Greetings I took about a three or four year break (Orsinium had just dropped) from the game due to life and small children. I'm back and several things have changed. I'm still looking at BiS but currently running Maelstrom Daggers and Maelstrom Bow Selene's Monster Set, Hundings, and agility jewelry. It looks like at some point they buffed player health and I'm sitting at around 23K Health and 41K Stam with bound armaments up.
Should I be running Max Stam/Steam regen instead of Max Health/Stam
I've been practicing a rotation and really enjoy the new bound armaments, the crystal weapon skill, and the DW ultimate Rend my current set up is Crystal weapon, Whirlwind, Flurry, Hurricane, Bound Armaments, and Rend. My bow bar is venom arrow (switched for quality of life in Maelstrom arena), Endless Hail, Dark Deal (quality of life), Crit Surge, Bound Armaments, Flawless Dawnbreaker.
Should I swap out crystal weapon for rending slashes?
Should I drop crit surge and dark deal and run one of the summons?
Thank you