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like or dislike

please vote if you like the game or not then give reasons why
Edited by knaveofengland on April 25, 2014 7:29AM

like or dislike 26 votes

yes like the game
RatatouilleHakokeKendaricMalediktusrorcusb16_ESOZiRMGreySixZershar_VemodOzghostZerlPseudoloKrovaxknaveofenglandAllyahNox_AeternaNaxxanosSoloeuszhevonCatches_the_SunMistFall 25 votes
no dislike the game
pat02468prerb18_ESO 1 vote
  • knaveofengland
    yes like the game
    game is already a classic in the way it plays
  • Stormynature
    yes like the game
    Content, crafting, bot reporting in no particular order
    A maxed out luggage draught horse should be allowed to carry a wayshrine
  • Nox_Aeterna
    yes like the game
    This game got tons of problems and , in my opinion , even bad desgin choices, but ofc i like the game , otherwise i would not play it.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • ZiRM
    yes like the game
    Yes, I'm having fun and the game is beautiful. If I didn't like it I wouldn't waste my time on the forums I would of moved on long ago.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Zerl
    yes like the game
    The game is beautiful and the mechanics are spot on (albeit that there are some minor issues with regards to balance).

    It's not some run of the mill WoW-clone, and the PvP is brilliant.

    I have every confidence that (given some time) Zeni will sort out the issues that are currently ingame, and this shall most likely be a game that I shall be enjoying for months to come.
  • knaveofengland
    yes like the game
    thank you for the comments as I said game plays like a classic so in a few months time fingers crossed , what will we all say then if you like the game now we be getting married in a few months
  • Drogmor
    yes like the game
    TESO has been the most fulfilling MMORPG experience that I have had since probably Everquest I.

    The game provides for various gamers' types, (exploring - Grinding - Questing - PvP - RP even though RPers seems to be a dying breed thanks to some other major MMORPG franchises which ruined that aspect - Crafting and Trading) there seems to be an issue where some boss fights pre-Veteran seem too easy, but I have high hopes that Craglorn will bring some intelligent scripts for bosses too.

    The combat is really fun and engaging, and even just watching random npcs' reaction around the world or while questing is fun.
    --Books-- Just give us more, lore oriented, quest oriented, or even silly little notes by someone wanting to kick someone off the stairs, it just makes the game real.

    Game economy seems fine up till now and by not adding an actual global auction house and by allowing players to create guild stores of various sizes depending on guild members ZOS both added to the social aspect of the game and to the financial balance.

    I will not go into the graphics level of detail since I think it just tops everything and still allows gamers, who cannot afford a new system, such as myself, to be able to play on an old CPU by just spending a little cash to upgrade my gfx card. (Currently getting pretty high fps on high settings with my slow poke computer)
    Well, there is much more and this post could go on for a while but I ll stop now.
    A final few words about people complaining with quest bugs and whatnot, from my experience, and many years of online gaming, the game actually did have quite a smooth launch, and the people behind it do seem to care and appear to be working on getting things done. As far as gold sellers and bots, the community has to be more active in terms of reporting players if we want to help ZoS get rid of them.
  • Xaei
    yes like the game
    I can't say the game is perfect, but it is very enjoyable.

    I wanna focus on the combat. It's a bit clunky, which is something that irritates me a lot but it has potential which I don't think any other AAA MMO on the market ATM has.

    It really makes you feel like you're actually fighting as opposed to just messing with an UI, having to react to an enemy's attacks rather than mechanics, and things like sneaking up on a target is very satisfying.
  • Pseudolo
    yes like the game
    It has its flaws, but I like it! Sometimes I sit here saying "gonna research a couple of items and log" and end up exploring a couple of dungeons...
  • Saihung423
    yes like the game
    Because I can see the potential in this game and it excites me like EQ and EQ2 did. As is, it is fun for me and caters a bit to my interests. They seem to want crafting to be relevant which I dig.

  • GeeYouWhy
    You did not include an option for both. I love and hate it in equal amounts. Every time I start to enjoy myself I get *** slapped by a bug, stupid design choice or lore violation.
    Konrandir, Vampire Sorcerer
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