Hello all,
After having issues with keeping taunt up on the shade in vCR the other day and killing a few group members because of this (at a fault of my own not understanding that Untaunted conveniently tells you when something is taunt immune) I started to look into more detail about why taunt immunity was proccing in these situations. I asked around in a couple of guilds and a friend mentioned Taunt counter and pointed me to a
post on ESO-U that explains how it works and provided two examples of how taunt counter/immunity function together. What I could see in various logs matched the first example, however the second example did not match the logs. It implies that the taunt counter starts at the first taunt, and lasts for a static 12s without any change by future taunts, and after this 12s the counter should reset (I also came across this description in a tank mechanic explainer on YouTube). This however (as shown by the log snip below) is not the case. I also came across varying descriptions of how others believed it worked, such as 3 taunts within 15s by at least two people (maybe an old mechanic according to UESP?), but none of them matched what I was seeing in logs.
I then started discussing this with another guild who were also having issues maintaining taunt in the shade, but also in other places where tanks swap semi-frequently (e.g. Navi), and every case came back to Taunt Immunity. After some testing with some friends I believe that Taunt counter/immunity actually works as follows.
Taunt counter is a stacking buff on any target that has a taunt debuff active. The buff lasts for 12 seconds, and refreshes every time a new stack is applied. The maximum amount of stacks that can be reached is three. Only two stacks can be applied by a single player - the third stack must come from another player. All three stacks can come from three separate players. The third stack procs taunt immunity, and taunt immunity will then end at the same time that the taunt counter buff with three stacks ends.
In the examples below, timer refers to the amount of time remaining on the targets taunt counter buff after the taunt is applied. Each of these examples we tested on a dummy and verified in logs (albeit with ever so slightly different taunt times as we're not robots).
- P1 TAUNT at 0s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 6s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 9s (COUNT=2, TIMER=9s). P1 TAUNT at 12s (COUNT=2, TIMER=6s). P2 TAUNT at 15s (COUNT=3, TIMER=12s, TAUNT IMMUNITY PROC FOR 12s). Counter and immunity fade at 27s.
- P1 TAUNT at 0s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 2s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 12s (COUNT=2, TIMER=2s). P2 TAUNT at 15s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P2 TAUNT at 20s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P2 TAUNT at 25s (COUNT=2, TIMER=7s).
- P1 TAUNT at 0s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P2 TAUNT at 11s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 22s (COUNT=3, TIMER=12s, TAUNT IMMUNITY PROC FOR 12s). Counter and immunity fade at 34s.
- P1 TAUNT at 0s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P2 TAUNT at 6s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P2 TAUNT at 12s (COUNT=3, TIMER=12s, TAUNT IMMUNITY PROC FOR 12s). Counter and immunity fade at 24s.
- P1 TAUNT at 0s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P2 TAUNT at 6s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P3 TAUNT at 12s (COUNT=3, TIMER=12, TAUNT IMMUNITY PROC FOR 12s). Counter and immunity fade at 24s.
- P1 TAUNT at 0s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 3s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 8s (COUNT=2, TIMER=7s). P1 TAUNT at 12s (COUNT=2, TIMER=2s). P1 TAUNT at 16s (COUNT=1, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 20s (COUNT=2, TIMER=12s). P1 TAUNT at 24s (COUNT=2, TIMER=8s).
So I guess I'd like to know if this is how everyone else has been aware that Taunt counter/immunity works and it's just been knowledge passed around and not written down anywhere, or if everyone just basically runs off just dealing with Taunt immunity occurring and waits for it to be over.
Thanks for reading, and any further input/understanding/correction is of course welcome.