I have 4 pure archers and rank them in the following order:
Sorc - very good, nice damage, very safe.
Warden - also very good, top damage, pretty safe.
Very happy with both Sorc and Warden for bow/bow.
A long way down from those two I have
Templar - not very impressive.
Nightblade - quite unimpressive.
Your mileage may vary of course and I can't speak to bow/bow on the other classes.
Wow thanks everyone! Any chance you could please share your sorc builds? I'm pretty sure the gear is relequen, tzogvin, blackmore, maelstrom but would love to know what your bars look like
My Bowsorc is far from meta but she is great fun. Her 'end game' is soloing non-DLC WBs and soloing non-DLC normal group dungeons. As a soloist, she is built for survival, sustain, damage in that order.
Gear is super simple: Slimecraw x2, Spriggans x5 (pen), Toothrow x5 (crit).
Mundus is Thief.
Ult is the FG ult on both bars mostly for passives. She also slots Bound Armaments on both bars. That leaves 4 active skills per bar:
1: Caltrops (breach), Bombard, Crystal Weapon, Dark Deal.
2: Surge, Hurricane, Poison Injection, Focused Aim.
Necromancer and Warden are the top 2 with DK being third. Necro and Warden are pretty simple when running bow bow. Just DoT them up and use your class skills.
Just wondering on your recommendations for a bowbow lineup. I was thinking Necro > warden > rest. Would love some feedback.
I was running a stamsorc as bow bow for pve. I think it can be better. If i had to make a toon for pve, it wouldnt be stamsorc anymore. Most likely a templar or Nighblade. There are pve tier lists and Nightblade is at the top if i remember correct.
Edit: I think it is important how you prefer to play. If you play more solo the stamsorc is great because it has great survivability. If you like to play more in groups, other classes might outdps you.