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How much damage do competent DDs in PVP ?

That would be, the damage dished out before it arrives on the target's shields and mitigation systems including Battle Spirit.
"Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!

I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...
  • SgtNuttzmeg
    That's really difficult to gauge as how much damage skills do vary wildly. Alot of the damage is tied to burst too. Your best bet is to find a meta build use UESP build editor to compare buffed tool tips. Treat proc sets as if they are extra skills or dots that are seperate.

    Another good metric is dualing another player and asking them if they feel pressured. A good set up will be able to kill an enemy while still giving you the tools to sustain and survive the fight. But this is tough because it is tied to skill level.

    Ultimately I would use the later as a guide for how much damage you do.
    Legions of Mordor Core

  • Beardimus
    What's the goal you are after as PvP kills aren't about DPS stats, alot more to it in terms of burst, types of target you are taking on, resource Mgmt (attack and defence) timing, rotation etc etc

    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • fxeconomisteb17_ESO
    Beardimus wrote: »
    What's the goal you are after as PvP kills aren't about DPS stats, alot more to it in terms of burst, types of target you are taking on, resource Mgmt (attack and defence) timing, rotation etc etc

    I wanna know how much damage I have to be able to take as a tank, cause for sure I won't be able to damage too much myself...
    "Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!

    I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...
  • Vevvev
    I found that being able to deal 45k DPS on the Precursor dummy is enough to kill the average player but not enough to kill a tank. Of course this DPS has to be applied once the target is stunned because as long as they can block and heal you won't be able to kill them even if they're a glass cannon alone unless they're wearing like.... A mishmash of green uncompleted sets.

    In PVP for tanking the current answer seems to be 40k+ HP and a health scaling heal. Trying to use heals that scale off max mag/stam or missing health are not very effective in the end. Also you need plenty of block cost reduction if you plan to not line of sight to mitigate damage.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • fxeconomisteb17_ESO
    Vevvev wrote: »
    I found that being able to deal 45k DPS on the Precursor dummy is enough to kill the average player but not enough to kill a tank. Of course this DPS has to be applied once the target is stunned because as long as they can block and heal you won't be able to kill them even if they're a glass cannon alone unless they're wearing like.... A mishmash of green uncompleted sets.

    In PVP for tanking the current answer seems to be 40k+ HP and a health scaling heal. Trying to use heals that scale off max mag/stam or missing health are not very effective in the end. Also you need plenty of block cost reduction if you plan to not line of sight to mitigate damage.

    Sure, if you scale on heals on mag/stam means points were invested there instead of health, reducing the health pool...
    "Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!

    I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...
  • Vevvev
    Vevvev wrote: »
    I found that being able to deal 45k DPS on the Precursor dummy is enough to kill the average player but not enough to kill a tank. Of course this DPS has to be applied once the target is stunned because as long as they can block and heal you won't be able to kill them even if they're a glass cannon alone unless they're wearing like.... A mishmash of green uncompleted sets.

    In PVP for tanking the current answer seems to be 40k+ HP and a health scaling heal. Trying to use heals that scale off max mag/stam or missing health are not very effective in the end. Also you need plenty of block cost reduction if you plan to not line of sight to mitigate damage.

    Sure, if you scale on heals on mag/stam means points were invested there instead of health, reducing the health pool...

    Correct, however there is a healthy balance I found. My magDK is kinda glassy but adding just a bit more health till I'm about 26-28k means I have enough health to survive a gank and enough magicka to use Coagulating Blood to get back to full health. PVP is about finding that sweet spot between offense and defense so you can stay fighting and be able to repel anyone that comes your way. Building too tanky without proper heals makes you easy prey for the experienced PVPer and the opposite is true where building too glassy leads you to being prey for gankers looking for that <23k HP person in the crowd.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • WabanakiWarrior
    PVP damage dealing isn't about Damage Per Second, numbers from a target dummy won't help too much (maybe for pure burst numbers, but once you start factoring in multiple opponents, there are way too many factors to consider)
    My advice would be to jump into IC and test your build live. Stand on a capture point like the district flags and force multiple opponents to try their best to kill you, otherwise they'll just ignore you. IC is prob your best bet though, that way you'll be able to respawn, try new gear/skill set ups and get back into combat again quickly.
    Edited by WabanakiWarrior on March 2, 2021 5:26PM
    PS4 NA
    Grand Master Crafter, PVP, Housing nerd
  • fxeconomisteb17_ESO
    PVP damage dealing isn't about Damage Per Second, numbers from a target dummy won't help too much (maybe for pure burst numbers, but once you start factoring in multiple opponents, there are way too many factors to consider)
    My advice would be to jump into IC and test your build live. Stand on a capture point like the district flags and force multiple opponents to try their best to kill you, otherwise they'll just ignore you. IC is prob your best bet though, that way you'll be able to respawn, try new gear/skill set ups and get back into combat again quickly.

    Barely wait for U29 to launch live. Will see then...
    "Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!

    I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...
  • Brrrofski
    It entirely depends on the target.

    There's far too many factors to consider for a standard answer to this.

    Glass cannon mag sorc or NB that don't shod/evade damage - like 8k.

    50k health necro with full defensive sets, and knows how to play? You probably won't kill him in a 1v1.
  • joseayalac
    Work on the fluidity of your burst combos, not on your dps.
  • relentless_turnip
    Without players I test a PvP build in 2 ways.

    How quickly I can burst a fairly tanky mob like something that has double the health of a player. As on most builds the aim is how much damage you can do over 1-3 seconds.

    I test its survivability by fighting a difficult world boss. The werewolves in a western Skyrim are a popular one for me. When I fight them I monitor how much I can stay on the offensive compared to how often I am having to actively heal, as oppose to relying on heal over times etc... Your incoming heals and mitigation should be enough to allow you to stay on the front bar.

    Of course the best way is just to take yourself into PvP. Duelling can be a good indicator if the opponent isn't built for duelling. What I mean is duelling builds are built to soak up a lot of damage and return a lot. I generally duel members of my guild who are spec'd for open world pvp.
  • WoppaBoem
    50K+ burst easy before all shizzle is taken off. Sub ass, dizzy, medium heavy into dawnbreaker
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
    Beardimus wrote: »
    What's the goal you are after as PvP kills aren't about DPS stats, alot more to it in terms of burst, types of target you are taking on, resource Mgmt (attack and defence) timing, rotation etc etc

    I wanna know how much damage I have to be able to take as a tank, cause for sure I won't be able to damage too much myself...

    Just for saying tank in pvp makes me cringe.
    Who plays tank in pvp is just a lame player sorry to say that. Just unfun to play against and completely useless.
    It's like a pvp geared guy tries to combo burst bosses in trials or dungeons, i don't think you would like it, so please don't tank in pvp.
  • fxeconomisteb17_ESO
    GRXRG wrote: »
    Beardimus wrote: »
    What's the goal you are after as PvP kills aren't about DPS stats, alot more to it in terms of burst, types of target you are taking on, resource Mgmt (attack and defence) timing, rotation etc etc

    I wanna know how much damage I have to be able to take as a tank, cause for sure I won't be able to damage too much myself...

    Just for saying tank in pvp makes me cringe.
    Who plays tank in pvp is just a lame player sorry to say that. Just unfun to play against and completely useless.
    It's like a pvp geared guy tries to combo burst bosses in trials or dungeons, i don't think you would like it, so please don't tank in pvp.

    It's like I would say "please don't CC me". CC takes all the fun of PVP. It's like nothing matters, from the equipment, from the skills... it's just being CCed. So yeah, this is how I discovered tanking.
    "Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!

    I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...
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