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Bad advice & silly things

Sorry, I forgot to cover up the 'profanity' that apparently the forums filter caught but the game filter did not *sigh*
PS: I found these things amusing and am only sharing to amuse others. I believe I have covered everything up now!
  • Malkiv
    He's not wrong; You don't need a pure tank for normal dungeons. You don't even need a pure tank for most vHM dungeons. A buddy and I ran vHM pledges last night with fake tank Stamden (him), and fake heal MagDK (myself). Both DPS were PUGs from queue. Trifectas all-around.
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • Tremuto
    Malkiv wrote: »
    He's not wrong; You don't need a pure tank for normal dungeons. You don't even need a pure tank for most vHM dungeons. A buddy and I ran vHM pledges last night with fake tank Stamden (him), and fake heal MagDK (myself). Both DPS were PUGs from queue. Trifectas all-around.

    Watch yourself, you'll be crucified for not saying that Fake Tanks are a sin in all dungeons.

    On topic, I wish AD was stacked on PC was back then on Console :(
  • mairwen85
    Malkiv wrote: »
    He's not wrong; You don't need a pure tank for normal dungeons. You don't even need a pure tank for most vHM dungeons. A buddy and I ran vHM pledges last night with fake tank Stamden (him), and fake heal MagDK (myself). Both DPS were PUGs from queue. Trifectas all-around.

    You did a 6 key pledge with 2 random dps and fake supports? Fairplay.
  • Malkiv
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    Malkiv wrote: »
    He's not wrong; You don't need a pure tank for normal dungeons. You don't even need a pure tank for most vHM dungeons. A buddy and I ran vHM pledges last night with fake tank Stamden (him), and fake heal MagDK (myself). Both DPS were PUGs from queue. Trifectas all-around.

    You did a 6 key pledge with 2 random dps and fake supports? Fairplay.

    The only drop we had was in vMaars - One of the two PUGs rage dropped on a failed vote kick for my buddy after the first pull. They missed out. :)
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • JinMori
    Fake tank is fine as long as it's not a random queue, if the group was premade and it was decided to not have a tank it's fine.

    But it is annoying when you queue and you find a fake tank. And usually these fake tanks are not even that good.
  • VaranisArano
    I prefer to run normal dungeons as a DD with a taunt. I've never had anyone complain because there's extra DPS...and also no one else is stuck with boss aggro because I'm using Inner Fire.

    As far as my group is concerned, they lucked out with a high DPS tank.

    That's how to "fake tank" properly.

    If you don't even hold boss aggro, even in a normal dungeon, what you are saying is that you expect your group members to be 100% okay with you dumping your job of holding boss aggro on them by expecting either your healer or DDs to facetank regardless of their level or experience.

    At that point, get yourself a pre-made group. Don't inflict yourself on random normals if you won't even bother to taunt.
  • Malkiv
    It seems like most people think that a fake tank is a DPS that does not taunt, or that a fake heal is a DPS that does not heal. Sure, that happens sometimes - of course it does, but the forums make it seem like the game is absolutely infested with these players. Out of all the years I've played, and the countless GF queues I've been in as all the different roles, I can count on one hand how many time the fake heal did not heal, or the fake tank did not taunt.

    But you know what I have seen more times than I have fingers and toes for? A tank that taunts, but does nothing else. No additional debuffs, no outbound buffs; just standing there refreshing threat over-and-over. Or the healer that just stands there, casting Illustrious, Combat Prayer, Radiating, but offers no other utility when the team is not even close to taking threatening damage. They're content just to stand there and cast two or three healing abilities the entire dungeon. At that point, I wish for fake tanks/heals so at least we can get damage in lieu of non-existent utility.

    EDIT: Corrected some weirdly worded writing.
    Edited by Malkiv on December 30, 2020 2:48PM
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • MirandaSharp
    If you taunt and stay alive you're not a "fake" tank. Maybe not a good tank or optimal for the role. But you are tanking if you taunt and keep aggro on yourself....

    Fake tanks are those who don't taunt and die if the boss as much as looks at them.

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