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Fake Queue, how do you deal with it ?

  • spartaxoxo
    I can't agree more with you 2, if i fake queue i do it as healer btw !

    I often find myself with an fake tank to indeed. However I can take the boss and ads myself without much problems. I do find it anoying to end up with the agro at times. If i fake role myself as healer then, i think i can't say anything about it and accept it.

    I can talk mad baloney about it because if I fake role, I always come prepared to do the bare minimum expected of the role. I have a burst heal for fake healing and a taunt for fake tanking. Do I do as good as a real one? OFC not. Unlike a real one, my build will NOT be devoted to doing those jobs. But you're not gonna die unless you stay in stupid and the boss is gonna stay still.

    I'm not jackwagon who queues as a fake role and then only dps. I try to be at least at the floor of what people expect.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on May 26, 2021 8:31PM
  • spartaxoxo
    The term fake dd, something i don't like. I had an real fake dd, he was an dk main tank with 50k health, accidently queued as dd for some weird reason. That was fun

    I don't think you guys refer to fake DD as what I said above,. It as someone that doesn't do lots of DPS. Do you realize that not everyone is as good as you, me, someone else is? Not everyone is capable of pushing 90+k DPS out majority of the players strugle to get past 50k or 70k. If you talk about fake dd's, i don't think this is the thread for you, that's just toxic elitism imo.

    For me, I class a fake DD as people who light attack mostly or only and never use skills to up their dps. A bot can outdamage them easily. My 88 year old grandma, who has to be reminded how to hold a controller whenever she humors my baby cousin in a match of street fighter (which is rare) knows to button mash. She has no idea what she's doing but she understands the very basic concept you need to press more than one button to do more damage. If she were playing this (she don't) she wouldn't be only light attacking.

    If you're not using skills and can't do that, you're not actually trying. Your intent is to look busy so you don't get kicked. That's a fake.

    I'm not asking for much dps. But I am asking for actual effort to be made.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on May 26, 2021 8:42PM
  • Nagastani
    To start of, this is not an topic to take the *** out of those who fake que. And not an discussion that we don't need tanks/healers in dungeons. Might be true for normal, but for vet i think it's an different story.

    I often see posts about the anoyance of fake queing. And let's face it, as long as we have to queue over half an hour for our rdnd we will have fake healers and tanks. I can't complain about it cous i do it myself, but only for my rdnd. And i always let the group know. Up for them to continue with me or not, Wich is fair imo.

    The rest of the time, i just queue up properly as dd.
    For me as sorc it's pretty easy to deal with fake roles, i just use medusa instead of siroria, and whack on crit surge. With that i heal myself, and it's enough for most content on normal. If it happens in vet dungeons i just leave, simple as it. I make sure I know when to roll dodge if the boss agro's on me and mind my own business. If it happens in vet, especially the dlc dungeons i just leave simple as it.

    I always start an dungeon with that setup, until it notice that we have an healer and an tank and then i swap to my normal setup.

    How do you deal with it ? If you fake queue, do you say it ? If you have fake roles, what do you do ?

    To be honest my WW Tank is so powerful I don't really care. I can carry the boss if I need to or survive without a healer.

    I hear what you're saying however and it sucks. Everyone wants a Traditional Tank however they don't stop to realize how a Traditional Tank needs a group that knows how to support it. And if your first action regarding the group is to lie about your role or why you're there then that helps no one.
    Edited by Nagastani on May 26, 2021 10:32PM
  • SpiritofESO
    My Dragonknight is a full-time main Tank so that's not an issue.

    My Nightblade suits up with heavy armor and one-hand-and-shield and always tanks in Randoms so, again, it's not an issue.

    My third character is Templar healer and she DOES see fake tanks often so my solution is "no-heals-for-you" since, if you were a real Tank holding aggro and not dying, etc., you would not be taking massive damage when the Boss looks at you funny.

    Truth is that Fake Tanks, like the ones who freely admit guilt of it in this thread, do a disservice to the random PUG group (not a pre-made) and they Fake Queue because -- yep -- they don't want to wait the 10 or so minutes to get into a random PUG as a damage dealer.

    That's why they Fake Queue as Fake Tanks who selfishly screw over their random PUG -- regardless of the pathetic justification they offer. They just are "cutting in line" and you know how much everybody really hates that.


    Honestly -- it is relatively easy to get and wear Heavy Armor, learn the One-Hand and Shield skill line (shield tanking for damage reduction is best), and become a TANK. So -- why be a Fake Tank when you can add Tank Skills to your character and be a Real Tank.

    • "Adapt or Die"
  • spartaxoxo
    So -- why be a Fake Tank when you can add Tank Skills to your character and be a Real Tank.

    Because then you run into fake dps
  • jle30303
    Bad DPS are not to blame for fake tanks. Only people wanting to jump the queue are to blame for fake tanks. As was said above: if you're going to queue as a tank, at least wear sword and board, a few bits of heavy (maybe the bigger bits like cuirass and legs), and slot a taunt (you can spend 1 skill point on Puncture or Inner Fire, and this is enough for pretty much most Normal dungeons, certainly normal vanilla) and be able to survive a few hits from bosses while keeping them in one spot.

    Fake healers, if they are real DDs, are in fact less of a problem, simply because the paradigm of "3 DDs + 1 tank without healer" is an accepted way of doing dungeons.
  • spartaxoxo
    jle30303 wrote: »
    Bad DPS are not to blame for fake tanks. .

    I have a real tank. I don't queue it. I abandoned it in fact. Why? Because I didn't want to do organized group content as a tank. And I didn't want to queue as a tank because dps was trash.

    Like it was painfully slow.

    So I just slot inner fire on my sorc dps and fake it. And I survive everything I queue for just fine.

    People who don't care about being terrible dps actively run real tanks and healers out of these queues.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on May 27, 2021 2:12AM
  • hackdrag0n
    There's only one realistic way to fix fake roles - make the content hard enough that you actually need a tank. That won't happen of course because it will make the normal content too hard for the casual players, which appears to be the majority of the player base.
  • spartaxoxo
    hackdrag0n wrote: »
    There's only one realistic way to fix fake roles - make the content hard enough that you actually need a tank. That won't happen of course because it will make the normal content too hard for the casual players, which appears to be the majority of the player base.

    It's the vast majority of the playerbase. Companions got nerfed and can't do more than like 10k dps(? forget the number but it's low af) because they'd replace a lot of players.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on May 27, 2021 3:04AM
  • DonHardstyle
    Basicly the bottom line in this thread, fake heal is more or less accepted. Most people have self heals, or run that ring i never can remember the name of.

    Fake tanks are the biggest anoyance. But people still go as fake tank. Some doesn't slot an taunt, some does. But it should be an unwritten rule to atleast slot an taunt.

    Fake DPS, the people that do the least effort possible with only la's. Either lazy af and just want an free carry, or people that just don't know. Maybe we should offer help ?

    It's still interesting how people deal with it, how people react on it. I like that healer that said she/he doesn't heal the fake tank. Like don't make my problem put of yours !

    I hope that people read this thread, and find some tips for themselves, how to deal with it. I don't think zos is going to adress the fake role problem some people obvious has.aybe this makes it easier for those that have this problem..
  • AnyOldIron
    If people queue as a fake role and then proceed to make a hash of the dungeon and not take other people into consideration, then I'll call them out on it and take the abuse, which is often what follows.
    If things go smoothly and there's a bit of respect from the fakes, then no problem. We're all investing our own time into the game, we all want some fulfillment from that.
    I find that if I want to pug a rnd quickly, I just go in as a tank/heal proper, and if I have more time I'll queue as dd and farm, chat or do dailies as I wait. Don't really see the need to fake, but I understand why others do.
    Edited by AnyOldIron on May 27, 2021 9:10AM
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