Hello all,
So i'm currently trying to get into ESO again. I leave around the time summerset come and now i finally have some free time to give it another go.
Problem is...i'm lost on what is should be doing.
I only have 1 character, its an Orc stamblade and i quite like to play with it.
First of all im not trying to be a competitive player, at least not for the near future. So things like ranks, achievements, etc dont matter to me.
My goal was to be able to do solo dungeons and trials, but...not just yet, that is my long term goal. Also would like to try pvp in the future.
What im worried is the present. What should i start doing? Main story? Buy the expansion? Farm gold? I really have no idea.
Im playing with ESO plus, as i really cant play without the craft bag.
Any suggestions?