I use an inferno staff as a magDK healer for a little extra sustain. If you're into doing lots of damage yourself I'd still go inferno staff as it boosts all direct damage by 8%, while lightning buffs all AoE damage by 8%.
However, if you want to help the group out go Lightning staff since Wall of Elements with a lightning staff easily procs off balance. When combined with the CP perk you're just buffing group damage at that point. Also helps the poor magDKs using Flame Lash as their spammable since it gets cheaper hitting an off balance foe.
Ice staff could work to proc brittle but it only procs brittle alongside the chilled status effect when it's your active weapon. Lightning staff for a healer is still better support wise.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »The best combination is to have one Frost Staff (for Brittle) and one Lightning Staff (for off-balance) on the tank and healer, allowing the DD’s to use Inferno Staves. Typically the Lightning Staff works better on healer (especially for classes with multiple AoE abilities like Templar or Sorcerer healers), and Frost gives defensive passives that are nice for a tank. Depending on classes this can be swapped though, with Warden healers able to give higher brittle uptimes with a Frost Staff than most other classes on tank. Necro is also pretty good at Frost, since Boneyard and Colossus can proc Chilled and brittle.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »The best combination is to have one Frost Staff (for Brittle) and one Lightning Staff (for off-balance) on the tank and healer, allowing the DD’s to use Inferno Staves. Typically the Lightning Staff works better on healer (especially for classes with multiple AoE abilities like Templar or Sorcerer healers), and Frost gives defensive passives that are nice for a tank. Depending on classes this can be swapped though, with Warden healers able to give higher brittle uptimes with a Frost Staff than most other classes on tank. Necro is also pretty good at Frost, since Boneyard and Colossus can proc Chilled and brittle.
Do ground-based AoEs really proc Chilled/Brittle often enough to matter?