If it was acceptable, would be great to have a sale day periodically (or just once, i'll get them all then) for the collectors editions of the story dlc avilable at 50% off. So basically one day a year, for same price as the normal editions you get the collectors editions mounts.
- My adventures lead me to get crowns via eso plus, havent done this many months now.
- Hopped back to mirkmire on an alt to get the skyshards, realised how much i missed the zone.
- Already done the story dlc once, so can't justify buying it again. But i miss the zone. But i'm not buying completed content again.
- I'm happy to hand over the crowns for this situation, but it has to be for the mounts as well.
Ps, im not expecting a discount on the basic dlc access like with the events, just the mounts as well for full price. Or why don't you just permanently make the collectors editions what's on sale for the older story dlc. Maybe the dungeon dlcs too. I've bought a grand total of zero dungeon of course.. would probably start buying them for the mounts too. Just like the collectors editions upgrades, they would make the backlog dlc a no brainer purchase, rather than something that gets messy with eso plus. For me at least it puts all these zones in limbo.
Thanks for considering.