Right now there really isn't anything that makes warden unique from other classes combat wise. I propose that we can use other wild-life and tame them, other MMO's have done this most notably the hunter class in WoW and I think the ranger class in WoW. The bear would be what you start with but you can use your ult on animals to tame them. So it doesn't feel bland mabye you need to have a specific food in your inventory to feed them and make them like you. ex: Wolf's would be use the cooking item called game.
so that every pet doesn't feel the same make it so they each have a different ability like how the bear will do a more powerful attack.
wolf, well rounded-activating your ultimate causes your wolf pet to charge to the nearest enemy and knocking them down dealing physical damage.
kwama or nixhound?- high attack and speed, lower defense and health-The kwama spits adhesive at the enemy, dealing x poison damage over a certain amount of time.
These are just 2 examples and would make warden more interesting than everyone having a bear guardian. It wouldn't be lore breaking since I believe skyrim had a spell to calm animals and prevent them from attacking you.