Hey all,
as most people, I am using add-ons like action duration timer or similar to practice parsing, because even being just a casual player who can’t afford hours of game play on a daily basis, I would still like to have a competitive dps for occasional no hm veteran trials.
I like more static, easy-to-remember rotations, with skills sorted to be pressed in a row, like central skill-1-2-3, central skill-barswap-1-2-3 (by central skill I mean skills such as blast bones/prey/spectral bow/shalks etc).
What I thought would be useful, is to have an option to pause the parse in the middle of it, to better figure out what skills to proc next, to sort them on a bar in a more suitable way for me and maybe to be able to test it off the game.
For that purpose, I made a small macro enabled excel sheet to test rotation while being able to check skill expiration timers and not being under pressure of seconds passing by. It also records rotation sequence, and in a way mimics parsing, cause weaving light attacks are imitated with double mouse clicks after skills being fired.
Just thought to share it here and maybe someone else could have some use for it as well.
Edited by incognito_8 on April 21, 2021 6:07AM GM in Noble Guardians.