Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Having trouble with the housing editor

I can't seem to get EHT to list my house as available to visit. I followed that video but it keeps telling me I failed. I also allowed permission through my firewall. I am at a loss as to how to get that to work. Does anyone think windows defender also maybe be blocking it? I just don't know what the problem is. I would love to share views of my homes since this addon is really great, anyone else having trouble with it?
  • Aram500
    Alurria wrote: »
    I can't seem to get EHT to list my house as available to visit. I followed that video but it keeps telling me I failed. I also allowed permission through my firewall. I am at a loss as to how to get that to work. Does anyone think windows defender also maybe be blocking it? I just don't know what the problem is. I would love to share views of my homes since this addon is really great, anyone else having trouble with it?

    This has been an iisue the past couple of updates. If you take a look at the EHT addon page an look at the comments there............
  • StabbityDoom
    Alurria wrote: »
    I can't seem to get EHT to list my house as available to visit. I followed that video but it keeps telling me I failed. I also allowed permission through my firewall. I am at a loss as to how to get that to work. Does anyone think windows defender also maybe be blocking it? I just don't know what the problem is. I would love to share views of my homes since this addon is really great, anyone else having trouble with it?

    Is this still occurring? the addon was on and off working the last few days as Cardi and Arch tried to iron out some errors. If you do decide to uninstall and reinstall, remember NOT to delete your saved variables, just the addon. :)
    EHT zealot
  • Alurria
    Thanks for the info, I will check out the page hate to uninstall it but will see.
  • StabbityDoom
    Alurria wrote: »
    Thanks for the info, I will check out the page hate to uninstall it but will see.

    also, there are conflicts with the Azurah ui, if you are using that
    EHT zealot
  • Alurria
    Oh I don't use that, I'm a addon minimalist. But dang I really like EHT now if I could list my house which is a work in progress of course.
  • StabbityDoom
    Alurria wrote: »
    Oh I don't use that, I'm a addon minimalist. But dang I really like EHT now if I could list my house which is a work in progress of course.

    the only major breaking issue right now that I know of with EHT is with ui toggle. the rest should work with this morning's update
    EHT zealot
  • Alurria
    I may have to reinstall it, I haven't been able to log into game yet today but will do so this evening oh Stabby this the first time I've watched your streaming I really like it.
  • StabbityDoom
    Alurria wrote: »
    I may have to reinstall it, I haven't been able to log into game yet today but will do so this evening oh Stabby this the first time I've watched your streaming I really like it.

    thank you! <3

    if it still gives you trouble, this is my advice:

    try this: uninstall eht, then delete the folder in the director (NOT saved variables, the addon directory). Make sure you have eht community closed (right click the blue house in the task bar and select close). Then, back completely out of the game, even the launcher.

    Then, reinstall eht & community with the most recent versions and see if it works right.

    SOME addons (including others than EHT, and EHT doesn't always require this) require fulling backing out of the entire program and restarting it to fully clean up and remove itself.
    EHT zealot
  • Village_Idiot
    I have tried to use the housing editor but i fail miserably in there a How-to for dummies?
  • StabbityDoom
    I have tried to use the housing editor but i fail miserably in there a How-to for dummies?

    I have several videos on how to get started:

    EHT zealot
  • Alurria
    Just a update, sorry I didn't get back to this sooner. I reinstalled and all is well now I can add my houses to community showcase currently I have 3 listed be advised all are still being worked on. But all are welcome to visit and please sign the guest book (((hugs)))
    Edited by Alurria on April 19, 2021 2:56PM
  • Village_Idiot
    I have tried to use the housing editor but i fail miserably in there a How-to for dummies?

    I have several videos on how to get started:

    Love the video, but maybe i should be a bit more clear, do you have a video for first timers on how to make the fx look real versus the not so real fx, for example i wanted the nightblade logo for a floor in one of my homes but when I used it, it kinda looks fake almost plastic looking. is there a step im missing from picking the FX to saving it to give it that realistic look?
  • StabbityDoom
    I have tried to use the housing editor but i fail miserably in there a How-to for dummies?

    I have several videos on how to get started:

    Love the video, but maybe i should be a bit more clear, do you have a video for first timers on how to make the fx look real versus the not so real fx, for example i wanted the nightblade logo for a floor in one of my homes but when I used it, it kinda looks fake almost plastic looking. is there a step im missing from picking the FX to saving it to give it that realistic look?

    Yes, use the color levels to make it darker. If you darken it up, it’ll match better to everything else.
    EHT zealot
  • Village_Idiot

    I did that still looks fake, i gave it an almost opaque look still looks plastic, am i supposed to make a save or something then apply or do i just apply it and hope for the best. Its so confusing to me, "what does this button do" " I should've not touched that button" "help!" "where is the undo" "gasp" "@#%$!!" then i end up unchecking the add-on and saying forget it. i will try again in a few months, this has been going on for a year or so. I guess somethings are not for everyone. Thanks for your time!
  • StabbityDoom

    I did that still looks fake, i gave it an almost opaque look still looks plastic, am i supposed to make a save or something then apply or do i just apply it and hope for the best. Its so confusing to me, "what does this button do" " I should've not touched that button" "help!" "where is the undo" "gasp" "@#%$!!" then i end up unchecking the add-on and saying forget it. i will try again in a few months, this has been going on for a year or so. I guess somethings are not for everyone. Thanks for your time!

    a lot of it is just trial and error. Trying things is a great way to learn! I suggest trying it in a storage house and playing with all the options.
    EHT zealot
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