Unified_Gaming wrote: »Here, I am showing how to build for the no proc pvp changes on the 15th.https://youtu.be/1lwlehlknGg
In short, what you want to do is select 1-2 damage sets then adjust your build by tweaking glyphs, food and mundus to round it off. I show multiple examples on how to do this and have made a graphic to help further but I can't upload it here sadly
I hope it helps,
Good luck in cyrodiil everyone!
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »I don’t use procs in cp open world, it’ll be interesting seeing people trying to adjust though lol
Goregrinder wrote: »
Most of us will just bust out our 2015 meta builds from the closet. Ganking = Sprigg + hundings + monster set. Brawling = damage set + defense set + monster set. Xing = Damage set + sustain set + monster set. I think most of us have the gear we used for old builds still sitting collecting dust somewhere.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »
The interesting part is seeing people have to fill in the gaps proc sets covered. That missing damage is very noticeable.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »I don’t use procs in cp open world, it’ll be interesting seeing people trying to adjust though lol
exeeter702 wrote: »
Naw not really. There will always be potatoes, but people seem to have convinced themselves that the majority of people running around in cyrodil are going to be struggling during the test when in reality, proc sets arent really carrying terrible players, it's that knowledgeable players know what is the most effective approach and use it fully.
If anything, people are going to be dumbfounded when they realize they are still getting bodied by the same people regardless of what sets are available for use.
exeeter702 wrote: »
Naw not really. There will always be potatoes, but people seem to have convinced themselves that the majority of people running around in cyrodil are going to be struggling during the test when in reality, proc sets arent really carrying terrible players, it's that knowledgeable players know what is the most effective approach and use it fully.
If anything, people are going to be dumbfounded when they realize they are still getting bodied by the same people regardless of what sets are available for use.
exeeter702 wrote: »
Naw not really. There will always be potatoes, but people seem to have convinced themselves that the majority of people running around in cyrodil are going to be struggling during the test when in reality, proc sets arent really carrying terrible players, it's that knowledgeable players know what is the most effective approach and use it fully.
If anything, people are going to be dumbfounded when they realize they are still getting bodied by the same people regardless of what sets are available for use.
It's really sad to realize that quite a lot of people will find new info in your video.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »
exeeter702 wrote: »
Yes but that is besides the point. Good players use the best gear setups regardless and dont lose to bad players aside from stacked odds ofc. I'm saying there isnt going to be this swath of headless chicken players running around in cyrdodil because their proc sets have been taken away and they no longer know how to play. Crappy players will remain crappy and good players will remain good.
I suppose the ones that willingly used less efficient builds due to some self applied honor code or ethics that would get blown up by a less capable player with procs might be excited. But that is just them handicapping themsleves and playing the game they want eso to be instead of the one that it is in reality. Good players use proc setups because that is the strongest option, not because they need to crutch, which said crutch is often exaggerated by less capable players to begin with, which circles back to my initial point.
exeeter702 wrote: »
Yes but that is besides the point. Good players use the best gear setups regardless and dont lose to bad players aside from stacked odds ofc. I'm saying there isnt going to be this swath of headless chicken players running around in cyrdodil because their proc sets have been taken away and they no longer know how to play. Crappy players will remain crappy and good players will remain good.
I suppose the ones that willingly used less efficient builds due to some self applied honor code or ethics that would get blown up by a less capable player with procs might be excited. But that is just them handicapping themsleves and playing the game they want eso to be instead of the one that it is in reality. Good players use proc setups because that is the strongest option, not because they need to crutch, which said crutch is often exaggerated by less capable players to begin with, which circles back to my initial point.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »
Your point is somewhat irrelevant though because you basically assumed what I meant with your opinion instead of asking. One of the bad things about sites at times, people don’t ask questions and try to override what you mean by what they think you meant.
When in reality I was talking about bad players that already can’t kill you in a 1v1 and struggle to kill you outnumbered; now it becomes even harder for them. So what you’re talking about has absolutely nothing to do with what I meant. But if you think your assumption somehow override what was actually meant then I don’t know what to tell you.
exeeter702 wrote: »
You said "players"
I explained why it wouldnt be interesting for both good ones and bad ones. Along with an added caveat that most people think it's the bad players getting carried by proc sets when in actuality that is rarely the case, least of all in a ridiculous overcrowded environment like cyrodil, for which this test is taking place. It's really that simple.