Green tinted character textures

When playing ESO I sometimes get green tinted textures for some characters (see image). This can be players or NPCs and is totally random. It usually stays on the characters until zoning or changing texture quality settings.


I tried different graphics settings but nothing helped. I also tried resetting UserSettings.txt several times but still got the issue.

Any ideas?
  • ZOS_Bill

    There could be an issue with your add-ons or with your settings leading to this texture issue.

    Try removing add-ons as described here and see if the correct texture loads.

    We also suggest deleting two settings files to ensure ESO is at it's default settings. To do so, follow the instructions below:
    1. Open up the Documents folder on your computer.
    2. Open the Elder Scrolls Online folder, then open the Live folder.
    3. Find the ShaderCache and UserSettings files.
    4. Create copies of each file, then delete the originals.
    5. Close everything and start ESO again.

    NOTE: This will reset all in-game settings to their defaults. Please take a moment when you next log in to review the settings for the game.
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