Per the FAQ:
"First, we want a system that encourages horizontal progression (rewards that prioritize gameplay variety over character power by introducing new and unique tools for you to incorporate into your builds) over vertical progression (rewards that prioritize increased character power by improving existing character tools or replacing them with objectively better options) to provide a better play experience for players of all levels."
Horizontal progression isn't progression (unless you're pentesting a company, and then ya..lateral movement will get you places). I realize that's what YOU want, but that's not what I want. Far from it. I're basically saying "everyone should have the same impact (DPS, do you calculate Tanks...TPS??), but they can do it differently". And that stinks. I WANT to be better than my mastering the Magcro rotation and by, let's call it here, spending cash on the right DLC's to get the best gear. I want to be able to leave a dungeon and have the other players thinking "wow that guy kicked butt". Instead it will be "wow that guy used a lot of fire" (realistically I doubt that will actually happen).
Power is why we's why we almost transform a form of entertainment into an obsession to be the best. This goes directly against that.