Hey there. Without a doubt the necromancer class is one of the most unique and fun classes to play in the game. Ive been playing it quite a lot especially recently and ive seen a lot of iterations the class went through to improve the player experience. From where it started it certainly came a long way and it is in a much better position than it used to be however there are some things that I'd like to ask if it could be solved hopefully to change the class for the better. As you might know blastbones are a pretty interesting kind of AI. Unfortunately it is far more A then I but I believe it can be solved. So for example one of the most annoying things about blastbones is that the player cannot always use the ability every 3 gcd, unless it is a static fight. The moment the fight introduces movement/teleportation to the enemies or they are at a range your blastbones takes time to reach the target and detonate on it. This is a bit frustrating when you are trying to perfect your gameplay in order to trying to get better at it. So here comes my question. In order to fix this issue why dont you allow multiple blastbones to exist at any given time? Say like in cloudrest you cast your blastbones on siroria, but after a while she leaps away, and quite often when that happens the blastbone just kind of wanders around waiting for her to come back and you cannot even use the ability until your first blastbone dies. Is there a tecnical issue if you allow multiple blastbones to exist at one time? Im curious to know because its rather frustrating when you are used to using an ability as your every third cast but you are unable to do so because the previous blastbone hasnt expired yet. Anyways im curious about other ideas as well to improve on this class so feel free to leave a comment below this post to keep the conversation going. o7