I understand the need for invisible walls in places and many homes are well designed so that the borders and barriers are clear and natural and I really appreciate that, as well as the freedom we have to build upward and outward in many properties!
There are several base game homes where this is unfortunately not the case, however. Why should there be barriers placed
within a player’s own house??? I was intrigued to see what I could do with the smaller upper story space in Humblemud — only to discover an invisible ceiling prevents access.
I know there are other homes where this is also the case, preventing players from creating lofts in these homes, getting to the roof, etc. To my mind, these should be a priority to fix, followed by making the edges around some properties more natural (Gornir Estate would naturally have the back be the cliff all the way back, rather than halfway on the ledge that you can access).
I understand and generally agree with not changing in-game assets, but surely this would not negatively impact anyone as those who had no desire to add additional floors or build up onto ledges would be unaffected while those of us who do would get new options for our creativity.
Thank you for your time and consideration!