Hi everyone,
Today, we’ll be performing some maintenance on both PC NA and EU. Below are the details for each megaserver:
- PC NA will be brought offline beginning at 2pm EDT. We need to do a bit of backend work to fix some lingering connectivity issues and will also be applying a hotfix. This hotfix will address the issue where some players with full mailboxes aren’t able to receive mail, or are seeing 0 mail despite having a notification that you have new mail. We anticipate the downtime being approximately 2-3 hours.
- PC EU will not require any downtime and will receive the hotfix mentioned above after PC NA maintenance is complete. We anticipate it taking less than an hour to fully roll out the hotfix.
We’ll let you know when both maintenances are complete. Thanks for your patience!
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on May 18, 2021 4:29PM Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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