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Tavern Brawl mode please ZOS

So, in a previous thread it got me thinking that in our wonderful game full of different alcoholic beverages, taverns and permanently semi aggressive Nords that there is not a single Tavern brawl in this game that I can think of.

I was wondering if there's a possibility of an instanced PvP mode which can be free for all or 6v6 which is a tavern brawl. Imagine fighting your opponents in confined spaces such as many of Tamriel's current tavern setups. From the wide floor plan of a Khajiiti tavern, to the bosmer trees, to the tall 3 and even 4 floor Breton style.

Anyone fancy a big ol' Tavern Brawl in the game???
Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • WhereArtThouVampires
  • finehair
    (X use chair synergy)
    Use a tavern stool to violently strike down the fool that looked weird at you, dealing 300 physical damage and knocking them down to ground.
    (X glass him)
    Crush a beer glass at the head your opponent dealing 250 damage and 1092 bleed damage over 4 seconds.
  • cyclonus11

  • Ceejengine
    Thatd be great.

    You can interact with the innkeeper to receive alcohol, which maybe does some RP stuff or grants a few hr bonus to XP or something but grants you a 10 minute buff called "Tavern Drinking." Tavern Drinking suspends the timer on any food / exp buffs, and maybe you slowly accrue EXP and an EXP bonus % the longer you're under the effects of Tavern Drinking.

    You could also add other buffs for being within x meters of guild mates, people on your friends list, or people playing music or dancing.

    While within the tavern, at any point after consuming alcohol and being under the "Tavern Drinking" buff, you have the option to either;

    A.) (Press X while looking at the person) Throw your mug at any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    B.) (Press X while standing next to & looking at the person) Smash a chair over any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    C.) (Press X while on bar counter or table) Stand on top of a table an issue a challenge to all other people or NPCs with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or

    D.) Remove all equipped items (except maybe jewelry).

    Doing any of the above causes the "Tavern Brawl" event to occur. A 10-second warning is issued to all players within the tavern with the Tavern Drinking buff that a tavern brawl is about to commence. During the warning, Players may use the "Sober Up!" Synergy to remove Tavern Drinking.

    After the 10 second warning, anyone (& NPCs) with the tavern drinking buff have Tavern Drinking removed and gain the "Tavern Brawling" debuff.

    People without the Tavern Brawling debuff are entirely unaffected, however, while a brawl is occurring no one can gain Tavern Drinking (they strictly gain Tavern Brawling).

    Tavern Brawling debuff disables all armor, weapons & set bonuses and replaces your skill bar with a single bar with 5 new skills. You cannot replace these skills at any time. It also immediately turns you hostile to everyone else with the Tavern Brawling buff. Leaving the tavern (or being removed) ends the debuff.

    While under the effects of Tavern Brawling, you cannot receive any beneficial effects or heals from anyone but yourself. You cannot interact with anyone who does not have the Tavern Brawling Debuff.

    During a Tavern Brawl, if you are reduced to 25% or lower health, you are kicked out by the guards and cannot re-enter until the brawl has ended. Players may still enter and join if they weren't initially part of the brawl.

    You may re-enter the tavern to watch the remaining brawl, but cannot gain Tavern Brawling for another... 15 minutes?

    The goal is to be the last individual in the tavern. If you have the Tavern Brawl debuff and no other players in the tavern have the buff, you earn the "Tavern Brawl champion" title and some other reward.

    After a Tavern Brawl has ended, another one cannot commence at that Tavern for 1 hour. This will be notated to players in game by having an irritated guard by the door that yells at players entering the tavern. He/she leaves after the hour is up.

    Tavern Brawlers also receive a buff called "Gettin' Rowdy" that increases their damage done the longer they've been in that specific brawl. The idea behind this is to balance out power based on when someone enters the brawl, since there's very limited healing, new brawlers would have an advantage over older ones.

    1.) Sucker-Punch. Sucker-Punch the target, Inflicts X physical damage, if flanking, knocks the target off balance.

    2.) Improvise Weapon. You smash a chair or bar stool into pieces, then wield a broken wooden leg as a maul. Increases your weapon damage by x for 10 seconds. Re-activating this ability while it is active will cause you to Overhead Smash the target, dealing x Physical damage and inflicting Concussed.

    3.) Shove. Shoves the target up to x meters away from you. If they are shoved into an obstacle, they are stunned, suffer x damage, and you or anyone in melee range may activate the "Rebound Throw" synergy, which will throw the person in the direction you're looking.
    * If the person is shoved into a Window, they are removed from the Tavern.

    4.) Top-Off. You slam down the remaining booze in your mug, gaining a damage shield for any health you are missing and increasing your health recovery by x.

    5.) Throw Debris. You grab a nearby object and hurl it at the target, dealing x physical damage and inflicting Minor breach. If you still have the shield from Top-Off, you hurl your mug instead, reducing the stamina cost of this ability to 0.

    Ultimate: Chandelier Swing. You grab onto to the chandelier and launch yourself to the target location, kicking any enemies you swing through, causing x physical damage, knocking them back, and knocking them prone.
    * If you knock a target into a window, they are removed from the Tavern and you gain Major Heroism.

    Edit: You could also allow the Tavern Drinking buff to persist, however tavern brawlers would be able to affect you with their ult or throwing mugs. As soon as you're damaged you gain the "Retaliate" ability which gives you Tavern Brawler. I personally prefer if once a brawl starts you're in or you're out, but hey.
    Edited by Ceejengine on March 12, 2021 9:08PM
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    The first trashfight in Blackheart Haven is basically a big ol' tavern brawl.
  • Canasta
    Yes, there should be some form of weaponless fighting available in the game, taverns would be the ideal place.

    Each race can have thier own moves.
  • MyKillv2.0
    I actually kind of like this idea. Maybe not exactly to the letter but the overall idea sounds like something rather fun.

    Of course, this game did take FIVE YEARS to figure out how to change the order of the characters on the select screen, so I wouldn't hold my breath for some type of completely new PvP mode any time soon.
  • furiouslog
    What if they just made a memento like the Mud Ball that only works in taverns, except it's a big mug that gets beer all over the target. That would pretty much get the job done.
  • WhereArtThouVampires
    furiouslog wrote: »
    What if they just made a memento like the Mud Ball that only works in taverns, except it's a big mug that gets beer all over the target. That would pretty much get the job done.

    And then we'd be able to get a whole new host of complaints about people finding a mug slung at them offensive.
  • WhereArtThouVampires
    Ceejengine wrote: »
    Thatd be great.

    You can interact with the innkeeper to receive alcohol, which maybe does some RP stuff or grants a few hr bonus to XP or something but grants you a 10 minute buff called "Tavern Drinking." Tavern Drinking suspends the timer on any food / exp buffs, and maybe you slowly accrue EXP and an EXP bonus % the longer you're under the effects of Tavern Drinking.

    You could also add other buffs for being within x meters of guild mates, people on your friends list, or people playing music or dancing.

    While within the tavern, at any point after consuming alcohol and being under the "Tavern Drinking" buff, you have the option to either;

    A.) (Press X while looking at the person) Throw your mug at any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    B.) (Press X while standing next to & looking at the person) Smash a chair over any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    C.) (Press X while on bar counter or table) Stand on top of a table an issue a challenge to all other people or NPCs with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or

    D.) Remove all equipped items (except maybe jewelry).

    Doing any of the above causes the "Tavern Brawl" event to occur. A 10-second warning is issued to all players within the tavern with the Tavern Drinking buff that a tavern brawl is about to commence. During the warning, Players may use the "Sober Up!" Synergy to remove Tavern Drinking.

    After the 10 second warning, anyone (& NPCs) with the tavern drinking buff have Tavern Drinking removed and gain the "Tavern Brawling" debuff.

    People without the Tavern Brawling debuff are entirely unaffected, however, while a brawl is occurring no one can gain Tavern Drinking (they strictly gain Tavern Brawling).

    Tavern Brawling debuff disables all armor, weapons & set bonuses and replaces your skill bar with a single bar with 5 new skills. You cannot replace these skills at any time. It also immediately turns you hostile to everyone else with the Tavern Brawling buff. Leaving the tavern (or being removed) ends the debuff.

    While under the effects of Tavern Brawling, you cannot receive any beneficial effects or heals from anyone but yourself. You cannot interact with anyone who does not have the Tavern Brawling Debuff.

    During a Tavern Brawl, if you are reduced to 25% or lower health, you are kicked out by the guards and cannot re-enter until the brawl has ended. Players may still enter and join if they weren't initially part of the brawl.

    You may re-enter the tavern to watch the remaining brawl, but cannot gain Tavern Brawling for another... 15 minutes?

    The goal is to be the last individual in the tavern. If you have the Tavern Brawl debuff and no other players in the tavern have the buff, you earn the "Tavern Brawl champion" title and some other reward.

    After a Tavern Brawl has ended, another one cannot commence at that Tavern for 1 hour. This will be notated to players in game by having an irritated guard by the door that yells at players entering the tavern. He/she leaves after the hour is up.

    Tavern Brawlers also receive a buff called "Gettin' Rowdy" that increases their damage done the longer they've been in that specific brawl. The idea behind this is to balance out power based on when someone enters the brawl, since there's very limited healing, new brawlers would have an advantage over older ones.

    1.) Sucker-Punch. Sucker-Punch the target, Inflicts X physical damage, if flanking, knocks the target off balance.

    2.) Improvise Weapon. You smash a chair or bar stool into pieces, then wield a broken wooden leg as a maul. Increases your weapon damage by x for 10 seconds. Re-activating this ability while it is active will cause you to Overhead Smash the target, dealing x Physical damage and inflicting Concussed.

    3.) Shove. Shoves the target up to x meters away from you. If they are shoved into an obstacle, they are stunned, suffer x damage, and you or anyone in melee range may activate the "Rebound Throw" synergy, which will throw the person in the direction you're looking.
    * If the person is shoved into a Window, they are removed from the Tavern.

    4.) Top-Off. You slam down the remaining booze in your mug, gaining a damage shield for any health you are missing and increasing your health recovery by x.

    5.) Throw Debris. You grab a nearby object and hurl it at the target, dealing x physical damage and inflicting Minor breach. If you still have the shield from Top-Off, you hurl your mug instead, reducing the stamina cost of this ability to 0.

    Ultimate: Chandelier Swing. You grab onto to the chandelier and launch yourself to the target location, kicking any enemies you swing through, causing x physical damage, knocking them back, and knocking them prone.
    * If you knock a target into a window, they are removed from the Tavern and you gain Major Heroism.

    Edit: You could also allow the Tavern Drinking buff to persist, however tavern brawlers would be able to affect you with their ult or throwing mugs. As soon as you're damaged you gain the "Retaliate" ability which gives you Tavern Brawler. I personally prefer if once a brawl starts you're in or you're out, but hey.

    Sounds like a lot of work for something literally maybe 10% of the playerbase at most will ever use.

    Fighting in a bar sounds fun until you've done it 2-3 times and then it's just boring. It sounds like a neat gimmick for about a month then nobody will ever play it.

    If this game had more mini-games, I'd be inclined people would actually play it. But as it stands it seems like a thing that would require a lot of work when they could literally put that work into doing ANYthing else.
    Edited by WhereArtThouVampires on March 12, 2021 9:42PM
  • Nogawd
    Ceejengine wrote: »
    Thatd be great.

    You can interact with the innkeeper to receive alcohol, which maybe does some RP stuff or grants a few hr bonus to XP or something but grants you a 10 minute buff called "Tavern Drinking." Tavern Drinking suspends the timer on any food / exp buffs, and maybe you slowly accrue EXP and an EXP bonus % the longer you're under the effects of Tavern Drinking.

    You could also add other buffs for being within x meters of guild mates, people on your friends list, or people playing music or dancing.

    While within the tavern, at any point after consuming alcohol and being under the "Tavern Drinking" buff, you have the option to either;

    A.) (Press X while looking at the person) Throw your mug at any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    B.) (Press X while standing next to & looking at the person) Smash a chair over any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    C.) (Press X while on bar counter or table) Stand on top of a table an issue a challenge to all other people or NPCs with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or

    D.) Remove all equipped items (except maybe jewelry).

    Doing any of the above causes the "Tavern Brawl" event to occur. A 10-second warning is issued to all players within the tavern with the Tavern Drinking buff that a tavern brawl is about to commence. During the warning, Players may use the "Sober Up!" Synergy to remove Tavern Drinking.

    After the 10 second warning, anyone (& NPCs) with the tavern drinking buff have Tavern Drinking removed and gain the "Tavern Brawling" debuff.

    People without the Tavern Brawling debuff are entirely unaffected, however, while a brawl is occurring no one can gain Tavern Drinking (they strictly gain Tavern Brawling).

    Tavern Brawling debuff disables all armor, weapons & set bonuses and replaces your skill bar with a single bar with 5 new skills. You cannot replace these skills at any time. It also immediately turns you hostile to everyone else with the Tavern Brawling buff. Leaving the tavern (or being removed) ends the debuff.

    While under the effects of Tavern Brawling, you cannot receive any beneficial effects or heals from anyone but yourself. You cannot interact with anyone who does not have the Tavern Brawling Debuff.

    During a Tavern Brawl, if you are reduced to 25% or lower health, you are kicked out by the guards and cannot re-enter until the brawl has ended. Players may still enter and join if they weren't initially part of the brawl.

    You may re-enter the tavern to watch the remaining brawl, but cannot gain Tavern Brawling for another... 15 minutes?

    The goal is to be the last individual in the tavern. If you have the Tavern Brawl debuff and no other players in the tavern have the buff, you earn the "Tavern Brawl champion" title and some other reward.

    After a Tavern Brawl has ended, another one cannot commence at that Tavern for 1 hour. This will be notated to players in game by having an irritated guard by the door that yells at players entering the tavern. He/she leaves after the hour is up.

    Tavern Brawlers also receive a buff called "Gettin' Rowdy" that increases their damage done the longer they've been in that specific brawl. The idea behind this is to balance out power based on when someone enters the brawl, since there's very limited healing, new brawlers would have an advantage over older ones.

    1.) Sucker-Punch. Sucker-Punch the target, Inflicts X physical damage, if flanking, knocks the target off balance.

    2.) Improvise Weapon. You smash a chair or bar stool into pieces, then wield a broken wooden leg as a maul. Increases your weapon damage by x for 10 seconds. Re-activating this ability while it is active will cause you to Overhead Smash the target, dealing x Physical damage and inflicting Concussed.

    3.) Shove. Shoves the target up to x meters away from you. If they are shoved into an obstacle, they are stunned, suffer x damage, and you or anyone in melee range may activate the "Rebound Throw" synergy, which will throw the person in the direction you're looking.
    * If the person is shoved into a Window, they are removed from the Tavern.

    4.) Top-Off. You slam down the remaining booze in your mug, gaining a damage shield for any health you are missing and increasing your health recovery by x.

    5.) Throw Debris. You grab a nearby object and hurl it at the target, dealing x physical damage and inflicting Minor breach. If you still have the shield from Top-Off, you hurl your mug instead, reducing the stamina cost of this ability to 0.

    Ultimate: Chandelier Swing. You grab onto to the chandelier and launch yourself to the target location, kicking any enemies you swing through, causing x physical damage, knocking them back, and knocking them prone.
    * If you knock a target into a window, they are removed from the Tavern and you gain Major Heroism.

    Edit: You could also allow the Tavern Drinking buff to persist, however tavern brawlers would be able to affect you with their ult or throwing mugs. As soon as you're damaged you gain the "Retaliate" ability which gives you Tavern Brawler. I personally prefer if once a brawl starts you're in or you're out, but hey.

    Sounds like a lot of work for something literally maybe 10% of the playerbase at most will ever use.

    Fighting in a bar sounds fun until you've done it 2-3 times and then it's just boring. It sounds like a neat gimmick for about a month then nobody will ever play it.

    How many things in the game can be said about this?

    Tie in achievements, titles, dyes, and people will do it a lot.
  • furiouslog
    furiouslog wrote: »
    What if they just made a memento like the Mud Ball that only works in taverns, except it's a big mug that gets beer all over the target. That would pretty much get the job done.

    And then we'd be able to get a whole new host of complaints about people finding a mug slung at them offensive.

    Yeah, a lot of RP guilds do tend to congregate at taverns.

    I guess I'm just saying that I want a mug I can throw at someone. I also want the games we make as furnishings to work as actual games. I don't actually expect that stuff though. Just dreaming out loud.
  • WhereArtThouVampires
    Nogawd wrote: »
    Ceejengine wrote: »
    Thatd be great.

    You can interact with the innkeeper to receive alcohol, which maybe does some RP stuff or grants a few hr bonus to XP or something but grants you a 10 minute buff called "Tavern Drinking." Tavern Drinking suspends the timer on any food / exp buffs, and maybe you slowly accrue EXP and an EXP bonus % the longer you're under the effects of Tavern Drinking.

    You could also add other buffs for being within x meters of guild mates, people on your friends list, or people playing music or dancing.

    While within the tavern, at any point after consuming alcohol and being under the "Tavern Drinking" buff, you have the option to either;

    A.) (Press X while looking at the person) Throw your mug at any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    B.) (Press X while standing next to & looking at the person) Smash a chair over any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    C.) (Press X while on bar counter or table) Stand on top of a table an issue a challenge to all other people or NPCs with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or

    D.) Remove all equipped items (except maybe jewelry).

    Doing any of the above causes the "Tavern Brawl" event to occur. A 10-second warning is issued to all players within the tavern with the Tavern Drinking buff that a tavern brawl is about to commence. During the warning, Players may use the "Sober Up!" Synergy to remove Tavern Drinking.

    After the 10 second warning, anyone (& NPCs) with the tavern drinking buff have Tavern Drinking removed and gain the "Tavern Brawling" debuff.

    People without the Tavern Brawling debuff are entirely unaffected, however, while a brawl is occurring no one can gain Tavern Drinking (they strictly gain Tavern Brawling).

    Tavern Brawling debuff disables all armor, weapons & set bonuses and replaces your skill bar with a single bar with 5 new skills. You cannot replace these skills at any time. It also immediately turns you hostile to everyone else with the Tavern Brawling buff. Leaving the tavern (or being removed) ends the debuff.

    While under the effects of Tavern Brawling, you cannot receive any beneficial effects or heals from anyone but yourself. You cannot interact with anyone who does not have the Tavern Brawling Debuff.

    During a Tavern Brawl, if you are reduced to 25% or lower health, you are kicked out by the guards and cannot re-enter until the brawl has ended. Players may still enter and join if they weren't initially part of the brawl.

    You may re-enter the tavern to watch the remaining brawl, but cannot gain Tavern Brawling for another... 15 minutes?

    The goal is to be the last individual in the tavern. If you have the Tavern Brawl debuff and no other players in the tavern have the buff, you earn the "Tavern Brawl champion" title and some other reward.

    After a Tavern Brawl has ended, another one cannot commence at that Tavern for 1 hour. This will be notated to players in game by having an irritated guard by the door that yells at players entering the tavern. He/she leaves after the hour is up.

    Tavern Brawlers also receive a buff called "Gettin' Rowdy" that increases their damage done the longer they've been in that specific brawl. The idea behind this is to balance out power based on when someone enters the brawl, since there's very limited healing, new brawlers would have an advantage over older ones.

    1.) Sucker-Punch. Sucker-Punch the target, Inflicts X physical damage, if flanking, knocks the target off balance.

    2.) Improvise Weapon. You smash a chair or bar stool into pieces, then wield a broken wooden leg as a maul. Increases your weapon damage by x for 10 seconds. Re-activating this ability while it is active will cause you to Overhead Smash the target, dealing x Physical damage and inflicting Concussed.

    3.) Shove. Shoves the target up to x meters away from you. If they are shoved into an obstacle, they are stunned, suffer x damage, and you or anyone in melee range may activate the "Rebound Throw" synergy, which will throw the person in the direction you're looking.
    * If the person is shoved into a Window, they are removed from the Tavern.

    4.) Top-Off. You slam down the remaining booze in your mug, gaining a damage shield for any health you are missing and increasing your health recovery by x.

    5.) Throw Debris. You grab a nearby object and hurl it at the target, dealing x physical damage and inflicting Minor breach. If you still have the shield from Top-Off, you hurl your mug instead, reducing the stamina cost of this ability to 0.

    Ultimate: Chandelier Swing. You grab onto to the chandelier and launch yourself to the target location, kicking any enemies you swing through, causing x physical damage, knocking them back, and knocking them prone.
    * If you knock a target into a window, they are removed from the Tavern and you gain Major Heroism.

    Edit: You could also allow the Tavern Drinking buff to persist, however tavern brawlers would be able to affect you with their ult or throwing mugs. As soon as you're damaged you gain the "Retaliate" ability which gives you Tavern Brawler. I personally prefer if once a brawl starts you're in or you're out, but hey.

    Sounds like a lot of work for something literally maybe 10% of the playerbase at most will ever use.

    Fighting in a bar sounds fun until you've done it 2-3 times and then it's just boring. It sounds like a neat gimmick for about a month then nobody will ever play it.

    How many things in the game can be said about this?

    Tie in achievements, titles, dyes, and people will do it a lot.

    I can tell you right now more than 10% of the playerbase do vet content, trials, and every other activity in the game.

    Tavern Brawls are so niche and kinda random that I don't see a purpose for it to be this in-depth, nevertheless actually be in the game and have a skill line revolving around it.

    There's a lot more in game right now that needs to be added than this. First and foremost is class diversity/extra skills for classes.
  • Bradyfjord
    Nah. If you are going to have a tavern brawl, the only weapons allowed are barstools and liquor bottles.
  • Daemons_Bane
    That would be a no for me
  • Sanctum74
    Hold my beer 🍺
  • Ceejengine

    Sounds like a lot of work for something literally maybe 10% of the playerbase at most will ever use.

    Fighting in a bar sounds fun until you've done it 2-3 times and then it's just boring. It sounds like a neat gimmick for about a month then nobody will ever play it.

    If this game had more mini-games, I'd be inclined people would actually play it. But as it stands it seems like a thing that would require a lot of work when they could literally put that work into doing ANYthing else.

    I disagree. I think ESO is in dire need of more distractions that aren't grinds to improve your character. If they do it my way I hope its just 6 fixed skills and no skill line.

    In fact I think if they invested a substantial amount of time and resources into things that have nothing to do with progress it'd make the game more lively.

    Bradyfjord wrote: »
    Nah. If you are going to have a tavern brawl, the only weapons allowed are barstools and liquor bottles.

    And swinging from chandeliers. And kicking people through windows! And if you damage the prized stuffed Marlin, the innkeeper becomes an unkillable boss that throws everyone out.
  • Ceejengine
    Ceejengine wrote: »
    Thatd be great.

    You can interact with the innkeeper to receive alcohol, which maybe does some RP stuff or grants a few hr bonus to XP or something but grants you a 10 minute buff called "Tavern Drinking." Tavern Drinking suspends the timer on any food / exp buffs, and maybe you slowly accrue EXP and an EXP bonus % the longer you're under the effects of Tavern Drinking.

    You could also add other buffs for being within x meters of guild mates, people on your friends list, or people playing music or dancing.

    While within the tavern, at any point after consuming alcohol and being under the "Tavern Drinking" buff, you have the option to either;

    A.) (Press X while looking at the person) Throw your mug at any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    B.) (Press X while standing next to & looking at the person) Smash a chair over any other person or NPC with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or,

    C.) (Press X while on bar counter or table) Stand on top of a table an issue a challenge to all other people or NPCs with the "Tavern Drinking" buff, or

    D.) Remove all equipped items (except maybe jewelry).

    Doing any of the above causes the "Tavern Brawl" event to occur. A 10-second warning is issued to all players within the tavern with the Tavern Drinking buff that a tavern brawl is about to commence. During the warning, Players may use the "Sober Up!" Synergy to remove Tavern Drinking.

    After the 10 second warning, anyone (& NPCs) with the tavern drinking buff have Tavern Drinking removed and gain the "Tavern Brawling" debuff.

    People without the Tavern Brawling debuff are entirely unaffected, however, while a brawl is occurring no one can gain Tavern Drinking (they strictly gain Tavern Brawling).

    Tavern Brawling debuff disables all armor, weapons & set bonuses and replaces your skill bar with a single bar with 5 new skills. You cannot replace these skills at any time. It also immediately turns you hostile to everyone else with the Tavern Brawling buff. Leaving the tavern (or being removed) ends the debuff.

    While under the effects of Tavern Brawling, you cannot receive any beneficial effects or heals from anyone but yourself. You cannot interact with anyone who does not have the Tavern Brawling Debuff.

    During a Tavern Brawl, if you are reduced to 25% or lower health, you are kicked out by the guards and cannot re-enter until the brawl has ended. Players may still enter and join if they weren't initially part of the brawl.

    You may re-enter the tavern to watch the remaining brawl, but cannot gain Tavern Brawling for another... 15 minutes?

    The goal is to be the last individual in the tavern. If you have the Tavern Brawl debuff and no other players in the tavern have the buff, you earn the "Tavern Brawl champion" title and some other reward.

    After a Tavern Brawl has ended, another one cannot commence at that Tavern for 1 hour. This will be notated to players in game by having an irritated guard by the door that yells at players entering the tavern. He/she leaves after the hour is up.

    Tavern Brawlers also receive a buff called "Gettin' Rowdy" that increases their damage done the longer they've been in that specific brawl. The idea behind this is to balance out power based on when someone enters the brawl, since there's very limited healing, new brawlers would have an advantage over older ones.

    1.) Sucker-Punch. Sucker-Punch the target, Inflicts X physical damage, if flanking, knocks the target off balance.

    2.) Improvise Weapon. You smash a chair or bar stool into pieces, then wield a broken wooden leg as a maul. Increases your weapon damage by x for 10 seconds. Re-activating this ability while it is active will cause you to Overhead Smash the target, dealing x Physical damage and inflicting Concussed.

    3.) Shove. Shoves the target up to x meters away from you. If they are shoved into an obstacle, they are stunned, suffer x damage, and you or anyone in melee range may activate the "Rebound Throw" synergy, which will throw the person in the direction you're looking.
    * If the person is shoved into a Window, they are removed from the Tavern.

    4.) Top-Off. You slam down the remaining booze in your mug, gaining a damage shield for any health you are missing and increasing your health recovery by x.

    5.) Throw Debris. You grab a nearby object and hurl it at the target, dealing x physical damage and inflicting Minor breach. If you still have the shield from Top-Off, you hurl your mug instead, reducing the stamina cost of this ability to 0.

    Ultimate: Chandelier Swing. You grab onto to the chandelier and launch yourself to the target location, kicking any enemies you swing through, causing x physical damage, knocking them back, and knocking them prone.
    * If you knock a target into a window, they are removed from the Tavern and you gain Major Heroism.

    Edit: You could also allow the Tavern Drinking buff to persist, however tavern brawlers would be able to affect you with their ult or throwing mugs. As soon as you're damaged you gain the "Retaliate" ability which gives you Tavern Brawler. I personally prefer if once a brawl starts you're in or you're out, but hey.

    I just thought of some achievement rewards.

    Remove 5/15/30 players with the Sucker Punch ability.
    Reward: Black Eye Blue dye. Dark blue / light purple.

    #2 "Sleeper Hit"
    Remove 5/15/30 players with the Overhead Smash ability.
    Reward: Table Leg weapon motif

    Remove 3 players during a single chandelier swing.
    Reward: Fat Lip Fuschia dye. Brighter pink / red like the inside of your lip.

    Remove yourself during a Chandelier Swing by swinging into a window.
    Reward: Dodge Mug emote. A mug flies from nowhere over your head as you dodge it, then look around for where it came from, then shrug in confusion.

    #5 "Mean Mug"
    Remove 3/6/9 players with the Throw Debris Mug while you have the Top-Off shield active.
    Reward: Throwable Mug memento. Hurls a mug at the target.
  • RedMuse
    So, in a previous thread it got me thinking that in our wonderful game full of different alcoholic beverages, taverns and permanently semi aggressive Nords that there is not a single Tavern brawl in this game that I can think of.

    I was wondering if there's a possibility of an instanced PvP mode which can be free for all or 6v6 which is a tavern brawl. Imagine fighting your opponents in confined spaces such as many of Tamriel's current tavern setups. From the wide floor plan of a Khajiiti tavern, to the bosmer trees, to the tall 3 and even 4 floor Breton style.

    Anyone fancy a big ol' Tavern Brawl in the game???

    Let get ready to RUUUUUMBLE!
  • Aelthwyn
    I am not a tavern brawler type of person at all, but.... THIS SOUNDS AWESOME, and hilarious. (Perhaps I grew up on too many old westerns lol).

    I can imagine it getting tiresome if it was possible in every tavern, because there would probably be a few enthusiasts who could ensure that certain taverns never knew peace, and that could be frustrating if you just wanted to talk to some quest person and are met with such chaos. But If there were a few designated taverns in which this could happen I would be all for it (happily spectating and egging them all on from the sidelines with my mug of milk :D )

    Ooo, yes there should be an 'egg on' ability that grants another brawler empower for x seconds.
    Edited by Aelthwyn on March 14, 2021 11:31PM
  • Athan1
    sounds fun
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Hapexamendios
    Keep it in a separate instance from PVE and I have no problem with it.
  • Ceejengine
    Aelthwyn wrote: »
    I am not a tavern brawler type of person at all, but.... THIS SOUNDS AWESOME, and hilarious. (Perhaps I grew up on too many old westerns lol).

    I can imagine it getting tiresome if it was possible in every tavern, because there would probably be a few enthusiasts who could ensure that certain taverns never knew peace, and that could be frustrating if you just wanted to talk to some quest person and are met with such chaos. But If there were a few designated taverns in which this could happen I would be all for it (happily spectating and egging them all on from the sidelines with my mug of milk :D )

    Ooo, yes there should be an 'egg on' ability that grants another brawler empower for x seconds.

    And non-brawlers can buy a "Round for the House" from the bartender that adds zany new antics. For example

    Black Dragon Brew: Brawlers now have a 10% chance to belch out a stream of fire, dealing x fire damage to themselves, and x damage to all brawler in a cone in front of them.

    Oil-Slick Stout: Brawlers cannot stop on a dime any more and take several steps forward after ending their movement.
    (Think exaggerated mount controls). If they run into a Window during this extra movement, they are removed. Additionally, whenever they're shoved, kicked or thrown, they move an additional x meters.

    Grahtvine Wine: Brawlers entering touch distance have a 10% chance to sprout vines, latching them together for 6 seconds. While entwined, they may attack each other, but only one brawler may control their movement and the other is dragged along.

    Then add an item drop to Daedra that can be turned in to a bartender during a brawl that adds this effect and grants some reward to the person who turns it in.

    Daedric Mai Tai / Sanguine Daydream: Brawlers that are beaten & removed have a 50% chance to be teleported into a Daedric pocket realm of Sanguine, filled with hostile intoxicated Daedra. The Brawler's health is restored to 80%.
    * They retain the 6 pre-set Brawler skills.
    * Players may find a saddle, bridle & bit in this realm and, if daring enough, attempt to ride a Clannfear or Daedroth. Doing so immediately transports the player back to the tavern, where they may utilize their mount for 30 seconds before the creature bucks them and returns to its plane. (Or devours them as Daedroths do.)
    * Each time they defeat a Daedra, they gain Sanguine's favor, up to 5. Defeating oher players grant 2. Once a Brawler has 5 Sanguine's Favor, they are teleported back to the Tavern.
    * Defeating another Player in Sanguine's
    realm grants you the buff Sanguine's Intrigue. Brawlers with Sanguine's Intrigue have a 20% chance when they return to the tavern to return with a strange, magical object in their hands that reminds them of a beautiful rose. This object grants a new set of 6 skills. (And probably unlocks cool stuff if you win with it.)
    * Being defeated in Sanguine's realm just places the character outside of the tavern as if they'd been knocked out.
    Edited by Ceejengine on March 15, 2021 6:25AM
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