Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Snipers on Imperial City spawn point towers

Can you go ahead and put an end to that? Dudes just chilling in the spawn point towers hoping to snipe people lol.
  • L_Nici
    There are some positions where the Blues can literally snipe anyone attempting to use the door to the next district, annoying, but just use the other 2 doors then.
    Edited by L_Nici on January 30, 2021 4:44PM
    A very special girl

  • Rhaegar75
    it's annoying but isn't that the point of being a sniper?
  • VaranisArano
    You can fight from the edge of the spawn points, but you aren't safe there. You can get hit. I've been killed up there (I was spamming cliff racers at an enemy zerg running around below, so I kinda deserved it :) ). So if you want to be annoying, hide, and start countersniping them when they target other people.

    It would perhaps be better if ZOS extended the silenced zone to the entire respawn platform so players couldn't attack at all, but they haven't done that.
  • jaws343
    The imperial city spawn points and the battleground spawn points both need to silence players and prevent skill usage.
  • Grimlok_S
    I've had a lot of fun pretending to be bait and then draining shot/templar spear/flame clenching people off these towers into the danger below.

    Light Attack Hero

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  • newtinmpls
    This is PvP. I'm not crazy about it, but it is what it is.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • UntouchableHunter
    Let people play what they wana play and stop to make this post with no sense.
  • DreadDaedroth
    If only dks had their wings...
  • Kwoung
    I am pretty sure most of those folks are trying to do the daily from the ledge. Funny thing though, the Maw pet loves to jump up there, and meteors drop up there just fine. We wiped the entire ledge of AD when passing by. We had to stop and slot meteors, but it worked fine. Oh, and you can drop an inevitable det on one of them to, they are so packed in up there its a literal blast to watch what happens. ;)
  • Fawn4287
    Let people play what they wana play and stop to make this post with no sense.

    Then remove the instant death barriers and let me gap close in to the spawn of the people who want to sit in it and snipe, offensively leaping snipe spammers is exactly how I like to play.
  • Ingenon
    It would perhaps be better if ZOS extended the silenced zone to the entire respawn platform so players couldn't attack at all, but they haven't done that.

    Better for who? The PvE player trying to get one daily event ticket by doing the Arena daily? I'm not sniping other faction players, I'm sniping the NPC near the Imperial civilians so I can free 12 of them, get my one IC daily finished for my ticket, and leave IC for the day.

    When the opposing faction groups sweep through the district, I usually sneak to the center of the platform until they have killed everything and moved on.

    Also, my attack range is limited. Anyone can easily move through the district from one side to the other outside of my range.
  • jaws343
    Ingenon wrote: »
    It would perhaps be better if ZOS extended the silenced zone to the entire respawn platform so players couldn't attack at all, but they haven't done that.

    Better for who? The PvE player trying to get one daily event ticket by doing the Arena daily? I'm not sniping other faction players, I'm sniping the NPC near the Imperial civilians so I can free 12 of them, get my one IC daily finished for my ticket, and leave IC for the day.

    When the opposing faction groups sweep through the district, I usually sneak to the center of the platform until they have killed everything and moved on.

    Also, my attack range is limited. Anyone can easily move through the district from one side to the other outside of my range.

    I'd say the game should absolutely not cater to players abusing spawn points to complete quests without taking any of the risks associated with the quest. Entirely reasonable thing to do.
  • VaranisArano
    Ingenon wrote: »
    It would perhaps be better if ZOS extended the silenced zone to the entire respawn platform so players couldn't attack at all, but they haven't done that.

    Better for who? The PvE player trying to get one daily event ticket by doing the Arena daily? I'm not sniping other faction players, I'm sniping the NPC near the Imperial civilians so I can free 12 of them, get my one IC daily finished for my ticket, and leave IC for the day.

    When the opposing faction groups sweep through the district, I usually sneak to the center of the platform until they have killed everything and moved on.

    Also, my attack range is limited. Anyone can easily move through the district from one side to the other outside of my range.

    I have mixed feelings about the Arena District daily. On the one hand, its the only IC quest you can do 100% from the silenced safe zone or from the edges of the respawn point, and I'm not sure if the Devs really intended for it to be cheesed that way.

    On the other hand, the Devs know about the Arena Daily and haven't changed it, so unless they say it's not intended, I think its a great opportunity for players who want an IC daily with very little to no risk!
  • Ingenon
    And what other ESO Event requires you to take much (or any) risk to get event tickets?

    New Life Festival? No risk doing the quests needed for an event ticket.

    Undaunted Celebration? I have done Fungal Grotto 1 solo to get event tickets on days when I worked and didn't have much free time to wait in queue for a group. Can be quicker than a scouting quest in Cyrodiil, depending upon how far you have to ride on horseback for the scouting quest.

    Witches Festival? You can get event tickets by being at a dolmen while other folks clear it, as long as you get one hit on the boss.

    And the list goes on ...
    Edited by Ingenon on February 1, 2021 4:44AM
  • tracksilver
    You can clearly kill people who snipe on the ledge it isn't that hard. If you don't like range builds at all, then don't play them. People who use range builds have just as much protection in Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds, and even Imperial city.

    In-fact you can sit on ANY spawnpoint in Imperial City and Snipe people around it, you know why? TO PREVENT SPAWN CAMPING

    In Cyrodiil people camp on Walls, towers, inside the keep, up on high rocks. Argonians can even jump into the lakes and swim to safety. Should we remove all water from the game because your melee build can't hit them?

    In Battlegrounds people can camp in their spawnpoints to nail spawn campers and make a safer* area for teamates to fight, Healers can also use this same method to heal groups from a safer* platform.

    And in Imperial City people can camp all the spawnpoint ledges to prevent SPAWN CAMPERS. If you don't want to be hit by snipers, DO NOT CAMP SPAWN POINTS.
  • Qbiken
    jaws343 wrote: »
    The imperial city spawn points and the battleground spawn points both need to silence players and prevent skill usage.

    This so much.
  • Grimlok_S
    If only dks had their wings...

    Sword and board ulti is the closest we can get now. Not sure how reflected damage is calculated now, but I killed (or assisted suicide?) a nightblade last night with a balorg infused Spell Wall, finished the poor guy off with the initial hit of PotL, which can't be roll dodged ftw
    Light Attack Hero

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  • VaranisArano
    Ingenon wrote: »
    And what other ESO Event requires you to take much (or any) risk to get event tickets?

    New Life Festival? No risk doing the quests needed for an event ticket.

    Undaunted Celebration? I have done Fungal Grotto 1 solo to get event tickets on days when I worked and didn't have much free time to wait in queue for a group. Can be quicker than a scouting quest in Cyrodiil, depending upon how far you have to ride on horseback for the scouting quest.

    Witches Festival? You can get event tickets by being at a dolmen while other folks clear it, as long as you get one hit on the boss.

    And the list goes on ...

    You are getting onto me for suggesting that the Devs maybe intended for players to take on more risk than sitting on a platform out of melee range sniping mobs and waiting for enough respawns. Heck, you don't even have to do that. You can do the quest crouched over your base trapdoor and never touch a mob as long as other players take the risk for you.

    Really? Even if we just look at the Imperial City dailies, the effort/risk of the Arena District daily is miniscule compared to the rest.

    At least Fungal Grotto 1 requires that you actually fight the final boss.

    The real crux of your question is "What events "force" players to do content they really dislike?"

    And that's personal to every player. I've seen PVE players gripe about the TG/DB events for roleplaying reasons.

    Thing is, there's a lot of players who hate PVP, and so for them, any risk whatsoever is too much. They hate that Midyear Mayhem is the PVP event and thus has no way to get all their event tickets without facing the risk of PVP (except for the Arena District). Thus, trying to draw equivalencies between "easy" MYM quests and the much lower risk that a PVEer faces doing PVE content that they like just isn't convincing to anyone on either side.

    For some players, anything that risks any PVP is just going to be too much. No amount of PVP risk is acceptable, and any amount of PVP risk makes a simple "go there, come back" PvPvE quest harder for them than a DLC dungeon.

    So I guess I understand your defensiveness over the Arena District daily. Its literally the only safe way for players who hate PVP to get their ticket. If ZOS decides its too cheesy and removes it, that option is gone and now you have to jump down and run around to do the Arena daily just like all the other IC dailies.

    The way I see it, the "Spawn Camp Arena Daily" method is cheese. I'm not sure if the Devs really intended that to be the only IC daily able to be cheesed that way, but until they say something or change it, its a valid, legitimate way for players to get their ticket in safety.
  • fred4
    You don't like being sniped while fighting someone from that alliance on the ground, just dodge roll and move out of range. The times people like that do serious damage are pretty rare. It's probably happened, but I don't remember it. If you stay and die, you only have yourself to blame. If there's no one else around, you can try shooting back. Sometimes a Caluurion proc or Meteor will kill them.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Grimlok_S
    Ingenon wrote: »
    And what other ESO Event requires you to take much (or any) risk to get event tickets?

    New Life Festival? No risk doing the quests needed for an event ticket.

    Undaunted Celebration? I have done Fungal Grotto 1 solo to get event tickets on days when I worked and didn't have much free time to wait in queue for a group. Can be quicker than a scouting quest in Cyrodiil, depending upon how far you have to ride on horseback for the scouting quest.

    Witches Festival? You can get event tickets by being at a dolmen while other folks clear it, as long as you get one hit on the boss.

    And the list goes on ...

    You are getting onto me for suggesting that the Devs maybe intended for players to take on more risk than sitting on a platform out of melee range sniping mobs and waiting for enough respawns. Heck, you don't even have to do that. You can do the quest crouched over your base trapdoor and never touch a mob as long as other players take the risk for you.

    Really? Even if we just look at the Imperial City dailies, the effort/risk of the Arena District daily is miniscule compared to the rest.

    At least Fungal Grotto 1 requires that you actually fight the final boss.

    The real crux of your question is "What events "force" players to do content they really dislike?"

    And that's personal to every player. I've seen PVE players gripe about the TG/DB events for roleplaying reasons.

    Thing is, there's a lot of players who hate PVP, and so for them, any risk whatsoever is too much. They hate that Midyear Mayhem is the PVP event and thus has no way to get all their event tickets without facing the risk of PVP (except for the Arena District). Thus, trying to draw equivalencies between "easy" MYM quests and the much lower risk that a PVEer faces doing PVE content that they like just isn't convincing to anyone on either side.

    For some players, anything that risks any PVP is just going to be too much. No amount of PVP risk is acceptable, and any amount of PVP risk makes a simple "go there, come back" PvPvE quest harder for them than a DLC dungeon.

    So I guess I understand your defensiveness over the Arena District daily. Its literally the only safe way for players who hate PVP to get their ticket. If ZOS decides its too cheesy and removes it, that option is gone and now you have to jump down and run around to do the Arena daily just like all the other IC dailies.

    The way I see it, the "Spawn Camp Arena Daily" method is cheese. I'm not sure if the Devs really intended that to be the only IC daily able to be cheesed that way, but until they say something or change it, its a valid, legitimate way for players to get their ticket in safety.

    I haven't found a way to knock those guys off yet either. The Arena towers are a bit higher off the ground than other districts.

    Swam mother? Necro armour? They're too high up for the fighters guild pull or any of my knockbacks to activate while jumping. No real good obstacles to climb on either.

    Does the Vateshran SnB have a Z-axis cap? There has to be a way.

    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • hexentb16_ESO
    Can you go ahead and put an end to that? Dudes just chilling in the spawn point towers hoping to snipe people lol.

    With how obvious of a problem it would be in development I've become sure that it was entirely intentional.
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