These campaigns are a prime example of why all campaigns need to be alliance locked. You cannot even go in these campaigns without an absolute abundance of yellows or reds on blues and according to Zenimax, breaking their code of conduct by abusing scoring systems, (AP boosting) , losing on purpose, (ie just tonight a “blue” picked up a scroll after we killed the runner, and took it right back to reds to die and give it to them), and the plain toxicity involved in such situations. I really don’t understand a code of conduct if nothing is ever enforced and this happens openly in these campaigns, many times in zone chat with such comments when confronted as “Why not if we can get away with it?” Etc etc. It totally ruins the game for anyone that wants to play it the way it was meant to be played. Gray host is an option however not a viable one as sometimes it can be 1-2 hours more of wait time. Just curious how others see these campaigns?