I've looked and there's a lot of info out there about the relationship between glyph quality (normal to legendary) and gear quality but I've yet to find an answer to the following...
First, I want to check I've understood the basics correctly; if you apply a higher quality glyph enchantment to a piece of gear the full benefit of the enchant will not be felt on that piece of gear until you improve it. Is that right?
Secondly, it does not work the other way around i.e. if you have a lower quality glyph on a piece of gear which you upgrade to higher quality, the enchantment remains the same.
My question is as follows; if a max quality glyph is applied to a max quality item (i.e. both legendary) am I guaranteed to enjoy the max enchantment?
Reason I ask is I read somewhere that it depends on the *type* of gear you are enchanting. A chest-piece is not the same as a head-piece. Is it true that there are enchantment caps depending on the exact type of gear you are looking at and, if so, is there a list somewhere that can give me an idea of what those caps look like at CP160?
Thank you and I hope the question makes sense!