So I'm looking over the PTS changes and, assuming most of the changes aren't gonna change THAT much from what they're already doing, it looks like Necrotic Orbs and its morphs are getting a nerf. That made me wonder, is it worth running still as a healer? I main a warden healer with Enchanted Growth, Blue Betty, Radiating Regeneration, Combat Prayer, and Aggressive Warhorn. I've got room for one more healing-centric skill (since my back bar is lightning DPS/Buffs) and was trying to choose between Budding Seeds, Overflowing Altar, and Energy Orb. I was leaning towards Energy Orb before seeing the Update 30 changes, but now I'm not sure what to use to be honest. Will the changes to Necrotic Orb and its morphs matter that much, or is it still very good?
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »So I'm looking over the PTS changes and, assuming most of the changes aren't gonna change THAT much from what they're already doing, it looks like Necrotic Orbs and its morphs are getting a nerf. That made me wonder, is it worth running still as a healer? I main a warden healer with Enchanted Growth, Blue Betty, Radiating Regeneration, Combat Prayer, and Aggressive Warhorn. I've got room for one more healing-centric skill (since my back bar is lightning DPS/Buffs) and was trying to choose between Budding Seeds, Overflowing Altar, and Energy Orb. I was leaning towards Energy Orb before seeing the Update 30 changes, but now I'm not sure what to use to be honest. Will the changes to Necrotic Orb and its morphs matter that much, or is it still very good?
As a healer, your three jobs are to keep your group healthy, provide them sustain, and buff them, in that order. So yes, especially on anything not a Templar as they at least have shards, you should absolutely be running orbs for the sustain it offers to your group, if you want to be efficient at your role. I would not personally consider a healer "good" if they're not running orbs for the dps and tank to sustain (I play all roles). Being a Warden healer as well, your other heals-over-time are so strong that the loss of a bit of healing off the orbs will likely be unnoticeable. (Also as a side note, I would HIGHLY recommend finding space for budding seeds on your Warden as a permanent skill as well, especially since lightning staves on supports are functionally useless now.) This is just my own advice to you.
Wait, lightning staves are useless on support? I've been keeping a wall of elements on back bar specifically for the concussed proc. What's changed since that was useful?