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Fake Queue, how do you deal with it ?

To start of, this is not an topic to take the *** out of those who fake que. And not an discussion that we don't need tanks/healers in dungeons. Might be true for normal, but for vet i think it's an different story.

I often see posts about the anoyance of fake queing. And let's face it, as long as we have to queue over half an hour for our rdnd we will have fake healers and tanks. I can't complain about it cous i do it myself, but only for my rdnd. And i always let the group know. Up for them to continue with me or not, Wich is fair imo.

The rest of the time, i just queue up properly as dd.
For me as sorc it's pretty easy to deal with fake roles, i just use medusa instead of siroria, and whack on crit surge. With that i heal myself, and it's enough for most content on normal. If it happens in vet dungeons i just leave, simple as it. I make sure I know when to roll dodge if the boss agro's on me and mind my own business. If it happens in vet, especially the dlc dungeons i just leave simple as it.

I always start an dungeon with that setup, until it notice that we have an healer and an tank and then i swap to my normal setup.

How do you deal with it ? If you fake queue, do you say it ? If you have fake roles, what do you do ?
  • loaganb16_ESO
    I only queueueueue as tank (for farming sets or keys ect). Or if we have another event running and get extra daily rewards, I'll revert to two button bow spam tactics whenever we have a fake heal or tank. Does about 10k DPS if I want to. But luckily I don't need to do much, because we have another DD in the group. Let them carry.
  • DonHardstyle
    I only queueueueue as tank (for farming sets or keys ect). Or if we have another event running and get extra daily rewards, I'll revert to two button bow spam tactics whenever we have a fake heal or tank. Does about 10k DPS if I want to. But luckily I don't need to do much, because we have another DD in the group. Let them carry.

    Do you state that as fake or real tank ?

    My personal believe is not to go as fake tank, as i think an tank is more usefull, but that's an different discussionn

    If you're an real tank and do 10k DPS, i like that !
    Of you're an fake tank and do 10k, i think at least put some effort in you're real role and do an bit more, don't think it's fair to be carried by the other dd if you fake role.
  • sevomd69
    I que as a tank on all my stam toons and a healer on all my mag toons... only for normal ransoms... on my stam toons I just slot inner fire and silver leash and I can tank most dlc normals...just roll dodge those heavies... I only back bar resto On my mag blade... all other mag toons just slot heals and you’re fine... if we have a fake tank I’ll just slot a ice staff and tank and heal...normal too easy in this game... on my true tank I’ll just go leeching and crimson and if everyone else dies I can still solo most things...though it takes some time
  • loaganb16_ESO
    Both tanks are quite real. DK Tanks to be exact.


    I like DK tanks most. They have a lot of skills to CC everything and make the DDs AoE everything to death :)
  • DonHardstyle
    I like that ! Love it when tanks add to the dps, and do their role !
  • phaneub17_ESO
    My cue needs some dusting up, feeling a little blue lately, but otherwise I get the ball rolling just fine!
  • Starlight_Whisper
    If I don't shield and sword Or Friday staff animations and you die then kick.

    If I die and others die from boss cause it's very clear you have no taunt then kick
    Edited by Starlight_Whisper on May 25, 2021 7:02AM
  • perfiction
    No issues with fake queueing here, only one rule - if you queue as a tank at least use undaunted taunt on boss and don't run around like a clown (keep the boss in one spot).

    I often fake tank RNDs on my DD toons just to save time. I slot in both undaunted taunt and fighters guild leash. Had no complaints/kick votes so far so I guess it's not that harmful.
    Edited by perfiction on May 25, 2021 7:22AM
  • zaria
    Fake queue made me think of the phantom queue you sometimes get put into. Say you queue for an pledge dungeon on an tank and the queue takes forever.
    Solution here is to quit the queue and re-queue, this tend to help. This also works for DD even if you have to wait first but if queue take to long leave and try again, weirdly you do not loose your place in the queue.

    So leaving and re-queuing is how you deal with fake queue.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • DonHardstyle
    zaria wrote: »
    Fake queue made me think of the phantom queue you sometimes get put into. Say you queue for an pledge dungeon on an tank and the queue takes forever.
    Solution here is to quit the queue and re-queue, this tend to help. This also works for DD even if you have to wait first but if queue take to long leave and try again, weirdly you do not loose your place in the queue.

    So leaving and re-queuing is how you deal with fake queue.

    No it's not that what i mean, i mean dd's queueing as tanks or healers.
  • LashanW
    Only fake role that triggers me is fake tank (people in tank role without a taunt). Fake healers don't usually bother me as self heals for DDs are pretty powerful in this game.

    So my solution for fake tanks is simple. I queue for the tank role myself (always with a taunt slotted).
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  • Xebov
    Iam a Tank only player. Fake healers often dont bother me and in most cases they are the main damage source. If i get a group full of fake DDs that dont deal damage i simply dump the group.
  • Chaos2088
    Normal...meh its ok...

    Vet...if its 3 dd's and a tank, not bothered, but if its a dd thats not really doing anything in a tank or healing role. Then I didn't sign up to carry someone through content. People charge for that.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    All characters that I regularly use for normal dungeon farm runs with randoms have a default setup with taunt, pale order and vigor or a similar skill. So I won't see a much difference between a fake and real healer and if the tank doesn't taunt, I can get aggro and stop it from running around.

    In vet dungeons the only "fake" role I tend to see are dds, and they simply get kicked if they don't have enough dps to beat mechanics.
  • EF321
    Yes please, get rid of all these fake DDs in my dungeons.
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    I don't mind anyone faking roles as long as those fake anything know how to do their own role.
    I personally dont fake roles and when I do,I prefer to go with guildies who know in advance and also fake roles.
    I love 3DD 1H runs when everyone knows what to do.

    As long as it isn't a vet DLC dungeon with HM I will never care of having people faking roles and I will never understand people making such a fuss about it.

    I remember once we did PUG for a vetHRC HM and found out our tank was fake,it was one my my best trials I ever did because it was a hilarious run when our fake tank run towards the bosses to ''tank'' them bravely,what ofc did result in a one shot of the guy.No one did complain instead we did laughed together and had fun.Most of us ended up adding each other in friendlist to make more brave runs like this one was.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • josiahva
    To start of, this is not an topic to take the *** out of those who fake que. And not an discussion that we don't need tanks/healers in dungeons. Might be true for normal, but for vet i think it's an different story.

    I often see posts about the anoyance of fake queing. And let's face it, as long as we have to queue over half an hour for our rdnd we will have fake healers and tanks. I can't complain about it cous i do it myself, but only for my rdnd. And i always let the group know. Up for them to continue with me or not, Wich is fair imo.

    The rest of the time, i just queue up properly as dd.
    For me as sorc it's pretty easy to deal with fake roles, i just use medusa instead of siroria, and whack on crit surge. With that i heal myself, and it's enough for most content on normal. If it happens in vet dungeons i just leave, simple as it. I make sure I know when to roll dodge if the boss agro's on me and mind my own business. If it happens in vet, especially the dlc dungeons i just leave simple as it.

    I always start an dungeon with that setup, until it notice that we have an healer and an tank and then i swap to my normal setup.

    How do you deal with it ? If you fake queue, do you say it ? If you have fake roles, what do you do ?

    Well, I tank almost I generally don't have to deal with fake tanks...but if I did have to, I would deal with it the same way I deal with no heals or bad DPS....I ADAPT to whatever group I find myself in. If the group doesn't do enough DPS, I use an add-on like dressing room to swap to an off-tank setup that deals significantly more DPS. If I feel the group isn't getting enough heals, I use the same add-on to swap to a battalion defender/redistributor setup with a resto staff on backbar and off-heal while I tank. Obviously non of these sets make me an actual DPS or healer, but it shores up a weak spot in any group I find myself in. As a DPS, I can very well carry some heavy armor damage sets that would allow me tank in a pinch when the "tank" is obviously a DPS...again, not as good as a real tank, but good enough for anything short of HM in a vet DLC dungeon.
  • Viewsfrom6ix
    I never have to deal with fake roles.

    Vet - I only do it with pre-made
    Normal - I only tank as DPS with a taunt. My DPS can compensate if the rest of the group's DPS is low.
  • DonHardstyle
    Love the comments, everyone seems to adapt to it. Weird that we still have so many threads about it.
  • Rittings
    If I'm on my magblade, I keep an ice staff ready (for extra damage mitigation) and a taunt leveled... if it's a bit rougher content, I even have Fortified Brass jewelry and Ice staff... that way I can tank most things in my perfected false god's and fortified brass lol.
  • Xebov
    Love the comments, everyone seems to adapt to it. Weird that we still have so many threads about it.

    I think the problem is when you get a combination of inexperienced/low damage group and low damage/no tanking fake tank. Especially in DLC dungeons this can be problematic.
    It only realy works if eitehr the fake thank is the power house of the group or the group has an overall good dps.
  • NeillMcAttack
    Funny story, well, not funny, frustrating for me, but you may find it funny.

    I got kicked at the start of a DC normal not long ago because I was accused of being a fake tank! I messaged one of them and they said I didn’t have enough health, so I must be a fake tank. I had a frost staff and S&B equipped, this toon has gryphon heart and is progging godslayer as MT. I had alkosh and PA equipped, which is the most damage I can possibly offer a PUG grp. But nope, I only had 28k health (medium armor and lava foot food) so I must be a fake tank. Remember this is a normal dungeon. If you think about it, this group of geniuses decided they would take another tank out of the queue, only hurting others looking for a tank because of their sense of self righteousness, as they explained to me “since ZOS won’t do anything about it, I will.”
    So anyway, since then, I’m far more likely to fake tank. If we run into trouble I’m always willing to adjust and equip the necessary gear to get us over the line, but it goes to show how thankless a role the tank is, particularly when you have individuals in the queue not willing to tank themselves and still expecting everything running to their liking, whilst judging you on something as poor an indicator and easily adjusted as your health bar.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
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    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • seldomseenkd
    Don't mind fake tank/healers as long as they compensate with some respectable DPS.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    To start of, this is not an topic to take the *** out of those who fake que. And not an discussion that we don't need tanks/healers in dungeons. Might be true for normal, but for vet i think it's an different story.

    I often see posts about the anoyance of fake queing. And let's face it, as long as we have to queue over half an hour for our rdnd we will have fake healers and tanks. I can't complain about it cous i do it myself, but only for my rdnd. And i always let the group know. Up for them to continue with me or not, Wich is fair imo.

    The rest of the time, i just queue up properly as dd.
    For me as sorc it's pretty easy to deal with fake roles, i just use medusa instead of siroria, and whack on crit surge. With that i heal myself, and it's enough for most content on normal. If it happens in vet dungeons i just leave, simple as it. I make sure I know when to roll dodge if the boss agro's on me and mind my own business. If it happens in vet, especially the dlc dungeons i just leave simple as it.

    I always start an dungeon with that setup, until it notice that we have an healer and an tank and then i swap to my normal setup.

    How do you deal with it ? If you fake queue, do you say it ? If you have fake roles, what do you do ?

    I fake que all the time. It's not a problem when you play with friends and your just trying to fill out the last 1-2 players for a group. We always take an Off Tank with us (basically, a tank/healer hybrid that can do both roles) so that it doesn't matter what we get.

    I play a templar offtank, my gf plays a necro offtank, and a couple others in my group play a warden offtank. Great characters to have for 3/1 formatting and good characters overall for queing when you don't know what you are going to get. Obviously not elite DK main tanks, but can handle all of the content the game throws at you if you know how to play your character right.
  • jle30303
    My main is a tank.

    If I'm playing one of my DDs... I haven't really mastered the idea of rotation or got them good gear yet, so I rely on other players being able to perform their roles. The difference is *huge* when the mobs stay in my AOE rather than chasing me. So I vote-kick any fake tank that doesn't taunt, unless they're doing enough damage to attract most of the aggro even without a taunt, which means they've got to be a proper DD doing more than me. If you're a fake tank who can't even DD and dies to trash before we reach the first boss, sorry, it's goodbye.

    Fake healers... If they're a real DD and I'm on my tank, they stay, because I tank pugs in my "selfish" sets of Leeching + Bahrahas, which is good enough to do normals and vanilla-vets with 3 DDs. If you queue as fake healer and can't even DD properly, then it's vote-kick and goodbye.
  • ForeverJenn
    Fake tank that leaves norm dlc dungeon when seeing said norm dlc dungeon makes me laugh. But I play real healer and can carry anyone in a norm.

    I play real tank too. See a lotta fake dps. I just deal with it remembering some people are new. I try to help newbies. A little more interesting than blowing thru it.
    Edited by ForeverJenn on May 26, 2021 1:38AM
  • Roztlin45
    Que as something you are not is called a liar. It means you have no honor and the rules.don't apply to you, simple as that. It does not matter if a tank or healer is needed or not. Vet , normal , base game or dlc. No way to justify it, only with more lies explaining away a lack of personal integrity and fair play. Best thing is to wait your turn like the rest of the player base or get Zos to change the wording to anyone.
  • Amottica
    I run with guild members. I have always found a guild run is significantly better than running with a random group formed by the game. Even if we do not have a full group we are still in control the pug will run the dungeon as we want to run it or sayonara. Ofc, we are polite if we have to convey any message to the pug.
  • disintegr8
    Been a loooong time since I used group finder, looks like the same old problems are still there.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Vhale
    Some of these posts make me think Qing with a low level qualifies me as "fake" I don't have a meta raid set for normals on my lvl 20. I've also had a couple bad run ins with self righteous high lvl CP people that join a group. Start trying to kick or be confrontational before seeing if the group is just fine as-is. Getting very preachy. If people are dying or can't finish the quest, yes, bad group. if the group is doing just fine, don't be a Diva and start spouting lectures about roles or you carrying the group.

    I ran 4 new writ alts through 8 lowbie dungeons each last weekend, for skill points. I had 1 failed quest due to skips. And 1 dungeon I had to kick a preachy type who was standing at the entrance letting the fake tank know what they felt about their "honor" while we duo'd bosses.(the other questing lowbie left when they started their spiel). So in my little slice of experience I ended up even between fake tank and deliberate griefer. Who at CP1400+ spends all day joining randoms to PURGE the world of fake tanks? Oy.
    The Ska'vyn Exchange
    Savage Blade
    Vhale Sirothe -Templar - Grand Master Crafter - Daggerfall
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