere in the world but yeah our character just invole with all those events is a bit too much lol.
  • Asardes
    Aztrias wrote: »
    Lady Laurent and Stibbons
    Stibbons and Haskill are really the same dude.
    Beta tester since February 2014, played ESO-TU October 2015 - August 2022, currently on an extended break
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  • Mitaka211
    Our new companians , these identical drones have infiltrated all the major factions , listenting to our every conversation, even watching us sleep. When they recieve the signal the I Robot story arc will begin.
  • alberichtano
    RedMuse wrote: »
    A kind, elderly Breton woman who knits scarfs.

    I would genuinly love that. I would take a year long quest to find an old ladies lost socks over another Big Evulz Wants to Conquer the WOrld-schtick. It is getting old and stale very fast, to be honest, especially when they rehash old TES-games.

    Give us something more deep, more personal, more small scale. Perhaps even, dare I say it, where you have choices with actual consequences. "I know I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"...
  • Lugaldu
    A completely different question: are there any hints or comments? Has anyone spotted anything that could point to the next year?
  • SantieClaws
    Some sort of very vengeful ghost king who likes to haunt cities at night and shout a lot.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
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    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • alberichtano
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    I'd like it to be more of a Political Intrigue drama next time. No more Daedric baddies. The people of Tamriel are more than capable of doing some questionably immoral things.

    Oh god yes... my secret dream is a questline where you can actually chose sides, a bit like in Skyrim, and where no side is all bad, or all good. Whatever side you chose will have some good and some bad effects. Not everything is an ewok-after-party, after all. People will be divided about what side they support, and some will love you or hate you whichever side you chose.

    Action-choice-consequence, in short.
  • alberichtano
    Aztrias wrote: »
    Lady Laurent and Stibbons

    Ah yes! I had an idea about having a Stuga combat doll, but Lady Laurent would do nicely as well. ;-/
  • alberichtano
    Lugaldu wrote: »
    A terrible cosmic horror, we don't know how to deal with it, because we don't know what it wants; those who try to understand it, or even see its form are driven horribly insane. We can't reason with it. We can't stand against it. It is a terrible creeping, sentient (but alien) doom that will undo existence.

    A good starting point, it just shouldn't turn out in the end that the origin of the horror was again a Daedric prince (like Vermina).

    Sorry, but ZOS just sucks at horror stories. They always try the Lucas-routine, to try to make you feel suspense and laugh at the same time. For example when you step into the Deadlands, and Eveli just HAS to draw some inane smell-joke. What little sense of suspense I felt went out the window right there.
  • alberichtano
    Some sort of very vengeful ghost king who likes to haunt cities at night and shout a lot.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Still better than an Oblivion rehash/prequal that makes no sense in context with the actual game... :-/
  • alberichtano
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    Our new companians , these identical drones have infiltrated all the major factions , listenting to our every conversation, even watching us sleep. When they recieve the signal the I Robot story arc will begin.

    Bastian and Mirri get into a fight, and start to battle one another.

    A midget argonian has to tell you the sad truth: "Begun, the clone wars have!" O:)
  • PrayingSeraph
    Meridia or Peryite are natural contenders. Both have been gotten plenty of hints the past years.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Lugaldu wrote: »
    A terrible cosmic horror, we don't know how to deal with it, because we don't know what it wants; those who try to understand it, or even see its form are driven horribly insane. We can't reason with it. We can't stand against it. It is a terrible creeping, sentient (but alien) doom that will undo existence.

    A good starting point, it just shouldn't turn out in the end that the origin of the horror was again a Daedric prince (like Vermina).

    For example when you step into the Deadlands, and Eveli just HAS to draw some inane smell-joke. What little sense of suspense I felt went out the window right there.
    that kinda put me off as well

    But I would love horror themed content if they handled it appropriately. But as others have mentioned, I'd also prefer the villain to not be world-ending. Conflicts like that are just too difficult to make believable imo.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather _ Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher _ Qa'Rirra, khajiit assassin & dancer
  • TheImperfect
    I seem to have shifted my view to perhaps it being Mephala based on something that I saw but which may be a coincidence.
  • MaisonNaevius
    At least the main Villain champion will possibly be Fahara'jad's political opponent if we go to Hammerfell.
    > Wiki spécialisé sur Cyrodiil / en cour de rédaction <

    - Naevius-
  • SilverIce58
    I seem to have shifted my view to perhaps it being Mephala based on something that I saw but which may be a coincidence.

    Mephala had her time in the Daedric Triad storyline. We even got to go to the Spiral Skein.
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